523 - Effective day.

§  523.  Effective  day.    "Effective  day" means a full day of total  unemployment provided such day falls within a week in which  a  claimant  had  four  or  more days of total unemployment and provided further that  only those days of total unemployment in excess  of  three  days  within  such  week  are  deemed  "effective days". No effective day is deemed to  occur in a week in which the claimant has days of employment  for  which  he  is  paid  compensation  exceeding  the highest benefit rate which is  applicable to any claimant in such week. A claimant who is employed on a  shift continuing through midnight is deemed to have been employed on the  day beginning before midnight with respect to such shift,  except  where  night  shift  employees are regularly scheduled to start their work week  at seven post meridiem or thereafter on Sunday  night,  their  regularly  scheduled  starting  time  on  Sunday shall be considered as starting on  Monday.