188-A - Powers and duties of the board.

§  188-a.  Powers  and  duties  of the board. The board shall have the  power and it shall be its duty to:    1. Supervise the administration of the games of chance  licensing  law  and  to  adopt,  amend  and  repeal  rules and regulations governing the  issuance and amendment of licenses  thereunder  and  the  conducting  of  games  under  such  licenses, which rules and regulations shall have the  force and effect of law and shall be  binding  upon  all  municipalities  issuing  licenses, and upon licensees of the board, to the end that such  licenses shall be issued to qualified  licensees  only,  and  that  said  games shall be fairly and properly conducted for the purposes and in the  manner  of  the  said  games  of  chance licensing law prescribed and to  prevent the games of chance thereby  authorized  to  be  conducted  from  being  conducted  for  commercial  purposes or purposes other than those  therein authorized, participated in by  criminal  or  other  undesirable  elements  and  the  funds derived from the games being diverted from the  purposes authorized, and to provide uniformity in the administration  of  said  law  throughout  the  state,  the  board  shall prescribe forms of  application for licenses, licensees, amendment of licenses,  reports  of  the conduct of games and other matters incident to the administration of  such law.    2.   Conduct,   anywhere   in   the   state,   investigations  of  the  administration, enforcement and potential or actual  violations  of  the  games  of  chance  licensing law and of the rules and regulations of the  board.    3. Reveiw all determinations and actions of the clerk or department in  issuing an initial license and it may review the issuance of  subsequent  licenses  and,  after hearing, revoke those licenses which do not in all  respects meet the  requirements  of  this  article  and  the  rules  and  regulations of the board.    4.  Suspend  or  revoke a license, after hearing, for any violation of  the provisions of this article or  the  rules  and  regulations  of  the  board.    5.  Hear  appeals  from  the  determinations  and action of the clerk,  department or officer in connection with the refusing to issue licenses,  the suspension and revocation of licenses and the imposition of fines in  the manner prescribed by law and the action  and  determination  of  the  board  upon  any such appeal shall be binding upon the clerk, department  or officer and all parties thereto.    6. Carry on continuous study of the operation of the games  of  chance  licensing   law   to   ascertain  from  time  to  time  defects  therein  jeopardizing or threatening to jeopardize the purposes of this  article,  and  to formulate and recommend changes in such law and in other laws of  the state which  the  board  may  determine  to  be  necessary  for  the  realization  of  such purposes, and to the same end to make a continuous  study of the operation and administration of similar laws which  may  be  in effect in other states of the United States.    7.  Supervise the disposition of all funds derived from the conduct of  games of chance by authorized organizations not  currently  licensed  to  conduct such games.    8.   Issue   an  identification  number  to  an  applicant  authorized  organization if it shall determine  that  the  applicant  satisfies  the  requirements  of  the  games  of  chance licensing law and the rules and  regulations of the board.    9. The board shall have the power to approve and establish a  standard  set  of games of chance equipment and shall by its rules and regulations  prescribe the manner in which such equipment is  to  be  reproduced  and  distributed   to   licensed   authorized   organizations.  The  sale  or  distribution to a licensed  authorized  organization  of  any  equipmentother  than  that  contained  in  the  standard  set  of games of chance  equipment shall constitute a violation of this section.