503 - County jury board.

§  503.  County  jury  board.  (a) There shall be established for each  county a jury board composed as follows:    1. In counties outside cities having a population of  one  million  or  more, except in the counties of Albany, Westchester, Suffolk and Nassau,  the  county jury board shall consist of one justice of the supreme court  residing in the county, or if there is no justice  residing  therein,  a  justice  residing  in  the  judicial district embracing the county to be  designated by the appropriate  appellate  division,  who  shall  act  as  chairman;  the  judge of the county court, or if there be more than one,  then the senior county judge; and a member of the county legislature  to  be designated by the county legislature, provided that no such member of  the county legislature shall be designated if he engages in the practice  of law.    2. In the county of Albany, the county jury board shall consist of the  county  judge, the surrogate and a member of the county legislature, all  to be designated in the manner  provided  in  subdivision  one  of  this  section.  In  the  county  of  Westchester,  the county jury board shall  consist of the administrative judge of the ninth judicial district if he  be a resident of Westchester County, and if  not,  the  senior  resident  justice  of  the  supreme court; the senior county judge; and the county  executive. In the counties of Nassau and Suffolk, the county jury  board  shall  consist  of  the  justices  of  the supreme court residing in the  county, the surrogate and the judges of the county court.    3. In counties within cities having a population  of  one  million  or  more,  the  county  jury board shall consist of the presiding justice of  the appellate division of the judicial department embracing the  county,  or  his  designee  from  among  the  justices  of the supreme court; two  justices of the supreme court residing in the county to be designated by  the appellate division of such department; and the county clerk  of  the  county.    (b)  The  county  jury  board shall meet at least annually and at such  additional times as may be necessary to carry out the purposes  of  this  article.    The  commissioner  of  jurors  shall act as secretary to the  county jury board.