391 - Jurisdiction over mercantile and other establishments.

§  391. Jurisdiction over mercantile and other establishments.  1. The  commissioner shall have jurisdiction to enforce the provisions  of  this  chapter   relating   to  mercantile  establishments,  business  offices,  telegraph offices, restaurants, hotels, apartment  houses,  theaters  or  other  places  of  public  amusement, bowling alleys, barber shops, shoe  polishing  establishments,   the   distribution   or   transmission   of  merchandise,  articles  or  messages,  or  the  distribution  or sale of  articles.    2. The commissioner shall cause proper  inspections  to  be  made.  No  person  shall  interfere  with  or prevent such inspections. All persons  connected  with  any  such  mercantile  or  other  establishment  herein  specified  shall  properly  answer all questions asked by such inspector  with reference to any of the provisions of this article.