77-A - Construction and maintenance of memorial building or monument by county or city.

§  77-a. Construction and maintenance of memorial building or monument  by county or city. A county, or a city  by  resolution  adopted  by  the  governing  board  of  such  municipality  by  a  two-thirds  vote of its  members, may construct and maintain  a  memorial  building,  park  or  a  monument  at  a  place  within  the municipality or upon any public park  thereof, in commemoration of soldiers and sailors of the  United  States  in  any war or wars in which the United States shall have engaged, at an  expense to be borne by the city or  county  at  large.  Such  resolution  shall create a committee, to be at all times composed of members of such  governing  boards,  to  have  charge  of  such  construction and of such  maintenance,  direct  expenditures  therefor  and  let  a  contract   or  contracts  for  such construction. Upon the adoption of such resolution,  the governing board or other proper  authorities  of  such  municipality  shall  appropriate,  raise by tax in the city or county, as the case may  be, and make available from time to time to the order of such committee,  the amount chargeable to the city or county for  such  construction  and  maintenance. In a city having a board of estimate and apportionment, the  concurrence of such board, with any action by the governing board, shall  be  necessary to any action by the city under this section. A county and  a city wholly contained  therein  may  unite  in  the  construction  and  maintenance  of  such  a memorial by such resolution being so adopted by  the governing board of each municipality, at an expense to be  borne  by  the city and county at large, or by the city and taxable property of the  county  outside  of  the city, in such manner and in such proportions as  the resolution shall prescribe. Such resolution shall create a committee  to be at all times composed of members of each of such governing boards,  to  have  charge  of  construction  and  of  such  maintenance,   direct  expenditures   therefor  and  let  a  contract  or  contracts  for  such  construction. Upon adoption of such resolutions the governing  board  or  other  proper  authorities of such municipality shall appropriate, raise  by tax in the city or county, as the case may  be,  and  make  available  from  time to time to the order of such committee, the amount chargeable  to the city or county for such construction and maintenance.