7202 - Domestication of the United States branch of an alien insurer permitted.

§  7202. Domestication of the United States branch of an alien insurer  permitted. (a) (1) Upon compliance with the provisions of  this  article  any  licensed  alien  insurer  having  its  United States branch entered  through this state and owning beneficially, directly or indirectly,  all  outstanding  shares  of  a  domestic  insurer  or  of  a foreign insurer  qualified and licensed in this state to write all the kinds of insurance  for which the  United  States  branch  is  qualified  and  licensed  may  domesticate  its  United  States branch by agreeing in writing with such  domestic or foreign insurer to  the  acquisition  of  the  business  and  assets,  and  the  assumption  of  all liabilities, of the United States  branch, by the domestic or foreign insurer for no  consideration  except  such assumption.    (2)  The  agreement may, however, provide for additional consideration  payable by the issuance of shares by the acquiring insurer.    (3) The domestication shall be subject to prior  written  approval  by  the  superintendent  if  the  acquiring  insurer  is domestic, or by the  insurance supervisory official of the state of incorporation  if  it  is  foreign.    (4)  The  domestication  shall  be  subject  to  final approval by the  superintendent  and  if  the  acquiring  insurer  is  foreign   by   the  supervisory official of such state.    (b)  Any  shares of the acquiring insurer or voting trust certificates  therefor held among the trusteed assets of the United States  branch  or  held  in a trust created by the alien insurer of which the alien insurer  is a beneficiary shall be deemed to be  shares  held  beneficially,  but  indirectly, by such alien insurer.    (c)  Any  acquisition of assets and assumption of liabilities pursuant  to  subsection  (a)  hereof  shall  be  effected  by  filing  with   the  superintendent an instrument of transfer and assumption, executed by the  alien  insurer  and  the  acquiring insurer, in form satisfactory to the  superintendent as to a domestic insurer or to  both  the  superintendent  and  the insurance supervisory official of the state of incorporation as  to a foreign insurer.    (d) The acquiring insurer may be licensed to engage in  the  insurance  business  in  this  state either before entering into such domestication  agreement  or,  if   the   superintendent   approves,   effective   with  consummation  of  the  agreement  in  accordance  with the provisions of  section seven thousand two hundred five of this article.    (e) This article shall not be construed to (i) authorize any insurance  company to do any kind of  insurance  business  not  authorized  by  its  charter  or  (ii) authorize any foreign or alien insurance company to do  any kind of insurance business in  this  state  not  authorized  by  its  license or certificate of authority to do business in this state.