Article 14 - (1401 - 1414) INVESTMENTS
- 1401 - Definitions and rules of general application.
- 1402 - Minimum capital or minimum surplus to policyholder investments.
- 1403 - Reserve and other investments; certain requirements.
- 1404 - Types of reserve investments permitted for non-life insurers.
- 1405 - Investments of life insurers.
- 1406 - Policy loans.
- 1407 - Non-reserve and prohibited investments for property/casualty and certain other insurers.
- 1408 - Acquisition of insurance company shares; limitations thereon.
- 1409 - Limitation of investments.
- 1410 - Derivative transactions and derivative instruments.
- 1411 - Authorization of, and restrictions on, investments.
- 1412 - Disposal or deduction of investments unlawfully acquired.
- 1413 - Investments of foreign and alien insurers.
- 1414 - Valuation of investments.