99-E - Section heading enacted as heading to sb 1.

§   99-e.   1.   Operation,  improvement  and  maintenance  of  parks.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law,  or  of  any  charter,  ordinance,  rule  or regulation, any county, except a  county wholly included within a city and except a county operating under  an alternative form of county government or under a county charter,  may  undertake to operate, maintain and improve public parks and recreational  facilities theretofore established by a municipal corporation within its  boundaries  on land owned by such municipal corporation. Such county and  any municipal  corporation  located  therein  may,  when  authorized  by  majority  vote of the whole number of the members of its governing body,  enter into an agreement for the aforesaid purpose  for  a  term  not  to  exceed thirty years, upon such other terms and conditions as such bodies  shall  determine.  Such  operation, maintenance and improvement shall be  county purposes  and  the  board  of  supervisors  of  such  county  may  appropriate and expend county funds for such purposes.    2.  After  such  an  agreement  has  been  executed,  employees of the  municipal corporation so contracting with the county, who at the time of  the execution of such agreement  were  employed  in  the  operation  and  maintenance of the parks and recreational facilities covered by any such  agreement,  shall  be  transferred  to  the  employ of the county in the  manner set forth in section seventy of the civil service law.