4303 - Benefits.

§  4303.  Benefits.  (a)  Every  contract issued by a hospital service  corporation or health service corporation which  provides  coverage  for  in-patient hospital care shall also provide coverage:    (1) For preadmission testing performed in hospital facilities prior to  scheduled  surgery.  A  patient who uses the out-patient facilities of a  hospital shall be entitled to benefits for tests ordered by a  physician  which are performed as a planned preliminary to admission of the patient  as an in-patient for surgery in the same hospital, provided that:    (A)  tests  are  necessary  for  and consistent with the diagnosis and  treatment of the condition for which surgery is to be performed,    (B) reservations for a hospital bed and for an  operating  room  shall  have been made prior to the performance of the tests,    (C) surgery actually takes place within seven days of such presurgical  tests, and    (D) the patient is physically present at the hospital for the tests.    (2)   For  services  to  treat  an  emergency  condition  in  hospital  facilities.  For the purpose of this  provision,  "emergency  condition"  means  a  medical or behavioral condition, the onset of which is sudden,  that manifests itself by  symptoms  of  sufficient  severity,  including  severe  pain,  that a prudent layperson, possessing an average knowledge  of medicine and health, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate  medical attention to result in (A) placing  the  health  of  the  person  afflicted  with  such condition in serious jeopardy, or in the case of a  behavioral condition placing the health of  such  person  or  others  in  serious  jeopardy,  or  (B)  serious  impairment to such person's bodily  functions; (C) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part  of  such  person; or (D) serious disfigurement of such person.    (3)  For home care to residents in this state. Such home care coverage  shall be included at the  inception  of  all  new  contracts  and,  with  respect  to  all  other  contracts, added at any anniversary date of the  contract subject to evidence  of  insurability.  Such  coverage  may  be  subject  to an annual deductible of not more than fifty dollars for each  covered person and may be  subject  to  a  coinsurance  provision  which  provides  for  coverage  of  not  less  than seventy-five percent of the  reasonable cost of services for which  payment  may  be  made.  No  such  corporation need provide such coverage to persons eligible for medicare.    (A)  Home  care  shall mean the care and treatment of a covered person  who is under the care of a physician but only if:    (i) hospitalization or confinement in a nursing facility as defined in  subchapter XVIII of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §  1395  et  seq,  would otherwise have been required if home care was not provided, and    (ii)  the  plan  covering  the  home health service is established and  approved in writing by such physician.    (B) Home care shall be  provided  by  an  agency  possessing  a  valid  certificate of approval or license issued pursuant to article thirty-six  of the public health law.    (C) Home care shall consist of one or more of the following:    (i)  part-time  or  intermittent  home  nursing  care  by or under the  supervision of a registered professional nurse (R.N.),    (ii) part-time or intermittent home health aide services which consist  primarily of caring for the patient,    (iii) physical, occupational or speech therapy if provided by the home  health service or agency, and    (iv)  medical  supplies,  drugs  and  medications  prescribed   by   a  physician,  and  laboratory services by or on behalf of a certified home  health agency or licensed home care services agency to the  extent  such  items  would  have  been  covered  or provided under the contract if the  covered person had been hospitalized or confined in  a  skilled  nursingfacility  as  defined in subchapter XVIII of the Social Security Act, 42  U.S.C. § 1395 et seq.    (D)  For  the  purpose  of  determining  the  benefits  for  home care  available to a covered person, each visit by a member  of  a  home  care  team  shall  be  considered  as  one  home  care visit. The contract may  contain a limitation on the number of home care  visits,  but  not  less  than  forty such visits in any calendar year or in any continuous period  of twelve months, for each covered person. Four  hours  of  home  health  aide  service shall be considered as one home care visit. Every contract  issued by a hospital service corporation or health  service  corporation  which  provides  coverage  supplementing part A and part B of subchapter  XVIII of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1395  et  seq,  must  make  available  and,  if  requested  by a subscriber holding a direct payment  contract or by all subscribers in a group remittance  group  or  by  the  contract  holder  in  the  case  of  group  contracts issued pursuant to  section four thousand  three  hundred  five  of  this  article,  provide  coverage  of supplemental home care visits beyond those provided by part  A and part B, sufficient to  produce  an  aggregate  coverage  of  three  hundred  sixty-five  home  care  visits per contract year. Such coverage  shall  be  provided  pursuant   to   regulations   prescribed   by   the  superintendent.  Written  notice  of  the  availability of such coverage  shall be delivered to the group remitting agent or group contract holder  prior to inception of such contract and annually thereafter, except that  this notice shall not be required where a policy covers two  hundred  or  more  employees  or  where  the  benefit  structure  was  the subject of  collective bargaining affecting persons who are employed  in  more  than  one state.    The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to a contract issued  pursuant  to  section  four  thousand three hundred five of this article  which covers persons employed in more than  one  state  or  the  benefit  structure  of  which  was the subject of collective bargaining affecting  persons who are employed in more than one state.    (b) Every contract issued by a medical expense  indemnity  corporation  or  a  health service corporation which provides coverage for in-patient  surgical care shall include coverage for a second surgical opinion by  a  qualified  physician on the need for surgery, except that this provision  shall not apply to a contract issued pursuant to section  four  thousand  three hundred five of this article which covers persons employed in more  than  one  state  or  the  benefit structure of which was the subject of  collective bargaining affecting persons who are employed  in  more  than  one state.    (c)  (1)  * (A)  Every contract issued by a corporation subject to the  provisions of this article  which  provides  hospital  service,  medical  expense  indemnity  or  both  shall  provide coverage for maternity care  including hospital, surgical or medical care to  the  same  extent  that  hospital  service,  medical  expense  indemnity or both are provided for  illness or disease under the contract.  Such  maternity  care  coverage,  other than coverage for perinatal complications, shall include inpatient  hospital  coverage  for  mother and for newborn for at least forty-eight  hours after childbirth for any delivery other than a caesarean  section,  and  for  at  least ninety-six hours following a caesarean section. Such  coverage for maternity care shall include  the  services  of  a  midwife  licensed  pursuant  to  article  one hundred forty of the education law,  practicing consistent with  a  written  agreement  pursuant  to  section  sixty-nine  hundred  fifty-one  of  the  education law and affiliated or  practicing in conjunction with a facility licensed pursuant  to  article  twenty-eight  of the public health law, but no insurer shall be requiredto pay for duplicative routine services  actually  provided  by  both  a  licensed midwife and a physician.    * NB Effective until October 28, 2010    * (A) Every contract issued by a corporation subject to the provisions  of  this  article  which  provides  hospital  service,  medical  expense  indemnity or both shall provide coverage for  maternity  care  including  hospital,  surgical  or  medical  care  to the same extent that hospital  service, medical expense indemnity or both are provided for  illness  or  disease  under  the  contract.  Such maternity care coverage, other than  coverage for perinatal complications, shall include  inpatient  hospital  coverage for mother and for newborn for at least forty-eight hours after  childbirth  for  any delivery other than a caesarean section, and for at  least ninety-six hours following a caesarean section. Such coverage  for  maternity care shall include the services of a midwife licensed pursuant  to article one hundred forty of the education law, practicing consistent  with  section  sixty-nine  hundred  fifty-one  of  the education law and  affiliated  or  practicing  in  conjunction  with  a  facility  licensed  pursuant  to  article  twenty-eight  of  the  public  health law, but no  insurer shall be  required  to  pay  for  duplicative  routine  services  actually provided by both a licensed midwife and a physician.    * NB Effective October 28, 2010    (B)  Maternity  care  coverage  also shall include, at minimum, parent  education, assistance and training in breast or bottle feeding, and  the  performance of any necessary maternal and newborn clinical assessments.    (C) The mother shall have the option to be discharged earlier than the  time  periods established in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. In such  case, the inpatient hospital coverage must include  at  least  one  home  care  visit,  which shall be in addition to, rather than in lieu of, any  home health care coverage available under  the  contract.  The  contract  must cover the home care visit which may be requested at any time within  forty-eight  hours of the time of delivery (ninety-six hours in the case  of caesarean section), and shall be delivered within twenty-four  hours,  (i)  after  discharge,  or  (ii)  of  the  time of the mother's request,  whichever is later. Such home care coverage shall  be  pursuant  to  the  contract  and  subject  to  the  provisions  of  this paragraph, and not  subject to deductibles, coinsurance or copayments.    (2) Coverage provided under this subsection  for  care  and  treatment  during pregnancy shall include provision for not less than two payments,  at reasonable intervals and for services rendered, for prenatal care and  a separate payment for the delivery and postnatal care provided.    (d) (1) A hospital service corporation or a health service corporation  which provides coverage for in-patient hospital care must make available  and,  if  requested  by  a  person  holding  a direct payment individual  contract or by all persons holding individual contracts in a group whose  premiums are paid by a remitting agent or by the contract holder in  the  case  of a group contract issued pursuant to section four thousand three  hundred five of this article,  provide  coverage  for  care  in  nursing  homes. Such coverage shall be made available at the inception of all new  contracts  and,  with respect to all other contracts, at any anniversary  date  subject  to  evidence  of  insurability.  Written  notice  of  the  availability  of such coverage shall be delivered to the group remitting  agent or group contract holder prior to inception of such  contract  and  annually thereafter, except that this notice shall not be required where  a  policy  covers  two  hundred  or  more employees or where the benefit  structure was the subject of collective bargaining affecting persons who  are employed in more than one state.    (2) For the purpose of this subsection, care in  nursing  homes  shall  mean  the  continued care and treatment of a covered person who is underthe care of a physician but only if  (i)  the  care  is  provided  in  a  nursing home as defined in section two thousand eight hundred one of the  public health law or a skilled nursing facility as defined in subchapter  XVIII  of the federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1395 et seq, (ii)  the covered person has been in  a  hospital  for  at  least  three  days  immediately  preceding  admittance  to  the  nursing home or the skilled  nursing facility, and (iii) further hospitalization would  otherwise  be  necessary.  The  aggregate  of  the  number of covered days of care in a  hospital and the number of covered days of care in a nursing home,  with  two  days  of  care in a nursing home equivalent to one day of care in a  hospital, need not exceed the number of covered days  of  hospital  care  provided  under  the contract in a benefit period. The level of benefits  to be provided for nursing home care must be reasonably related  to  the  benefits provided for hospital care.    (e) (1) A hospital service corporation or a health service corporation  which provides coverage for in-patient hospital care must make available  and,  if  requested  by  a  person  holding  a direct payment individual  contract or by all persons holding individual contracts in a group whose  premiums are paid by a remitting agent or by the contract holder in  the  case  of a group contract issued pursuant to section four thousand three  hundred five of this article, provide coverage for  ambulatory  care  in  hospital out-patient facilities, as a hospital is defined in section two  thousand eight hundred one of the public health law, or subchapter XVIII  of  the  Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1395 et seq. Written notice of  the availability of such  coverage  shall  be  delivered  to  the  group  remitting  agent  or  group  contract  holder prior to inception of such  contract and annually thereafter, except that this notice shall  not  be  required  where  a  policy covers two hundred or more employees or where  the benefit structure was the subject of collective bargaining affecting  persons who are employed in more than one state.    (2) For the purpose of this subsection, ambulatory  care  in  hospital  out-patient  facilities  shall  mean  services  for  diagnostic  x-rays,  laboratory and  pathological  examinations,  physical  and  occupational  therapy  and  radiation  therapy,  and services and medications used for  nonexperimental cancer chemotherapy and cancer hormone therapy, provided  that such services and medications are (i) related to and necessary  for  the  treatment  or  diagnosis  of  the patient's illness or injury, (ii)  ordered by a physician and  (iii)  in  the  case  of  physical  therapy,  services  are  to  be  furnished in connection with the same illness for  which the patient had been hospitalized or in connection  with  surgical  care,  but  in  no  event need benefits for physical therapy be provided  which commences more than six months after discharge from a hospital  or  the  date  surgical care was rendered, and in no event need benefits for  physical therapy be provided after three hundred  sixty-five  days  from  the  date  of  discharge  from  a hospital or the date surgical care was  rendered. Such coverage shall be made available at the inception of  all  new  contracts  and,  with  respect  to  all  other  contracts,  at  any  anniversary date subject to evidence of insurability.    (f) (1) A medical expense indemnity corporation or  a  health  service  corporation  which  provides coverage for physicians' services must make  available and, if requested by a person  holding  an  individual  direct  payment  contract  or  by  all persons holding individual contracts in a  group whose premiums are paid by a remitting agent or  by  the  contract  holder  in  the case of a group contract issued pursuant to section four  thousand three hundred  five  of  this  article,  provide  coverage  for  ambulatory   care   in   physicians'  offices.  Written  notice  of  the  availability of such coverage shall be delivered to the group  remitting  agent  or  group contract holder prior to inception of such contract andannually thereafter, except that this notice shall not be required where  a policy covers two hundred or  more  employees  or  where  the  benefit  structure was the subject of collective bargaining affecting persons who  are employed in more than one state.    (2) For the purpose of this subsection, ambulatory care in physicians'  offices  shall  mean  services for diagnostic x-rays, radiation therapy,  laboratory and pathological examinations, and services  and  medications  used for nonexperimental cancer chemotherapy and cancer hormone therapy,  provided  that  such  services  and  medications  are (i) related to and  necessary for the treatment or diagnosis of  the  patient's  illness  or  injury,  and  (ii)  ordered  by a physician. Such coverage shall be made  available at the inception of all new contracts and, with respect to all  other  contracts  at  any  anniversary  date  subject  to  evidence   of  insurability.    (g)   (1)   A   hospital  service  corporation  or  a  health  service  corporation, which provides group, group remittance  or  school  blanket  coverage  for  inpatient  hospital  care,  shall  provide as part of its  contract broad-based coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of mental,  nervous or emotional disorders or  ailments,  however  defined  in  such  contract,  at  least  equal  to  the  coverage provided for other health  conditions and shall include:    (A)  benefits  for  in-patient  care  in  a  hospital  as  defined  by  subdivision  ten  of  section  1.03  of  the  mental  hygiene law, which  benefits may be limited to not less than thirty days of active treatment  in any contract year, plan year or calendar year.    (B) benefits for out-patient care provided in  a  facility  issued  an  operating  certificate  by the commissioner of mental health pursuant to  the provisions of article thirty-one of the mental hygiene law or  in  a  facility  operated by the office of mental health, which benefits may be  limited to not less than twenty visits in any contract year,  plan  year  or  calendar year. Benefits for partial hospitalization program services  shall be provided as an offset to covered inpatient days at a  ratio  of  two partial hospitalization visits to one inpatient day of treatment.    (C)  Such  coverage  may  be provided on a contract year, plan year or  calendar year basis and shall be consistent with the provision of  other  benefits  under  the  contract.  Such  coverage may be subject to annual  deductibles, co-pays and coinsurance as may be deemed appropriate by the  superintendent and shall be  consistent  with  those  imposed  on  other  benefits under the contract.    (D)  For  the  purpose  of  this  subsection, "active treatment" means  treatment furnished  in  conjunction  with  in-patient  confinement  for  mental,  nervous  or  emotional  disorders  or  ailments  that meet such  standards as shall be prescribed pursuant  to  the  regulations  of  the  commissioner of mental health.    (E)  In  the  event  the  group remittance group or contract holder is  provided coverage under this  subsection  and  under  paragraph  one  of  subsection (h) of this section from the same health service corporation,  or  under  a contract that is jointly underwritten by two health service  corporations or by a health service corporation and  a  medical  expense  indemnity corporation, the aggregate of the benefits for outpatient care  obtained  under  subparagraph (B) of this paragraph and paragraph one of  subsection (h) of this section may be limited to not  less  than  twenty  visits in any contract year, plan year or calendar year.    (2)   (A)   A   hospital  service  corporation  or  a  health  service  corporation, which provides group, group remittance  or  school  blanket  coverage  for inpatient hospital care, shall provide comparable coverage  for adults and children with biologically  based  mental  illness.  Such  hospital  service  corporation  or health service corporation shall alsoprovide such comparable coverage for  children  with  serious  emotional  disturbances.  Such  coverage  shall  be  provided  under  the terms and  conditions otherwise applicable under the  contract,  including  network  limitations or variations, exclusions, co-pays, coinsurance, deductibles  or  other  specific  cost  sharing mechanisms. Provided further, where a  contract provides  both  in-network  and  out-of-network  benefits,  the  out-of-network  benefits  may  have  different  coinsurance, co-pays, or  deductibles, than the in-network benefits,  regardless  of  whether  the  contract is written under one license or two licenses.    (B)  For  purposes  of  this  subsection, the term "biologically based  mental illness" means a mental, nervous, or emotional condition that  is  caused by a biological disorder of the brain and results in a clinically  significant, psychological syndrome or pattern that substantially limits  the  functioning of the person with the illness. Such biologically based  mental illnesses are defined as schizophrenia/psychotic disorders, major  depression, bipolar  disorder,  delusional  disorders,  panic  disorder,  obsessive compulsive disorders, anorexia, and bulimia.    (3)  For  purposes of this subsection, the term "children with serious  emotional disturbances" means persons under the age  of  eighteen  years  who  have  diagnoses of attention deficit disorders, disruptive behavior  disorders, or pervasive development disorders, and where there  are  one  or more of the following:    (A)    serious    suicidal    symptoms   or   other   life-threatening  self-destructive behaviors;    (B) significant psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, delusion,  bizarre  behaviors);    (C) behavior caused by emotional disturbances that placed the child at  risk of causing personal injury or significant property damage; or    (D) behavior caused by emotional disturbances that placed the child at  substantial risk of removal from the household.    (4)  (A)  The provisions of paragraph two of this subsection shall not  apply to any group remittance group or group contract holder with  fifty  or  fewer  employees  who  is a group remittance group or group contract  holder of a policy that is subject to the provisions  of  this  section;  provided  however  that a hospital service corporation or health service  corporation  must  make  available,  and  if  requested  by  such  group  remitting  agent  or  group  contract  holder,  provide  the coverage as  specified in paragraph two of this subsection.  Written  notice  of  the  availability  of such coverage shall be delivered to the remitting agent  or group contract  holder  prior  to  inception  of  such  contract  and  annually thereafter.    (B)  The  superintendent  shall develop and implement a methodology to  cover the cost to any such  group  contract  holder  for  providing  the  coverage  required in paragraph one of this subsection. Such methodology  shall be financed from moneys appropriated from the  General  Fund  that  shall  be made available to the superintendent for such purposes, to the  extent of funds available.    (5)(A) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed  to  prevent  the  medical  management  or  utilization  review  of mental health benefits,  including  the  use  of   prospective,   concurrent   or   retrospective  utilization review, preauthorization, and appropriateness criteria as to  the level and intensity of treatment applicable to behavioral health.    (B)  Nothing  in  this  subsection  shall  be  construed  to prevent a  contract from providing services  through  a  network  of  participating  providers   who  shall  meet  certain  requirements  for  participation,  including provider credentialing.    (C) Nothing in  this  subsection  shall  be  construed  to  require  a  contract:    (I)  to  cover  mental  health  benefits  or  services  forindividuals who are presently incarcerated, confined or committed  to  a  local  correctional  facility  or  a prison, or a custodial facility for  youth operated by the office of children and family services; or (II) to  cover services solely because such services are ordered by a court.    (D)  Nothing  in this subsection shall be deemed to require a contract  to cover benefits or services deemed cosmetic in nature on  the  grounds  that  changing  or  improving an individual's appearance is justified by  the individual's mental health needs.    (h) (1) A medical expense indemnity corporation or  a  health  service  corporation,  which  provides  group, group remittance or school blanket  coverage for physician services, shall provide as part of  its  contract  broad-based  coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of mental, nervous  or emotional disorders or ailments, however defined in such contract, at  least equal to the coverage provided for  other  health  conditions  and  shall  include:  benefits for outpatient care provided by a psychiatrist  or psychologist licensed to practice in this state, a licensed  clinical  social  worker  who  meets  the  requirements  of subsection (n) of this  section, or a professional corporation or  university  faculty  practice  corporation  thereof,  which  benefits  may  be limited to not less than  twenty visits in any contract year, plan year  or  calendar  year.  Such  coverage  may be provided on a contract year, plan year or calendar year  basis and shall be consistent with the provision of other benefits under  the contract. Such  coverage  may  be  subject  to  annual  deductibles,  co-pays   and   coinsurance   as   may  be  deemed  appropriate  by  the  superintendent and shall be  consistent  with  those  imposed  on  other  benefits  under the contract. In the event the group remittance group or  contract holder is provided coverage provided under this  paragraph  and  under  subparagraph  (B)  of  paragraph  one  of  subsection (g) of this  section from the same health service corporation, or  under  a  contract  which is jointly underwritten by two health service corporations or by a  health  service corporation and a medical expense indemnity corporation,  the aggregate of  the  benefits  for  out-patient  care  obtained  under  subparagraph  (B) of paragraph one of subsection (g) of this section and  this paragraph may be limited to not less  than  twenty  visits  in  any  contract year, plan year or calendar year.    (2)  (A)  A  medical expense indemnity corporation or a health service  corporation, which provides group, group remittance  or  school  blanket  coverage  for  physician services, shall provide comparable coverage for  adults and children with biologically based mental illness. Such medical  expense indemnity corporation or health service corporation  shall  also  provide  such  comparable  coverage  for children with serious emotional  disturbances. Such coverage  shall  be  provided  under  the  terms  and  conditions  otherwise  applicable  under the contract, including network  limitations or variations, exclusions, co-pays, coinsurance, deductibles  or other specific cost sharing mechanisms.  Provided  further,  where  a  contract  provides  both  in-network  and  out-of-network  benefits, the  out-of-network benefits may  have  different  coinsurance,  co-pays,  or  deductibles,  than  the  in-network  benefits, regardless of whether the  contract is written under one license or two licenses.    (B) For purposes of this  subsection,  the  term  "biologically  based  mental  illness" means a mental, nervous, or emotional condition that is  caused by a biological disorder of the brain and results in a clinically  significant, psychological syndrome or pattern that substantially limits  the functioning of the person with the illness. Such biologically  based  mental illnesses are defined as schizophrenia/psychotic disorders, major  depression,  bipolar  disorder,  delusional  disorders,  panic disorder,  obsessive compulsive disorder, anorexia, and bulimia.(3) For purposes of this subsection, the term "children  with  serious  emotional  disturbances"  means  persons under the age of eighteen years  who have diagnoses of attention deficit disorders,  disruptive  behavior  disorders,  or  pervasive development disorders, and where there are one  or more of the following:    (A)    serious    suicidal    symptoms   or   other   life-threatening  self-destructive behaviors;    (B) significant psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, delusion,  bizarre  behaviors);    (C) behavior caused by emotional disturbances that placed the child at  risk of causing personal injury or significant property damage; or    (D) behavior caused by emotional disturbances that placed the child at  substantial risk of removal from the household.    (4)  (A)  The provisions of paragraph two of this subsection shall not  apply to any group remittance group or group contract holder with  fifty  or  fewer  employees  who  is a group remittance group or group contract  holder of a contract that is subject to the provisions of this  section;  provided, however, that a hospital service corporation or health service  corporation  must  make  available,  and  if  requested  by  such  group  remitting agent or  group  contract  holder,  provide  the  coverage  as  specified  in  paragraph  two  of this subsection. Written notice of the  availability of the coverage shall be delivered to the  group  remitting  agent  or  group contract holder prior to inception of such contract and  annually thereafter.    (B) The superintendent shall develop and implement  a  methodology  to  cover  the  cost  to  any such group remittance group and group contract  holder for providing the coverage required  in  paragraph  one  of  this  subsection.  Such methodology shall be financed from moneys appropriated  from the General Fund that shall be made available to the superintendent  for such purposes, to the extent of funds available.    (5)(A) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed  to  prevent  the  medical  management  or  utilization  review  of mental health benefits,  including  the  use  of   prospective,   concurrent   or   retrospective  utilization review, preauthorization, and appropriateness criteria as to  the level and intensity of treatment applicable to behavioral health.    (B)  Nothing  in  this  subsection  shall  be  construed  to prevent a  contract from providing services  through  a  network  of  participating  providers   who  shall  meet  certain  requirements  for  participation,  including provider credentialing.    (C) Nothing in  this  subsection  shall  be  construed  to  require  a  contract:    (I)  to  cover  mental  health  benefits  or  services  for  individuals who are presently incarcerated, confined or committed  to  a  local  correctional  facility  or  a prison, or a custodial facility for  youth operated by the office of children and family services; or (II) to  cover services solely because such services are ordered by a court.    (D) Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to require  a  contract  to  cover  benefits or services deemed cosmetic in nature on the grounds  that changing or improving an individual's appearance  is  justified  by  the individual's mental health needs.    (i)   A  medical  expense  indemnity  corporation  or  health  service  corporation which provides coverage  for  physicians,  psychiatrists  or  psychologists  for  psychiatric  or  psychological  services  or for the  diagnosis and treatment of mental, nervous or  emotional  disorders  and  ailments,  however  defined in such contract, must make available and if  requested by all persons holding individual contracts in a  group  whose  premiums  are paid by a remitting agent or by the contract holder in the  case of a group contract issued pursuant to section four thousand  three  hundred  five  of  this  article,  provide  the  same  coverage for suchservices when performed by a licensed clinical social worker, within the  lawful scope of his or her practice, who is licensed pursuant to article  one hundred fifty-four of the education law. The state board for  social  work  shall  maintain  a  list  of  all licensed clinical social workers  qualified for reimbursement under this subsection. Such  coverage  shall  be  made  available  at  the  inception  of  all new contracts and, with  respect to all other contracts,  at  any  anniversary  date  subject  to  evidence  of  insurability.  Written  notice of the availability of such  coverage shall be delivered  to  the  group  remitting  agent  or  group  contract  holder  prior  to  inception  of  such  contract  and annually  thereafter, except that this notice shall not be required where a policy  covers two hundred or more employees or where the benefit structure  was  the  subject of collective bargaining affecting persons who are employed  in more than one state.    (j)(1) A health  service  corporation  or  medical  expense  indemnity  corporation   which   provides   medical,   major-medical   or   similar  comprehensive-type coverage must provide coverage for the  provision  of  preventive and primary care services.    (2)  For  purposes  of  this  subsection,  preventive and primary care  services shall mean the following services rendered to a dependent child  of a subscriber from  the  date  of  birth  through  the  attainment  of  nineteen  years  of age: (i) an initial hospital check-up and well-child  visits scheduled in accordance with the prevailing clinical standards of  a  national  association  of  pediatric  physicians  designated  by  the  commissioner  of  health  (except  for any standard that would limit the  specialty or forum  of  licensure  of  the  practitioner  providing  the  service  other  than  the  limits  under  state  law). Coverage for such  services rendered shall  be  provided  only  to  the  extent  that  such  services  are  provided  by  or under the supervision of a physician, or  other professional licensed under article one hundred thirty-nine of the  education law whose scope of practice pursuant to such law includes  the  authority  to provide the specified services. Coverage shall be provided  for such  services  rendered  in  a  hospital,  as  defined  in  section  twenty-eight  hundred one of the public health law, or in an office of a  physician or other  professional  licensed  under  article  one  hundred  thirty-nine  of  the  education  law whose scope of practice pursuant to  such law includes the authority to provide the specified services,  (ii)  at  each  visit,  services  in  accordance  with the prevailing clinical  standards of such designated association, including a medical history, a  complete physical examination,  developmental  assessment,  anticipatory  guidance, appropriate immunizations and laboratory tests which tests are  ordered  at  the  time  of the visit and performed in the practitioner's  office, as authorized by law, or in a  clinical  laboratory,  and  (iii)  necessary   immunizations   as   determined  by  the  superintendent  in  consultation with the commissioner of  health  consisting  of  at  least  adequate  dosages  of  vaccine  against  diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus,  polio, measles,  rubella,  mumps,  haemophilus  influenzae  type  b  and  hepatitis  b  which  meet  the  standards  approved by the United States  public health service for such biological products. Such coverage  shall  not  be  subject to annual deductibles and/or coinsurance. Such coverage  shall not restrict  or  eliminate  existing  coverage  provided  by  the  contract.    (k)  A  hospital  service  corporation or a health service corporation  which provides group, group remittance or school  blanket  coverage  for  inpatient  hospital  care  must  make  available and if requested by the  contract holder provide coverage for  the  diagnosis  and  treatment  of  chemical  abuse and chemical dependence, however defined in such policy,  provided, however, that the term chemical abuse shall mean  and  includealcohol  and  substance  abuse  and  chemical  dependence shall mean and  include alcoholism and substance dependence,  however  defined  in  such  policy,  except  that  this  provision shall not apply to a policy which  covers  persons employed in more than one state or the benefit structure  of which was the subject of collective bargaining affecting persons  who  are  employed  in  more  than one state. Such coverage shall be at least  equal to the following: (1) with respect to benefits for  detoxification  as  a consequence of chemical dependence, inpatient benefits for care in  a hospital or detoxification facility may not be limited  to  less  than  seven  days  of  active  treatment  in  any  calendar year; and (2) with  respect to benefits for inpatient rehabilitation services, such benefits  may not be limited to less than thirty days of inpatient  rehabilitation  in a hospital based or free standing chemical dependence facility in any  calendar  year.  Such  coverage may be limited to facilities in New York  state which are certified by the  office  of  alcoholism  and  substance  abuse  services  and,  in other states, to those which are accredited by  the joint  commission  on  accreditation  of  hospitals  as  alcoholism,  substance   abuse,  or  chemical  dependence  treatment  programs.  Such  coverage shall be made available at the inception of  all  new  policies  and  with  respect  to policies issued before the effective date of this  subsection at the first  annual  anniversary  date  thereafter,  without  evidence  of  insurability and at any subsequent annual anniversary date  subject to evidence of insurability. Such coverage  may  be  subject  to  annual  deductibles and co-insurance as may be deemed appropriate by the  superintendent and are consistent with those imposed on  other  benefits  within  a  given  policy.  Further, each hospital service corporation or  health service corporation shall report to the superintendent each  year  the  number  of  contract holders to whom it has issued policies for the  inpatient treatment of chemical dependence, and the  approximate  number  of  persons  covered  by such policies. Such coverage shall not replace,  restrict or eliminate existing coverage provided by the policy.  Written  notice  of  the  availability of such coverage shall be delivered to the  group remitting agent or group contract holder  prior  to  inception  of  such contract and annually thereafter, except that this notice shall not  be required where a policy covers two hundred or more employees or where  the benefit structure was the subject of collective bargaining affecting  persons who are employed in more than one state.    (l)  A  hospital  service  corporation or a health service corporation  which provides group, group remittance or school  blanket  coverage  for  inpatient  hospital  care  must  provide  coverage  for  at  least sixty  outpatient visits in any calendar year for the diagnosis  and  treatment  of  chemical dependence of which up to twenty may be for family members,  except that this provision shall not apply to a contract issued pursuant  to section four thousand three hundred five of this article which covers  persons employed in more than one state  or  the  benefit  structure  of  which was the subject of collective bargaining affecting persons who are  employed  in  more  than  one  state.  Such  coverage  may be limited to  facilities in New York state certified by the office of  alcoholism  and  substance  abuse  services  or  licensed  by  such  office as outpatient  clinics or medically supervised ambulatory substance abuse programs and,  in other states, to those which are accredited by the  joint  commission  on  accreditation  of  hospitals  as  alcoholism  or chemical dependence  substance abuse treatment programs. Such  coverage  may  be  subject  to  annual  deductibles and co-insurance as may be deemed appropriate by the  superintendent and are consistent with those imposed on  other  benefits  within  a  given  policy.  Such  coverage shall not replace, restrict or  eliminate existing coverage provided by the policy. Except as  otherwise  provided  in  the  applicable  policy  or  contract, no hospital servicecorporation  or  health  service  corporation  providing  coverage   for  alcoholism  or  substance  abuse services pursuant to this section shall  deny coverage to a family member who identifies  themself  as  a  family  member  of  a person suffering from the disease of alcoholism, substance  abuse or chemical dependency and who seeks treatment as a family  member  who  is  otherwise covered by the applicable policy or contract pursuant  to this section. The coverage required by this subsection shall  include  treatment as a family member pursuant to such family members' own policy  or  contract  provided  such  family  member  (i)  does  not  exceed the  allowable number of family visits provided by the applicable  policy  or  contract  pursuant  to  this  section, and (ii) is otherwise entitled to  coverage pursuant to this section and such  family  members'  applicable  policy or contract.    (m)  A  medical  expense  indemnity  corporation  or  a health service  corporation which provides coverage for any service  within  the  lawful  scope  of practice of a duly licensed registered professional nurse must  make  available,  and  if  requested  by  all  subscribers  in  a  group  remittance  group,  or  by  a  contract  holder  in  the case of a group  contract issued pursuant to section four thousand three hundred five  of  this  chapter, provide reimbursement for such services when performed by  a duly licensed registered professional nurse  provided,  however,  that  reimbursement  shall  not  be  made  for  nursing services provided to a  subscriber in a general hospital, nursing home, or a facility  providing  health   related   services,  as  such  terms  are  defined  in  section  twenty-eight hundred one of the public health law, or in a facility,  as  such  term  is  defined in subdivision six of section 1.03 of the mental  hygiene law, or in a physician's office. Such coverage may be subject to  annual deductibles and co-insurance as may be deemed appropriate by  the  superintendent  and  are consistent with those imposed on other benefits  within a given policy. Such coverage  shall  not  replace,  restrict  or  eliminate  existing  coverage  provided  by the policy. Coverage for the  services of a  duly  licensed  registered  professional  nurse  need  be  provided  only  if  the  nature  of  the  patient's illness or condition  requires nursing care which can appropriately be provided  by  a  person  with  the  education and professional skill of a registered professional  nurse and the  nursing  care  is  necessary  in  the  treatment  of  the  patient's  illness  or  condition. Written notice of the availability of  such coverage shall be delivered to the group remitting agent  or  group  contract  holder  prior  to  inception  of  such  contract  and annually  thereafter, except that this notice shall not be required where a policy  covers two hundred or more employees or where the benefit structure  was  the  subject of collective bargaining affecting persons who are employed  in more than one state.    (n) In addition to the requirements of subsection (i) of this section,  every health service or medical expense indemnity corporation issuing  a  group  contract  pursuant to this section or a group remittance contract  for delivery in this state  which  contract  provides  reimbursement  to  subscribers   or   physicians,   psychiatrists   or   psychologists  for  psychiatric or psychological services or for the diagnosis and treatment  of mental, nervous or emotional disorders and ailments, however  defined  in  such  contract,  must  provide  the same coverage to persons covered  under the group contract for such services when performed by a  licensed  clinical  social worker, within the lawful scope of his or her practice,  who is licensed pursuant to subdivision two of  section  seven  thousand  seven  hundred  four  of  the  education  law and in addition shall have  either (i) three or more additional years experience  in  psychotherapy,  which  for  the purposes of this subsection shall mean the use of verbal  methods in interpersonal relationships with the intent  of  assisting  aperson   or   persons   to  modify  attitudes  and  behavior  which  are  intellectually, socially or emotionally maladaptive, under  supervision,  satisfactory to the state board for social work, in a facility, licensed  or  incorporated  by  an  appropriate governmental department, providing  services for diagnosis or treatment  of  mental,  nervous  or  emotional  disorders or ailments, or (ii) three or more additional years experience  in  psychotherapy under the supervision, satisfactory to the state board  for  social  work,  of  a  psychiatrist,  a  licensed   and   registered  psychologist   or  a  licensed  clinical  social  worker  qualified  for  reimbursement pursuant to subsection (i) of this  section,  or  (iii)  a  combination  of  the  experience  specified  in  paragraphs (i) and (ii)  totaling three years, satisfactory to the state board for  social  work.  The  state  board  for social work shall maintain a list of all licensed  clinical  social  workers  qualified  for   reimbursement   under   this  subsection.    (o)  A  hospital  service  corporation or a health service corporation  which provides coverage for inpatient hospital care must make  available  and, if requested by all persons holding individual contracts in a group  whose premiums are paid by a remitting agent or by the contractholder in  the  case  of  a group contract issued pursuant to section four thousand  three hundred five of this article, provide coverage for  hospice  care.  For  the  purposes  of this subsection, hospice care shall mean the care  and treatment of a  covered  person  who  has  been  certified  by  such  person's  primary attending physician as having a life expectancy of six  months or less and which is provided by a hospice organization certified  pursuant to article forty of the public health law or  under  a  similar  certification  process  required  by  the  state  in  which  the hospice  organization is located. Hospice care coverage shall be at  least  equal  to:  (1)  a total of two hundred ten days of coverage beginning with the  first day on which care is provided, for inpatient  hospice  care  in  a  hospice  or in a hospital and home care and outpatient services provided  by the hospice, including drugs  and  medical  supplies,  and  (2)  five  visits  for  bereavement counseling services, either before or after the  insured's death, provided to the family of the terminally  ill  insured.  Such  coverage  shall  be  made  available  at  the inception of all new  contracts and, with respect to contracts  issued  before  the  effective  date of this provision, at the first annual anniversary date thereafter,  without   evidence   of   insurability  and  at  any  subsequent  annual  anniversary date subject to evidence of insurability. Such coverage  may  be  subject  to  annual  deductibles  and  coinsurance  as may be deemed  appropriate by the superintendent and are consistent with those  imposed  on  other benefits within a given contract period. Written notice of the  availability of such coverage shall be delivered to the group  remitting  agent  or  group contract holder prior to inception of such contract and  annually thereafter, except that this notice shall not be required where  a policy covers two hundred or  more  employees  or  where  the  benefit  structure was the subject of collective bargaining affecting persons who  are employed in more than one state.    (p)  (1)  A  medical expense indemnity corporation, a hospital service  corporation or a health service corporation which provides coverage  for  hospital,  surgical or medical care shall provide the following coverage  for mammography screening for occult breast cancer:    (A) upon the recommendation of a physician, a mammogram at any age for  covered persons having a prior history of breast cancer or  who  have  a  first degree relative with a prior history of breast cancer;    (B)  a  single baseline mammogram for covered persons aged thirty-five  through thirty-nine, inclusive; and    (C) an annual mammogram for covered persons aged forty and older.The coverage required in this  paragraph  may  be  subject  to  annual  deductibles  and  coinsurance  as  may  be  deemed  appropriate  by  the  superintendent and as are consistent with those  established  for  other  benefits within a given policy.    (2)  In  no event shall coverage pursuant to this section include more  than one annual screening.    (3) For purposes of this subsection, mammography  screening  means  an  X-ray  examination  of  the  breast using dedicated equipment, including  X-ray tube, filter, compression device, screens,  films  and  cassettes,  with  an average glandular radiation dose less than 0.5 rem per view per  breast.    * (q)  (1)  Every  policy  issued  by  a  medical  expense   indemnity  corporation,   a  hospital  service  corporation  or  a  health  service  corporation which provides coverage for prescribed drugs approved by the  food and drug administration of the United  States  government  for  the  treatment  of  certain types of cancer shall not exclude coverage of any  such drug on the basis that  such  drug  has  been  prescribed  for  the  treatment  of  a type of cancer for which the drug has not been approved  by the food and drug administration. Provided, however, that  such  drug  must  be  recognized  for  treatment  of the specific type of cancer for  which the drug has been prescribed in one of the  following  established  reference compendia:    (i) the American Medical Association Drug Evaluations;    (ii) the American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information; or    (iii)  the United States Pharmacopeia Drug Information; or recommended  by review  article  or  editorial  comment  in  a  major  peer  reviewed  professional journal.    (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, coverage shall  not be required for any experimental or  investigational  drugs  or  any  drug  which  the  food  and  drug  administration  has  determined to be  contraindicated for treatment of the specific type of cancer  for  which  the  drug  has  been prescribed. The provisions of this subsection shall  apply to cancer drugs only and nothing  herein  shall  be  construed  to  create,  impair,  alter,  limit,  modify,  enlarge, abrogate or prohibit  reimbursement for drugs used in the treatment of any  other  disease  or  condition.    * NB Effective until January 1, 2011    * (q)   (1)  Every  policy  issued  by  a  medical  expense  indemnity  corporation,  a  hospital  service  corporation  or  a  health   service  corporation which provides coverage for prescribed drugs approved by the  food  and  drug  administration  of the United States government for the  treatment of certain types of cancer shall not exclude coverage  of  any  such  drug  on  the  basis  that  such  drug has been prescribed for the  treatment of a type of cancer for which the drug has not  been  approved  by  the  food and drug administration. Provided, however, that such drug  must be recognized for treatment of the  specific  type  of  cancer  for  which  the  drug has been prescribed in one of the following established  reference compendia:    (i)  the  American   Hospital   Formulary   Service-Drug   Information  (AHFS-DI);    (ii)  National  Comprehensive  Cancer  Networks  Drugs  and  Biologics  Compendium;    (iii) Thomson Micromedex DrugDex;    (iv)  Elsevier  Gold  Standard's  Clinical  Pharmacology;   or   other  authoritative compendia as identified by the Federal Secretary of Health  and  Human  Services  or  the  Centers  for Medicare & Medicaid Services  (CMS); or recommended by review article or editorial comment in a  major  peer reviewed professional journal.(2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, coverage shall  not be required for any experimental or  investigational  drugs  or  any  drug  which  the  food  and  drug  administration  has  determined to be  contraindicated for treatment of the specific type of cancer  for  which  the  drug  has  been prescribed. The provisions of this subsection shall  apply to cancer drugs only and nothing  herein  shall  be  construed  to  create,  impair,  alter,  limit,  modify,  enlarge, abrogate or prohibit  reimbursement for drugs used in the treatment of any  other  disease  or  condition.    * NB Effective January 1, 2011    (r)  Consistent  with federal law, a hospital service corporation or a  health service corporation which provides coverage supplementing part  A  and  part  B  of subchapter XVIII of the federal Social Security Act, 42  USC §§ 1395 et seq., shall make available and, if requested by a  person  holding  a  direct payment individual contract or by all persons holding  individual contracts in a group whose premiums are paid by  a  remitting  agent  or  by  a  contract holder in the case of a group contract issued  pursuant to section four thousand three hundred five  of  this  article,  provide  coverage  for at least ninety days of care in a nursing home as  defined in section twenty-eight hundred one of the  public  health  law,  except  when  such  coverage  would duplicate coverage that is available  under the aforementioned subchapter XVIII. Such coverage shall  be  made  available at the inception of all new contracts and, with respect to all  other contracts at each anniversary date of the contract.    (1)  Coverage  shall  be subject to a copayment of twenty-five dollars  per day.    (2) Brochures describing such coverage must be provided at the time of  application for all new contracts and  thereafter  on  each  anniversary  date  of  the contract, and with respect to all other contracts annually  at each anniversary  date  of  the  contract.  Such  brochures  must  be  approved  by the superintendent in consultation with the commissioner of  health.    Such insurers shall report to the superintendent each year the  number  of  contract holders to whom such insurers have issued such policies for  nursing home coverage and the approximate number of persons  covered  by  such policies.    (3)  The  commensurate  rate  for the coverage must be approved by the  superintendent.    * (s) (1) A hospital service corporation or health service corporation  which provides coverage for hospital care shall not exclude coverage for  hospital  care  for  diagnosis  and  treatment  of  correctable  medical  conditions  otherwise  covered  by the policy solely because the medical  condition results in infertility; provided, however that:    (A) subject to the provisions of paragraph three of  this  subsection,  in  no  case  shall such coverage exclude surgical or medical procedures  provided as part of such hospital care which would correct malformation,  disease or dysfunction resulting in infertility; and    (B) provided, further however,  that  subject  to  the  provisions  of  paragraph  three  of  this  subsection,  in  no case shall such coverage  exclude diagnostic  tests  and  procedures  provided  as  part  of  such  hospital  care  that  are necessary to determine infertility or that are  necessary in connection with  any  surgical  or  medical  treatments  or  prescription   drug  coverage  provided  pursuant  to  this  subsection,  including such diagnostic tests and procedures  as  hysterosalpingogram,  hysteroscopy,  endometrial  biopsy,  laparoscopy, sono-hysterogram, post  coital tests, testis biopsy, semen analysis, blood tests and ultrasound;  and(C) provided,  further  however,  every  such  policy  which  provides  coverage  for  prescription  drugs  shall include, within such coverage,  coverage for prescription drugs approved by the federal  Food  and  Drug  Administration  for use in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in  accordance with paragraph three of this subsection.    (2)  A  medical  expense indemnity or health service corporation which  provides coverage for  surgical  and  medical  care  shall  not  exclude  coverage  for  surgical  and medical care for diagnosis and treatment of  correctable medical conditions otherwise covered by  the  policy  solely  because  the medical condition results in infertility; provided, however  that:    (A) subject to the provisions of paragraph three of  this  subsection,  in  no  case  shall such coverage exclude surgical or medical procedures  which would correct malformation, disease or  dysfunction  resulting  in  infertility; and    (B)  provided,  further  however,  that  subject  to the provisions of  paragraph three of this subsection,  in  no  case  shall  such  coverage  exclude  diagnostic tests and procedures that are necessary to determine  infertility or that are necessary in connection  with  any  surgical  or  medical  treatments  or  prescription drug coverage provided pursuant to  this subsection, including  such  diagnostic  tests  and  procedures  as  hysterosalpingogram,   hysteroscopy,  endometrial  biopsy,  laparoscopy,  sono-hysterogram, post coital  tests,  testis  biopsy,  semen  analysis,  blood tests and ultrasound; and    (C)  provided,  further  however,  every  such  policy  which provides  coverage for prescription drugs shall  include,  within  such  coverage,  coverage  for  prescription  drugs approved by the federal Food and Drug  Administration for use in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility  in  accordance with paragraph three of this subsection.    (3)   Coverage  of  diagnostic  and  treatment  procedures,  including  prescription drugs used in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility as  required by paragraphs one and two of this subsection shall be  provided  in accordance with this paragraph.    (A)  Coverage  shall  be  provided  for  persons whose ages range from  twenty-one through forty-four years, provided that nothing herein  shall  preclude  the  provision  of  coverage  to persons whose age is below or  above such range.    (B) Diagnosis and treatment of infertility shall be prescribed as part  of a physician's overall plan of care and consistent with the guidelines  for coverage as referenced in this paragraph.    (C)  Coverage  may  be  subject  to   co-payments,   coinsurance   and  deductibles  as  may  be deemed appropriate by the superintendent and as  are consistent with those established for other benefits within a  given  policy.    (D)  Coverage  shall  be  limited  to  those individuals who have been  previously covered under the policy for a period of not less than twelve  months, provided that for the purposes of this paragraph "period of  not  less  than  twelve  months" shall be determined by calculating such time  from either the date the insured was first covered  under  the  existing  policy  or  from  the date the insured was first covered by a previously  in-force converted policy, whichever is earlier.    (E) Coverage shall not  be  required  to  include  the  diagnosis  and  treatment of infertility in connection with: (i) in vitro fertilization,  gamete  intrafallopian  tube  transfers  or  zygote  intrafallopian tube  transfers; (ii) the  reversal  of  elective  sterilizations;  (iii)  sex  change  procedures; (iv) cloning; or (v) medical or surgical services or  procedures that  are  deemed  to  be  experimental  in  accordance  with  clinical guidelines referenced in subparagraph (F) of this paragraph.(F)  The  superintendent,  in  consultation  with  the commissioner of  health,  shall  promulgate  regulations  which   shall   stipulate   the  guidelines  and  standards  which  shall  be  used  in  carrying out the  provisions of this paragraph, which shall include:    (i)   The  determination  of  "infertility"  in  accordance  with  the  standards and guidelines established and adopted by the American College  of  Obstetricians  and  Gynecologists  and  the  American  Society   for  Reproductive Medicine;    (ii)  The identification of experimental procedures and treatments not  covered for the diagnosis and treatment  of  infertility  determined  in  accordance  with the standards and guidelines established and adopted by  the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American  Society for Reproductive Medicine;    (iii) The identification of  the  required  training,  experience  and  other   standards  for  health  care  providers  for  the  provision  of  procedures and treatments for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility  determined in accordance with the standards and  guidelines  established  and  adopted  by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists  and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine; and    (iv) The  determination  of  appropriate  medical  candidates  by  the  treating  physician  in  accordance  with  the  standards and guidelines  established and adopted by the American  College  of  Obstetricians  and  Gynecologists and/or the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.    * NB There are 2 sb (s)'s    * (s)  Notwithstanding any provision of a contract issued by a medical  expense indemnity corporation, a dental expense indemnity corporation or  health service corporation, every contract which provides  coverage  for  care  provided  through  licensed  health professionals who can bill for  services shall provide the same  coverage  and  reimbursement  for  such  service  provided  pursuant  to  a  clinical  practice  plan established  pursuant to subdivision fourteen of  section  two  hundred  six  of  the  public health law.    * NB There are 2 sb (s)'s    (t)  (1)  A  medical expense indemnity corporation, a hospital service  corporation or a health service corporation which provides coverage  for  hospital, surgical, or medical care shall provide coverage for an annual  cervical cytology screening for cervical cancer and its precursor states  for  women  aged  eighteen  and  older.  Such coverage may be subject to  annual deductibles and coinsurance as may be deemed appropriate  by  the  superintendent  and  as  are consistent with those established for other  benefits within a given contract.    (2) For purposes of this subsection, cervical cytology screening shall  include an annual pelvic examination, collection and  preparation  of  a  Pap smear, and laboratory and diagnostic services provided in connection  with examining and evaluating the Pap smear.    (u)  (1)  A  medical expense indemnity corporation or a health service  corporation which provides medical coverage that includes  coverage  for  physician  services  in  a  physician's  office  and  every policy which  provides major medical  or  similar  comprehensive-type  coverage  shall  include  coverage  for  the  following  equipment  and  supplies for the  treatment of diabetes, if recommended or prescribed by  a  physician  or  other  licensed  health  care  provider  legally authorized to prescribe  under title eight of the education law: blood glucose monitors and blood  glucose monitors for the visually  impaired,  data  management  systems,  test  strips  for  glucose monitors and visual reading and urine testing  strips, insulin, injection aids, cartridges for the  visually  impaired,  syringes,  insulin  pumps  and  appurtenances  thereto, insulin infusion  devices, and oral agents for controlling blood sugar. In  addition,  thecommissioner  of the department of health shall provide and periodically  update by rule or regulation a list of additional diabetes equipment and  related supplies such as are medically necessary for  the  treatment  of  diabetes,  for  which  there shall also be coverage. Such policies shall  also include coverage for diabetes self-management education  to  ensure  that persons with diabetes are educated as to the proper self-management  and  treatment  of  their  diabetic  condition, including information on  proper diets. Such coverage for self-management education and  education  relating to diet shall be limited to visits medically necessary upon the  diagnosis  of diabetes, where a physician diagnoses a significant change  in the patient's symptoms or conditions which necessitate changes  in  a  patient's  self-management,  or where reeducation or refresher education  is necessary. Such education may be provided by the physician  or  other  licensed  health  care  provider  legally  authorized to prescribe under  title eight of the education law, or their staff, as part of  an  office  visit  for  diabetes  diagnosis or treatment, or b