381 - Waterclosets.

§  381.  Waterclosets. 1. There shall be provided for every mercantile  establishment, every restaurant, every telegraph or messenger company in  a city and every station, terminal or car barn where women employees  of  a  street,  surface,  electric,  subway, or elevated railroad report for  duty a sufficient number of suitable and convenient  waterclosets.  They  shall be maintained inside the building where the employees work, except  where, in the opinion of the commissioner, it is impracticable.    2.  There  shall  be separate watercloset compartments or toilet rooms  for females, constructed and maintained in accordance with the rules  of  the board.    3.  The  use of any form of trough watercloset, latrine or school sink  within any mercantile establishment or restaurant is prohibited.    4. All waterclosets,  urinals,  watercloset  compartments  and  toilet  rooms  and  the  plumbing  in  connection  therewith  shall  be properly  constructed, installed, ventilated, lighted, heated  and  maintained  in  accordance with the rules of the board.