- 4202 - Capital and surplus requirements of life insurance companies.
- 4203 - Transfer of shares of domestic life insurance company.
- 4204 - Financial requirements for the organization of stock accident and health insurance companies and stock legal services insurance companies.
- 4205 - Life, accident and health, and legal services insurance companies; engaging in other business.
- 4206 - Deposits by life, accident and health, and legal services insurance companies.
- 4207 - Dividends to shareholders of life, and accident and health insurance companies.
- 4208 - Financial and additional requirements for the organization of mutual life, accident and health, and legal services insurance companies.
- 4209 - Mutual life insurance companies, mutual accident and health insurance companies; assessments.
- 4210 - Election of directors of domestic mutual life insurance companies.
- 4211 - Election of directors of domestic stock life insurance companies.
- 4212 - Stock life insurance companies; voting power of policyholders.
- 4213 - Industrial life insurance.
- 4214 - Industrial accident and industrial health insurance.
- 4215 - Contracts with industrial life insurance agents; prohibitions.
- 4216 - Group life insurance; premium requirements; notice of conversion; filing of compensation.
- 4217 - Valuation of insurance policies and contracts.
- 4218 - When actual premium is less than net premium; minimum reserve.
- 4219 - Limitation on accumulation of surplus of life insurance companies.
- 4220 - Life insurance and annuities; nonforfeiture benefits under defaulted contracts.
- 4221 - Standard nonforfeiture law.
- 4222 - Policy loans.
- 4223 - Standard nonforfeiture law for annuities.
- 4224 - Life, accident and health insurance; discrimination and rebating; prohibited inducements and interdependent sales.
- 4225 - Domestic life insurance companies; discrimination as to brokers.
- 4226 - Misrepresentations, misleading statements and incomplete comparisons by insurers.
- 4228 - Life insurance and annuity business; limitations of expenses.
- 4230 - Salaries and pensions to officers and employees.
- 4231 - Policyholder's participation in surplus of life insurance companies.
- 4232 - Amounts credited on certain contracts or life insurance policies.
- 4233 - Annual statements of life insurance companies.
- 4235 - Group accident and health insurance.
- 4236 - Joint underwriting of group health insurance for persons aged sixty-five and over.
- 4237 - Blanket accident and health insurance.
- 4237-A - Stop-loss insurance.
- 4238 - Group annuity contracts.
- 4239 - Allocation and reporting of income and expenses of life insurers.
- 4240 - Separate accounts; fixed and variable life insurance and annuities and funding agreements.
- 4241 - Penalty for violation of filing requirements.