96-A*2 - Protection of historical places, buildings and works of art.

* § 96-a. Protection of historical places, buildings and works of art.  In  addition  to  any  power  or authority of a municipal corporation to  regulate by planning or zoning laws and regulations or by local laws and  regulations, the governing  board  or  local  legislative  body  of  any  county,  city,  town  or village is empowered to provide by regulations,  special conditions and restrictions  for  the  protection,  enhancement,  perpetuation and use of places, districts, sites, buildings, structures,  works  of  art,  and other objects having a special character or special  historical or aesthetic interest or  value.  Such  regulations,  special  conditions  and  restrictions  may  include  appropriate  and reasonable  control of the use or appearance of neighboring private property  within  public  view, or both. In any such instance such measures, if adopted in  the exercise of the police power, shall be reasonable and appropriate to  the purpose, or if constituting  a  taking  of  private  property  shall  provide  for  due  compensation,  which  may  include  the limitation or  remission of taxes.    * NB There are 2 § 96-a's