502 - Wage reporting - findings and policy.

§  502.  Wage  reporting - findings and policy. The legislature hereby  finds and declares that New York state is committed  to  developing  the  most  efficient  and  effective  system  possible  for administering the  unemployment insurance system which, for more than a half  century,  has  provided  financial  support to workers who have lost their jobs through  no fault of their own.    Unlike all  other  states  and  territories,  which  administer  their  unemployment  insurance  systems  pursuant  to  a  wage reporting system  whereby employers report employee wages on a  regular  basis,  New  York  maintains a wage request system. In order to acquire the enormous amount  of  wage  data  necessary  to  calculate unemployment insurance benefits  using such a system, the department is required to send out hundreds  of  thousands  of  wage requests to employers every year. These requests are  for information which, in large part, is submitted  by  employers  on  a  quarterly  basis  to the statewide wage reporting system administered by  the department of taxation and finance.    Given the size and complexity of the unemployment insurance system, an  increase  in  efficiency  will   necessarily   result   in   significant  improvements   in   the  services  provided  to  benefit  claimants  and  employers. The improvements for benefit claimants that would result from  the implementation of a wage reporting system include  more  timely  and  accurate entitlement and benefit rate determinations, a reduction in the  need  to  rely  upon  a  claimant's  own  tax  and wage statements and a  decrease in claimant overpayments which must be  recovered  at  a  later  date.  As  for  employers, they would, for the large majority of benefit  claims filed, no longer be required to provide employee wage  data  upon  request, which would remove a significant employer burden as well as the  potential  for  a  fifty  dollar penalty each time a wage request is not  answered in a timely manner. Wage reporting would also reduce the number  of employers incorrectly charged for benefits.    Furthermore, the department is accountable under federal and state law  to  measure  the  success  of  training,  employment  and   reemployment  initiatives operated pursuant to such laws. The assessment of individual  performance  is  the  best way to measure program quality and to develop  program improvements. Job placement, employment  duration  and  earnings  are  basic  outcomes  used  to  measure  such  performance.  Information  surveys, traditionally used to collect such data, have proved to be both  expensive and unreliable because of low response rates and faulty recall  by those who respond. Using the statewide wage reporting system to track  such performance outcomes  will  avoid  these  problems  and  produce  a  reliable system of accountability while placing no additional burdens on  employers.    Accordingly,  for the above reasons, section one hundred seventy-one-a  of the tax law is amended to provide the department with complete access  to the wage reporting files maintained by the department of taxation and  finance as the first stage in a transition to an unemployment  insurance  system   based   upon  such  wage  reporting  files,  with  the  express  requirement that the department shall design and operate such system  so  that  an individual eligible for benefits under the current law would be  eligible for the same amount of benefits under a new system  based  upon  the  wage  reporting  files.  In  addition,  complete access to the wage  reporting files  is  granted  for  administration  of  the  department's  employment  security programs as well as for evaluation of the effect on  earnings of participation in training programs with respect to which the  department has reporting, monitoring or evaluating responsibilities.