2102 - Acting without a license.
§ 2102. Acting without a license. (a) (1) No person, firm, association or corporation shall act as an insurance producer, insurance adjuster or life settlement broker in this state without having authority to do so by virtue of a license issued and in force pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. (2) Any person, firm, association or corporation who or which acts as a reinsurance intermediary in violation of paragraph one hereof shall, in addition to other penalties prescribed by law, be subject to a penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars for each transaction. (b) (1) Unless licensed as an insurance agent, insurance broker or insurance consultant, no person, firm, association or corporation shall in this state identify or hold himself or itself out to be an insurance advisor, insurance consultant or insurance counselor. (2) No person, firm, association or corporation shall use any other designation or title which is likely to mislead the public or shall hold himself or itself out in any manner as having particular insurance qualifications other than those for which he may be otherwise licensed or otherwise qualified. (3) Unless licensed as an insurance agent, insurance broker or insurance consultant with respect to the relevant kinds of insurance, no person, firm, association or corporation shall receive any money, fee, commission or thing of value for examining, appraising, reviewing or evaluating any insurance policy, annuity or pension contract, plan or program or shall make recommendations or give advice with regard to any of the above. (4) This subsection shall not apply to: (A) licensed attorneys at law of this state acting in their professional capacity as such; (B) actuaries or certified public accountants who provide information, recommendations, advice or services in their professional capacity, if neither they nor their employer receive any compensation directly or indirectly on account of any insurance, bond, annuity or pension contract that results in whole or part from such information, recommendation, advice or services; or (C) regular salaried officers or employees of an insurer who devote substantially all of their services to activities other than the rendering of consulting services to the insuring public while acting in their capacity as such in discharging the duties of their employment. (c) Unless licensed as a reinsurance intermediary, no person, firm, association or corporation shall in this state act as a reinsurance intermediary or use any other designation or title which is likely to mislead the public or hold himself or itself out in any manner as a reinsurance intermediary. (d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, any membership corporation or voluntary association organized and operating in this state prior to January first, nineteen hundred thirty-nine may, as part of its operations, continue as theretofore to obtain for its members, from a property/casualty insurance company licensed to do business in this state and having a certificate of qualification from the superintendent, the surety bonds or insurance policies required to be filed by such members pursuant to section three hundred seventy of the vehicle and traffic law and may, without being licensed as an insurance broker, receive compensation from such members or from such insurer for such services. (e)(1) No person shall accept any commission, service fee, brokerage or other valuable consideration for selling, soliciting or negotiating insurance in this state if that person is required to be licensed under this article and is not so licensed.(2) Renewal or other deferred commissions may be paid to a person or other entity for selling, soliciting or negotiating insurance in this state if the person or other entity was required to be licensed under this article at the time of the sale, solicitation or negotiation and was so licensed at that time. (3) An insurer, fraternal benefit society, health maintenance organization or licensed insurance producer may pay or assign commissions, service fees, brokerages or other valuable consideration to an insurance producer or to persons who do not sell, solicit or negotiate a contract of insurance in this state, unless the payment would violate any provision of this chapter. (f) Every licensee shall notify the superintendent upon changing his, her or its legal name. Except for an individual licensee's own legal name, no licensee shall use any name, in conducting a business regulated by this article that has not been previously approved by the superintendent.