4916 - Oversight and surveillance of the external appeal process.

§ 4916. Oversight and surveillance of the external appeal process. (a)  The superintendent shall have the power to:    (1) review the activities of the health care plans and external appeal  agents  pursuant to this title, including the extent to which such plans  and agents adhere to the standards and time frames required pursuant  to  this title;    (2)  investigate  complaints  by  insureds  regarding requests for and  processing of external appeals; and    (3) conduct random audits of health care  plans  and  external  appeal  agents to determine compliance with the provisions of this title.    (b) Each health care plan and external appeal agent shall annually, in  such  form  as  the  superintendent  shall require, report the number of  external appeals requested by insureds and  the  outcomes  of  any  such  external appeals.    (c)  The  superintendent  shall annually report, by plan and by agent,  such information to the governor and the legislature, provided  that  no  such  information  shall  be  included  which  would otherwise be deemed  confidential information within the meaning of this chapter.