3425 - Certain property/casualty insurance policies; cancellation and renewal provisions; agents' contracts and brokers' accounts.

§ 3425. Certain property/casualty insurance policies; cancellation and  renewal  provisions;  agents'  contracts and brokers' accounts. (a) This  section shall apply to covered  policies  of  insurance  as  defined  in  paragraphs one, two and three hereof.    (1) "Covered  policy"  means  a  contract of insurance, referred to in  this section as "automobile insurance", issued or issued for delivery in  this state, on a risk  located  or  resident  in  this  state,  insuring  against  losses  or liabilities arising out of the ownership, operation,  or use of a motor vehicle, predominantly used for non-business purposes,  when a  natural  person  is  the  named  insured  under  the  policy  of  automobile insurance.    (2) "Covered  policy"  also means a contract of insurance, referred to  in this section as "personal lines insurance", other than a contract  of  insurance defined in paragraph one hereof, issued or issued for delivery  in this state, on a risk located or resident in this state, insuring any  of the following contingencies:    (A)  loss  of  or  damage  to  real  property  used  predominantly for  residential purposes and which consists of not more than  four  dwelling  units, other than hotels and motels;    (B)  loss  of  or damage to personal property in which natural persons  have an insurable interest, except personal property used in the conduct  of a business; and    (C) other liabilities for loss of, damage to, or injury to persons  or  property,  not  arising  from  the conduct of a business, when a natural  person is the named insured under the policy.    (3) A  personal  umbrella  liability  policy  shall  be  considered  a  "covered  policy"  under  paragraph  two, and not paragraph one, of this  subsection.    (4) A contract  which  insures  any  of  the  foregoing  contingencies  described  in paragraph one or two hereof as well as other contingencies  shall be a  covered  policy  if  that  portion  of  the  annual  premium  attributable  to  such  foregoing  contingencies  exceeds  that  portion  attributable to other contingencies.    (5) A covered policy shall not include a policy issued pursuant to any  plan established under article fifty-three or fifty-four of this chapter  or legal services insurance.    (6) "Renewal" or "to renew" means the  issuance  and  delivery  by  an  insurer,  at  the  end  of  the policy period, of a policy superseding a  policy previously issued and delivered  by  the  same  insurer,  or  the  issuance and delivery of a certificate or notice extending the term of a  policy  beyond  its  policy  period or term; provided, however, that any  policy with a policy period or term of less than one year shall, for the  purpose of this section, be considered as if written for a policy period  or term of one year, or any policy with no fixed expiration date, shall,  for the purpose of  this  section,  be  considered  as  if  written  for  successive policy periods or terms of one year.    (7) With respect to personal lines insurance, "required policy period"  means a period of three years from the date as of which a covered policy  is first issued or is voluntarily renewed.    (8)  With  respect  to  automobile insurance, "required policy period"  means a period of one year from the date as of which  a  covered  policy  becomes effective after first issuance or voluntary renewal.    (9)  With  respect  to automobile insurance, "voluntary renewal" means  the renewal of a covered policy which has completed the required  policy  period pursuant to this section.    (10) "Nonpayment of premium" means the failure of the named insured to  discharge any obligation in connection with the payment of premiums on a  policy  of  insurance  or  any  installment of such premium, whether thepremium is payable directly to the insurer or its agent,  or  indirectly  under  any  premium  finance plan or extension of credit. Payment to the  insurer, or to an agent or broker authorized to  receive  such  payment,  shall  be  timely,  if made within fifteen days after the mailing to the  insured of a notice of cancellation for nonpayment of premium.    (11) "Administrative suspension" means a  temporary  suspension  of  a  driver's  license  pending a hearing, prosecution or investigation or an  indefinite suspension of a driver's license because of  the  failure  of  the  person  suspended  to  perform  an  act,  which  suspension will be  terminated by the performance of the act by the person suspended.    (b) During the first sixty days a covered  policy  is  in  effect,  no  notice  of cancellation shall be issued or be effective unless it states  or is accompanied by a statement of the specific reason or  reasons  for  such cancellation.    (c)  After a covered policy has been in effect for sixty days, or upon  the effective date if the policy is a renewal, no notice of cancellation  shall be issued to  become  effective  unless  required  pursuant  to  a  program   approved   by   the  superintendent  as  necessary  because  a  continuation of the present premium volume would  be  hazardous  to  the  interests  of policyholders of the insurer, its creditors or the public,  or unless it is based on one or more of the following:    (1) With respect to automobile insurance policies:    (A) nonpayment  of  premium,  provided,  however,  that  a  notice  of  cancellation on this ground shall inform the insured of the amount due;    (B)  suspension or revocation during the required policy period of the  driver's  license  of  the  named  insured  or  any  other  person   who  customarily  operates an automobile insured under the policy, other than  a suspension issued pursuant to subdivision one of section five  hundred  ten-b  of  the  vehicle  and  traffic  law or one or more administrative  suspensions arising from the  same  incident  which  has  or  have  been  terminated prior to the effective date of cancellation; or    (C) discovery of fraud or material mis-representation in obtaining the  policy or in the presentation of a claim thereunder.    (2) With respect to personal lines insurance policies:    (A)  nonpayment  of  premium,  provided,  however,  that  a  notice of  cancellation on this ground shall inform the insured of the amount due;    (B) conviction of a crime arising out of acts  increasing  the  hazard  insured against;    (C)  discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation in obtaining the  policy or in the presentation of a claim thereunder;    (D) discovery of willful or reckless acts or omissions increasing  the  hazard insured against;    (E)  physical changes in the property insured occurring after issuance  or last annual anniversary date  of  the  policy  which  result  in  the  property   becoming   uninsurable   in  accordance  with  the  insurer's  objective, uniformly applied underwriting standards  in  effect  at  the  time the policy was issued or last voluntarily renewed; or    (F) a determination by the superintendent that the continuation of the  policy  would  violate  or  would place the insurer in violation of this  chapter.    (3) The provisions of this subsection shall apply to  each  and  every  coverage or limit afforded under the policy.    (d)  (1)  Unless  the  insurer,  at least forty-five but not more than  sixty days in advance of the end of the policy period, mails or delivers  to the named insured, at the address shown  in  the  policy,  a  written  notice  of  its intention not to renew a covered policy, or to condition  its renewal upon change of limits or elimination of any  coverages,  the  named  insured shall be entitled to renew the policy upon timely paymentof the premium billed to the  insured  for  the  renewal.  The  specific  reason  or reasons for nonrenewal or conditioned renewal shall be stated  in or shall accompany the notice. This paragraph shall  not  apply  when  the  named  insured, an agent or broker authorized by the named insured,  or an insurer of the named insured,  has  mailed  or  delivered  written  notice  to the insurer that the policy has been replaced or is no longer  desired.    (2) If an insurer has the right to cancel a policy it may, in lieu  of  cancellation,  condition  continuation  of  such  policy  upon change of  limits or elimination of any coverage not required by  law,  if  written  notice  of  such  intention is mailed or delivered to the insured at the  address shown in the policy at least twenty days prior to the  effective  date of such action.    (3) At its discretion, the insurer may, in lieu of renewing the policy  in  the  form  as  last  issued,  substitute  at the annual renewal date  another approved policy  form  which  contains  at  least  substantially  equivalent  value  in  the  aggregate  of benefits, as determined by the  superintendent. Notice of intention to  substitute  a  different  policy  form  on  a renewal shall be made in the same manner as is prescribed in  paragraph one of this subsection for  a  conditioned  renewal  but  with  respect  to  automobile  insurance  policies shall not be subject to the  percentage limitations contained  in  subsection  (f)  of  this  section  applicable to a conditioned renewal. Notice of intention to substitute a  different  policy  form  shall  be  accompanied  by  a  full  and  clear  comparison of the differences between the policy form as last issued and  the substitute policy form.    (e) With respect to personal lines insurance policies,  no  notice  of  nonrenewal or conditional renewal of a covered policy shall be issued to  become  effective  during  the required policy period unless it is based  upon a ground for which the  policy  could  have  been  cancelled.  With  respect to homeowners' policies as defined in section two thousand three  hundred fifty-one of this chapter, on properties located in areas served  by a market assistance program established by the superintendent for the  purpose  of  facilitating placement of homeowners' insurance, notices of  cancellation, nonrenewal  or  conditional  renewal  shall  conform  with  standards   established   by  the  superintendent  in  regulation.  Such  standards  shall  require  that  the  notice  include,  at  a   minimum:  notification  of  the  possibility of eligibility for coverage through a  market  assistance  program  or  the   New   York   property   insurance  underwriting  association;  information  on how to apply; and such other  information as required by the superintendent.    (f) (1) With respect  to  automobile  insurance  policies,  the  total  number (rounded to the nearest whole number) of notices of intention not  to  renew  a  covered  policy,  and of notices of intention to condition  renewal upon reduction of limits or elimination of any coverages,  which  an  insurer  may  issue  shall  be limited for each calendar year to two  percent of the total number of covered policies of the insurer in  force  at  last year-end in each such insurer's rating territory in use in this  state which have completed  their  required  policy  period  under  this  section, except as set forth in subsection (r) of this section. However,  the  insurer may non-renew or conditionally renew one policy in any such  insurer's rating territory in use  in  this  state,  if  the  applicable  percentage  limitation  results  in  less than one policy. Cancellations  made pursuant to  subsection  (b)  or  (c)  of  this  section  shall  be  independent of and in addition to the number of notices of intention not  to renew or to condition renewal upon reduction of limits or elimination  of any coverages not required by law, permitted under this subsection.(2)   For   every  two  new  automobile  policies  which  the  insurer  voluntarily writes  in  each  such  territory,  such  insurer  shall  be  permitted  to non-renew or conditionally renew one additional automobile  policy in that territory in excess of the two percent limit  established  in   paragraph   one   of   this  subsection,  subject  to  a  fair  and  nondiscriminatory formula developed by the superintendent,  which  shall  consider  the  number  of automobile policies written less cancellations  initiated by the insurer within the  first  sixty  days  of  the  policy  period.    (3) The superintendent shall revoke the rights of any insurer or group  of   insurers   under   paragraph   two   of  this  subsection,  upon  a  determination, after a public hearing, that such an insurer or group  of  insurers has utilized such rights to the detriment of any class or group  of classes within a rating territory.    (g)  Notwithstanding  any  of  the  provisions and limitations of this  section, any property/casualty insurance company organized for the  sole  and  exclusive  purpose of providing insurance policies to members of an  organization, and providing such insurance  policies  on  risks  in  New  York,  may  refuse to renew automobile liability policies of persons who  fail to meet the requirements contained in the by-laws of  such  company  prohibiting  the  sale  of  policies to non-members of the organization,  provided that such company shall continue to participate in any assigned  risk plans established pursuant to article fifty-three of this chapter.    (h) (1) Proof of mailing of a notice  of  cancellation,  reduction  of  limits,   substitution   of   policy  form,  elimination  of  coverages,  conditioned renewal or of intention  not  to  renew,  or  proof  of  the  mailing  of  the  reasons  therefor, to the named insured at the address  shown in the policy, shall be sufficient proof of the giving  of  notice  and the giving of reasons required by this section.    (2)  No  notice  of cancellation, reduction of limits, substitution of  policy  form,  elimination  of  coverages,  conditioned  renewal  or  of  intention not to renew, or notice of the reasons therefor, that fails to  include  a  provision  required  by  this  section shall be an effective  notice for purposes of this section.    (3) A copy of every  notice  of  cancellation,  reduction  of  limits,  substitution  of  policy  form,  elimination  of  coverages, conditioned  renewal or of intention not to renew, including the reasons therefor, or  a summary of such notice, shall be mailed, delivered or  transmitted  to  the  insured's  authorized agent or broker within seven days of the time  such notice is mailed to the named insured. Electronic  transmission  or  any other means of delivery or transmission of information commonly used  by  the  insurer  to  communicate with agents or brokers shall be deemed  sufficient for compliance with this paragraph. Failure to mail,  deliver  or  transmit  a copy of such notice to the insured's authorized agent or  broker pursuant to this paragraph  shall  not  render  any  such  notice  ineffective, provided that all of the other requirements of this section  are  met  and  shall  not  be  considered failure to include a provision  required  by  this  section  for  purposes  of  paragraph  two  of  this  subsection.    (i)  No insurer shall refuse to issue or renew a covered policy solely  on the ground of the advanced age of the applicant or insured.    (j) (1) Where an insurer or an agent who is authorized by such insurer  to accept lines of insurance from licensed agents or brokers notifies  a  licensed  agent  or  broker  that  its  contract  or  account  shall  be  terminated:    (A) with respect to a personal lines insurance policy required  to  be  continued  by  this  section,  the  insurer  shall offer to continue the  policy for any remaining part of the  required  policy  period  and  anystatutory  extension  and the insurer shall offer to continue the policy  through the terminated agent or broker for at least its  next  one  year  policy  period  which  commences  within  one year following the date of  mailing  or delivery to the terminated agent or broker of written notice  of termination of such contract  or  account,  and  thereafter,  at  the  specific  request  of  the  insured,  shall offer to continue the policy  through such terminated agent or broker for any remaining  part  of  the  required policy period including statutory extension;    (B)  with  respect  to  an automobile insurance policy subject to this  section, the  insurer  shall  offer  to  continue  the  policy  for  any  remaining  part  of the required policy period and, unless the policy is  cancelled or non-renewed in accordance with  the  provisions  of  either  subsection  (b),  (c)  or (f) of this section, it shall, at the specific  request of the  insured,  offer  to  continue  the  policy  through  the  terminated  agent or broker for three successive one year policy periods  which commence within the year following the date of mailing or delivery  to the terminated agent or broker of written notice  of  termination  of  such contract or account;    (C)  with  respect  to all new personal lines and automobile insurance  business offered by such terminated agent or broker which is subject  to  the  provisions  of  this  section,  the  insurer  shall accept all such  business meeting  the  insurer's  then  current  underwriting  standards  during  the period of one hundred twenty days next following the date of  mailing or delivery to the agent or broker of  written  notification  of  such termination;    (D)  the  terminated  agent  or  broker  shall  be entitled to receive  commissions on account of all business continued or written pursuant  to  this  paragraph  at  the  insurer's  prevailing commission rate for such  lines of insurance; and    (E)  the  provisions  of  subparagraph  (B)  hereof  in  relation   to  continuation  of  coverage  for three successive one year policy periods  are subject to the rights of the insurer pursuant to subsection (b), (c)  or (f) of this  section  to  cancel  or  non-renew.  The  provisions  of  subparagraph  (D)  hereof  in  relation  to  commissions  shall  not  be  mandatory after completion of the three one year policy periods provided  for in subparagraph (B) hereof.    (2) This subsection  shall  not  apply  to  an  agent  who  agrees  to  represent  exclusively  one  insurer or a group of insurers under common  management or an agent or broker whose license has been revoked  by  the  superintendent  or  whose  contract  or  account has been terminated for  insolvency, abandonment, gross and willful misconduct, or failure to pay  over to the insurer moneys due to the insurer after receipt of a written  demand therefor.    (k) The superintendent may, after public hearing, promulgate rules and  regulations implementing and coordinating the provisions of this section  and article fifty-three of this chapter.    (l) (1)  The  superintendent  shall  monitor  the  operation  of  this  section.   Every insurer subject to the provisions of this section shall  file in the office of the superintendent periodic reports in  such  form  as the superintendent may prescribe.    (2) The superintendent shall collect, analyze and compile such reports  with  regard  to  the  number  of new insureds, non-renewed insureds and  business written by each insurer in each rating territory of  each  such  insurer and, in each case, the class of insureds (including age and sex)  affected so that a statistical analysis of the results obtained pursuant  to  subsections  (f)  and  (m) of this section shall be provided to each  house of the legislature by  March  fifteenth,  in  the  years  nineteen  hundred   ninety-two,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-six,  nineteen  hundredninety-eight, two thousand one, two thousand six,  two  thousand  seven,  two thousand eight and two thousand eleven.    (m)  (1)  Paragraphs  eight and nine of subsection (a), subsection (f)  and subparagraphs (B) and (E) of paragraph one of subsection (j) of this  section shall  not  apply  to  any  new  covered  policy  of  automobile  insurance voluntarily written on or after August first, nineteen hundred  eighty-five and prior to January first, nineteen hundred eighty-six, and  on  or  after August second, two thousand one and prior to the effective  date of the property/casualty insurance  availability  act,  and  on  or  after  June thirtieth, two thousand eleven, but the legal rights granted  to  insurers  or  policyholders  under  such  provisions  shall  not  be  extinguished or impaired thereby.    (2)  In  lieu  of  such provisions, paragraph seven of subsection (a),  subparagraph (A) of paragraph one of subsection (j) and paragraph  three  of  this  subsection  shall  apply to such automobile insurance policies  which are newly and voluntarily written to have an effective date on  or  after  August  first,  nineteen hundred eighty-five and prior to January  first, nineteen hundred eighty-six, and on or after August  second,  two  thousand  one  and  prior to the effective date of the property/casualty  insurance availability act, and on or after June thirtieth, two thousand  eleven.    (3) On and after August first, nineteen hundred eighty-five and  prior  to  January  first,  nineteen hundred eighty-six, and on or after August  second, two thousand  one  and  prior  to  the  effective  date  of  the  property/casualty  insurance  availability  act,  and  on  or after June  thirtieth, two thousand eleven, no notice of nonrenewal  or  conditional  renewal  of  such  covered  automobile insurance policies referred to in  this subsection shall be issued to become effective during the  required  policy  period  unless  it  is  based upon a ground for which the policy  could have been cancelled or unless it is based upon one or more of  the  following  grounds  which  occurred  during  the thirty-six month period  ending on the last day of the fourth month preceding the  month  of  the  effective date of such notice of nonrenewal or conditional renewal:    (A)  Where  a  named  insured  and/or any other person who customarily  operates an automobile insured under the policy is convicted of  any  of  the following:    (i)  operating  a  motor  vehicle while intoxicated or impaired by the  consumption of alcohol; or    (ii) operating a motor vehicle while impaired by the  use  of  a  drug  (within  the meaning of section eleven hundred ninety-two of the vehicle  and traffic law); or    (iii) homicide or assault arising out of the use  or  operation  of  a  motor vehicle, or criminal negligence in the use or operation of a motor  vehicle  resulting  in  the injury or death of another person, or use or  operation of a motor vehicle directly or indirectly in the commission of  a felony; or    (iv) operating a motor vehicle in excess of the speed limit, or  in  a  reckless manner, where injury or death results therefrom; or    (v)  operating  a  motor  vehicle  in  excess  of  the speed limit, or  reckless  driving,  or  any  combination  thereof,  on  three  or   more  occasions; or    (vi)  operating  a  motor  vehicle  insured under the policy without a  valid  license  or  registration  in  effect  (except  when  the  person  convicted  had  possessed  a  valid  license  or  registration which had  expired and was subsequently renewed), or during a period of  revocation  or  suspension thereof, or in violation of the limitations applicable to  a license issued pursuant to article twenty-one or article  twenty-one-A  of the vehicle and traffic law; or(vii) operating a motor vehicle while seeking to avoid apprehension or  arrest by a law enforcement officer; or    (viii)  filing  or attempting to file a false or fraudulent automobile  insurance claim, or knowingly  aiding  or  abetting  in  the  filing  or  attempted filing of any such claim; or    (ix) leaving the scene of an incident without reporting; or    (x)  filing a false document with the department of motor vehicles, or  using a license or registration obtained by filing a false document with  the department of motor vehicles; or    (xi) operating a motor vehicle in a race or speed test; or    (xii) knowingly permitting or  authorizing  an  unlicensed  driver  to  operate a motor vehicle insured under the policy.    (B)  Where  a  named  insured or any other person who operates a motor  vehicle insured under the policy  is  individually  or  are  aggregately  involved  in  three  or  more  vehicle accidents while operating a motor  vehicle insured under the policy, resulting in either  personal  injury,  or  in property damage in excess of two hundred dollars. For the purpose  of this paragraph any of the following  occurrences  involving  a  motor  vehicle  operated  by  a named insured or such other person shall not be  considered an accident:    (i) such motor vehicle was struck in rear; or    (ii) such motor vehicle was struck while legally parked; or    (iii) only the operator of  another  motor  vehicle  involved  in  the  accident  was convicted of a crime, offense or violation contributing to  the accident; or    (iv) the named insured or other operator of the motor vehicle  insured  under the policy, or the insurer thereof, was reimbursed by or on behalf  of  a person responsible for the accident or has a judgment against such  person.    Where more than one motor vehicle in a household  is  insured  by  the  same  insurer,  the  number  of accidents which would permit conditional  renewal or non-renewal shall, as for the aggregate, be increased by  two  for  each  additional  motor  vehicle  insured. For the purposes of this  paragraph accidents occurring as a result of the use or operation  of  a  motor  vehicle  in  response  to  an  emergency,  where the operator was  responding to a call of duty as a paid or volunteer member of any police  or fire department, first aid squad, or of any law  enforcement  agency;  or was performing any other governmental function in a public emergency,  shall not be accidents which afford an insurer the right to cancel or to  refuse to renew.    (C)  Where  there  is  a  material change in the type of motor vehicle  insured which so substantially increases the hazard insured  against  as  to render the motor vehicle uninsurable in accordance with the insurer's  objective,  uniformly  applied  underwriting  standards in effect at the  time the policy was issued or last voluntarily  renewed  and  which  are  currently  in  effect;  provided,  however,  that  if  the insured motor  vehicle is uninsurable for physical damage coverages only,  the  insurer  must offer to renew the policy without the physical damage coverages.    (D)  Where  such  other  objective,  uniformly  applied  standards for  cancellation or non-renewal exists, as may be prescribed  by  regulation  promulgated by the superintendent.    * (n)  Notice  of  cancellation/real  property  escrow  accounts. With  respect to all covered policies for which the insurer submits bills  for  real  property  insurance  premiums  directly  to  a  mortgage investing  institution, or such other institution or agent as designated in writing  by the mortgage investing institution, under a real  property  insurance  escrow account, the insurer must send copies of a notice of cancellation  for nonpayment of premiums to both (i) the insured mortgagor of the realproperty  and  (ii)  the  mortgage  investing institution, or such other  designated institution or agent. Failure to send  this  notice  to  both  parties  in  paragraph (i) and paragraph (ii) shall render the notice of  no force and effect.    * NB There are 2 sb§(n)'s    * (n) Withdrawal from writing automobile and homeowners' insurance. In  the  event  of  a  determination by the superintendent that an insurer's  elimination of premium installment plans, reduction  in  commission,  or  any other marketing action was implemented to effectuate a withdrawal or  substantial withdrawal from writing automobile insurance:    (1)  an  agent  shall  be permitted to terminate its contract with the  insurer, or that portion of the contract authorizing the agent to accept  automobile insurance, and the insurer shall be required  to  accept  new  business  and  issue  renewals  in  accordance  with  paragraph  one  of  subsection (j) of this section;    (2) notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph  (D)  of  paragraph  one  of  subsection  (j)  of  this section, where an agent's contract is  terminated  or  a  portion  thereof  is  terminated  pursuant  to   this  subsection,  commissions  for  automobile insurance shall be paid at the  rate in effect applicable to the agent for the longest  duration  during  the  twelve-month  period  immediately  preceding  the  action  which is  determined by the superintendent to have been implemented to  effectuate  a   withdrawal   or   substantial  withdrawal  from  writing  automobile  insurance;    (3) premium payment installment  options  shall  be  maintained  in  a  manner  substantially  similar  to  options  offered  by  the automobile  insurance plan established  pursuant  to  article  fifty-three  of  this  chapter;    (4)  paragraphs  one  and two of this subsection shall not apply to an  agent who agrees to  represent  exclusively  one  insurer  or  group  of  insurers; and    (5)  with  respect  to  homeowners'  insurance,  in  the event that an  insurer intends to materially reduce  the  volume  of  policies  written  pursuant  to  paragraph  two  of  subsection  (o)  of  this section, any  commissions payable pursuant to an agent contract shall be mandatory for  an additional one year period beyond  the  completion  of  the  required  policy  period  specified  in  paragraph seven of subsection (a) of this  section. The provisions of this paragraph shall not  apply  to  policies  cancelled  or  nonrenewed  by  the  insured  or  policies not renewed or  cancelled pursuant  to  subparagraph  (A),  (B),  (C),  (D)  or  (E)  of  paragraph two of subsection (c) of this section.    * NB There are 2 sb§(n)'s    (o)  (1)  An  insurer  that intends to materially reduce its volume of  policies  written,  covered  by  this  section,  shall  submit  to   the  superintendent,  at  least  thirty  days in advance of implementing such  actions,  a  plan  for  orderly  reduction  that:  (i)   describes   the  contemplated  actions;  (ii)  sets  forth  the reasons for such actions;  (iii) describes the measures such insurer intends to take  in  order  to  minimize  market disruption; and (iv) provides such other information as  the superintendent may require.    (2) (A) An  insurer  that  writes  homeowners  insurance  policies  as  defined  in  subsection  (a)  of  section  two  thousand  three  hundred  fifty-one of this chapter, who intends to materially reduce  its  volume  of  such  policies written, shall submit to the superintendent, at least  sixty days in advance of implementing  such  actions,  a  plan  for  the  orderly  reduction  of  the number of policies written. Such plan shall:  (i) describe the contemplated actions; (ii) set forth  the  reasons  for  such  actions;  (iii) describe the measures such insurer intends to takein order to minimize market disruption;  and  (iv)  provide  such  other  information as the superintendent may require.    (B)  The  superintendent  after  receiving such plan shall have thirty  days in which to approve it or disapprove it. The  superintendent  shall  approve  such  plan  if  the  applicant  demonstrates that such material  reduction is accomplished in a manner that minimizes  market  disruption  in  areas  of  material  reduction. In the review of each plan submitted  prior to the submission of the report required by  subparagraph  (E)  of  this  paragraph,  the  superintendent  shall  assess  the  impact of the  planned withdrawal in the counties of Nassau and Suffolk;  areas  within  one  mile  of  a  saltwater  shoreline,  canal or bay in the counties of  Queens, Kings, Richmond, Bronx or Westchester; and areas where  policies  issued  by the New York property insurance underwriting association have  increased by an amount deemed significant by  the  superintendent  since  January  first,  nineteen hundred ninety-two. For plans filed subsequent  to the submission of the report required by  subparagraph  (E)  of  this  paragraph,  the  superintendent  shall  assess the impact of the planned  withdrawal on such areas as the superintendent may identify pursuant  to  subparagraph (E) of this paragraph.    In  the  event  that the plan is disapproved, the superintendent shall  state the points of objection with such plan and any amendments to  such  plan  that the superintendent may require consistent with the provisions  of this section, including, but not limited to, amendments  designed  to  accomplish  such  material  reduction  in a manner that minimizes market  disruption. The insurer shall file an amended plan within  fifteen  days  from the date of return. Any intended withdrawal pursuant to the plan is  prohibited  until  such  time  as  the  original  or any amended plan is  approved by the superintendent.    (C) The superintendent  shall  promulgate  rules  and  regulations  to  establish  standards for the definition of "materially reduce its volume  of policies" as used in this paragraph. Such  definition  shall  require  that  a  plan  be  filed with the superintendent if the insurer plans to  reduce the net number of homeowners insurance  policies  as  defined  in  subsection (a) of section twenty-three hundred fifty-one of this chapter  by  twenty  percent  or  more, or plans to reduce the net number of such  policies it writes by five hundred, whichever is greater, within a  five  year  period  of  time;  provided,  however,  that  if an insurer is not  otherwise required to file a plan pursuant to this subparagraph, a  plan  shall  be  filed  if  the insurer plans to reduce the net number of such  policies it has in force in a twelve month period  by  four  percent  or  more  or  the  net  number  of  such  policies it writes by one hundred,  whichever is greater.    The provisions of  this  subparagraph  shall  not  apply  to  policies  cancelled  or  nonrenewed  by  the  insured  or  policies not renewed or  cancelled pursuant  to  subparagraph  (A),  (B),  (C),  (D)  or  (E)  of  paragraph two of subsection (c) of this section.    (D)  The  superintendent  shall  promulgate  rules  and regulations to  establish standards  to  approve  such  an  application  and  to  define  "minimizes market disruption."    (E)  The  superintendent  shall conduct a study of market dynamics and  homeowners insurance policies written as defined in  subsection  (a)  of  section  twenty-three  hundred  fifty-one  of this chapter, cancelled or  nonrenewed in geographic regions as he  designates,  including  but  not  limited  to  coastal  regions,  urban  regions and rural areas and shall  report such findings to  the  governor  and  legislature  on  or  before  February fifteenth, nineteen hundred ninety-eight.    (p)  Notwithstanding the provisions and limitations of this section or  any other provision of law, the superintendent may, for a stated  periodnot  to  exceed  three  months  (which the superintendent may thereafter  extend another three months), declare  a  moratorium  precluding  policy  termination,   or   suspend  or  otherwise  adjust  the  provisions  and  limitations  of  this  section,  for any area of the state that has been  declared by the president of the United States or by the governor to  be  in a state of emergency due to disaster or catastrophe.    (q)(1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a covered  policy shall not be subject to a required policy period  if  the  policy  is:    (A) a policy issued to an insured for a seasonal purpose;    (B)  a  policy  issued to cover a specific event or particular project  that will be performed in less than one year;    (C) a new policy where the specific term is made to coincide with  the  term  of  an  insured's  already  existing  covered policy with the same  insurer; with any insurer, at the insured's written request; or, in  the  case  of  a  personal  umbrella policy, with different insurers. The new  policy shall have the  same  required  policy  period  as  that  of  the  existing  policy,  except  where  one  policy is an automobile insurance  policy and the other policy is a personal lines insurance policy; or    (D) a new policy issued pursuant to a mass merchandising program where  the specific term is made  to  coincide  with  the  term  of  all  other  policies in the program.    (2)  In  regard  to  a  policy subject to subparagraphs (A) and (B) of  paragraph one of this subsection, the insurer shall not be  required  to  give  the  notice  of  nonrenewal  or  conditional  renewal  required by  subsection (d) of this section if:    (A) the policy provides coverage for sixty days or less;    (B) the policy contains a prominent and explicit notice of expiration,  specifying the date the policy will expire and stating that no notice of  nonrenewal will be issued; and    (C) the policy is accompanied by a conspicuous notice  in  bold  type,  explaining  that  the policy provides short-term coverage for the policy  period as specified on the declarations page.    (3) Subsection (f) of this section shall not apply  to  an  automobile  insurance  policy  subject to subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph one  of this subsection.    (r) An insurer that has no more than seven  hundred  fifty  automobile  insurance  policies  in-force  at last year-end and intends to non-renew  all of the policies shall submit to the superintendent a  plan  for  the  orderly  nonrenewal  of the policies. The proposed plan shall not become  effective without the approval of the superintendent. The plan shall:    (1) describe the contemplated action;    (2) set forth the reasons for the action;    (3) describe the measures the  insurer  will  take  or  has  taken  to  minimize  market  disruption  as  set  forth  in  subsection (o) of this  section;    (4) explain why the action would not be detrimental to  the  interests  of the people of this state; and    (5) provide any other information as the superintendent may require.