4912 - Standards for certification.

§  4912.  Standards  for  certification.  (a) The superintendent shall  develop an application for certification. At a minimum, applicants shall  provide:    (1) a description of the qualifications of the clinical peer reviewers  retained to conduct external appeals  of  final  adverse  determinations  including  such  reviewers'  current  and  past  employment  history and  practice affiliations;    (2) a description of the procedures employed to ensure  that  clinical  peer reviewers conducting external appeals are:    (i) appropriately licensed, registered or certified;    (ii)  trained  in  the  principles,  procedures  and  standards of the  external appeal agent; and    (iii) knowledgeable about the health care service which is the subject  of the final adverse determination under appeal;    (3) a description of the methods of recruiting and selecting impartial  clinical peer reviewers and matching such reviewers to specific cases;    (4) the number of clinical peer reviewers  retained  by  the  external  appeal agent, and a description of the areas of expertise available from  such  reviewers  and  the types of cases such reviewers are qualified to  review;    (5) a description of the policies and procedures employed  to  protect  the  confidentiality  of  individual  medical  and  treatment records in  accordance with applicable state and federal laws;    (6) a description of the quality assurance program established by  the  external  appeal  agent pursuant to paragraph three of subsection (b) of  this section;    (7)  the  names  of  all  corporations  and  organizations  owned   or  controlled  by the external appeal agent, or which owns or controls such  agent, and the nature and extent of any such ownership or control;    (8)  the  names  and  biographies  of  all  directors,  officers,  and  executives of the external appeal agent;    (9)  an  experimental  and  investigational  treatment  review plan to  conduct appeals pursuant  to  subparagraph  (B)  of  paragraph  four  of  subsection  (b)  of  section four thousand nine hundred fourteen of this  title; and    (10) a description of the fees to be charged by  agents  for  external  appeals.    (b) The superintendent shall, at a minimum, require an external appeal  agent to:    (1)  appoint a medical director, who is a physician in possession of a  current and valid non-restricted  license  to  practice  medicine.  Such  director  shall  be responsible for the supervision and oversight of the  external appeal process;    (2) develop written policies and procedures governing all  aspects  of  the appeal process, including, at a minimum:    (i)  procedures  to  ensure that appeals are conducted within the time  frames specified in section four thousand nine hundred fourteen of  this  title, and any required notices are provided in a timely manner;    (ii)  procedures  to  ensure  the selection of qualified and impartial  clinical peer reviewers. Such reviewers shall be qualified to render and  impartial determinations relating to the health care  service  which  is  the subject of the final adverse determination under appeal;    (iii)   procedures  to  ensure  the  confidentiality  of  medical  and  treatment records and review materials; and    (iv) procedures to ensure adherence to the requirements of this  title  by   any   contractor,   subcontractor,  subvendor,  agent  or  employee  affiliated by contract or otherwise with such external appeal agent;(3) establish a quality assurance program. Such program shall  include  written descriptions, to be provided to all individuals involved in such  program,  of  the organizational arrangements and ongoing procedures for  the identification, evaluation, resolution and  follow-up  of  potential  and actual problems in external appeals performed by the external appeal  agent  and  to  ensure  the maintenance of program standards pursuant to  this section;    (4) establish a toll-free telephone service to receive information  on  a 24-hour-a-day 7-day-a-week basis relating to external appeals pursuant  to  this  title. Such system shall be capable of accepting, recording or  providing instruction to incoming  telephone  calls  during  other  than  normal business hours, and;    (5) develop procedures to ensure that:    (i)  appropriate  personnel  are  reasonably  accessible not less than  forty hours per week during normal business  hours  to  discuss  patient  care and to allow response to telephone requests, and    (ii)  response to accepted or recorded messages shall be made not less  than one business day after the date on which the call was received.    (c)  No  entity  shall  be  qualified  to  submit  such  request   for  application  if  it  owns  or  controls,  is  owned or controlled by, or  exercises common control with, any of the following:    (1) any national, state or local illness,  health  benefit  or  public  advocacy group;    (2)  any national, state or local society or association of hospitals,  physicians, or other providers of health care services; or    (3) any national, state or local association of health care plans.    (d) A health care plan shall transmit, and an  external  appeal  agent  shall  be  authorized  to  receive  and review, an insured's medical and  treatment records in order to conduct an  external  appeal  pursuant  to  this title.    (e)  An  external  appeal  agent  shall  provide  ready  access to the  superintendent to all  data,  records,  and  information  collected  and  maintained concerning such agent's external appeal activities.    (f) An external appeal agent shall agree to provide the superintendent  such  data,  information,  and  reports as the superintendent determines  necessary to evaluate the external appeal process  established  pursuant  to this title.    (g)  The  superintendent  shall  provide,  upon  the  request  of  any  interested person, a copy of all non-proprietary information filed  with  the  superintendent by the external appeal agent. The superintendent may  charge a reasonable fee to the interested  person  for  reproducing  the  requested information.