3239 - Wellness programs.

§  3239.  Wellness programs. (a) An insurer licensed to write accident  and health  insurance,  a  corporation  organized  pursuant  to  article  forty-three of this chapter, a health maintenance organization certified  pursuant  to article forty-four of the public health law and a municipal  cooperative health benefits plan may establish  a  wellness  program  in  conjunction  with  its issuance of a group accident and health insurance  policy or group subscriber contract. A "wellness program" is  a  program  designed  to promote health and prevent disease that may contain rewards  and incentives for participation. Participation in the wellness  program  shall  be available to similarly-situated members of the group and shall  be voluntary on the part of  the  member.  The  terms  of  the  wellness  program shall be set forth in the policy or contract.    (b)  A  wellness  program  may  include,  but  is  not limited to, the  following programs or services:    (1) the use of a health risk assessment tool;    (2) a smoking cessation program;    (3) a weight management program;    (4) a stress management program;    (5) a worker injury prevention program;    (6) a nutrition education program; and    (7) health or fitness incentive programs.    (c)(1)  A  wellness  program  may  use  rewards  and  incentives   for  participation  provided  that where the group health insurance policy or  subscriber contract is required to be community-rated, the  rewards  and  incentives  shall  not  include a discounted premium rate or a rebate or  refund of premium.    (2) Permissible rewards and incentives include:    (A) full or partial reimbursement of  the  cost  of  participating  in  smoking cessation or weight management programs;    (B)  full  or  partial  reimbursement  of  the cost of membership in a  health club or fitness center;    (C) the waiver or reduction of copayments, coinsurance and deductibles  for preventive services covered under the  group  policy  or  subscriber  contract; and    (D)  monetary  rewards in the form of gift cards or gift certificates,  so long as the recipient of the reward is encouraged to use  the  reward  for  a  product  or a service that promotes good health, such as healthy  cook books, over the counter vitamins or exercise equipment.    (3) Where the reward involves a group  member's  meeting  a  specified  standard based on a health condition, the wellness program must meet the  requirements of 45 CFR Part 146.    (4)  A reward or incentive which involves a discounted premium rate or  a rebate or refund of premium shall be based on actuarial  demonstration  that  the  wellness  program can reasonably be expected to result in the  overall good health and well being of the group.