71-B - Operation of snowmobiles.

§  71-b. Operation of snowmobiles. 1. With respect to injuries arising  from the operation of snowmobiles, no civil action shall  be  maintained  against  any  municipal  corporation  or an officer thereof in charge of  highway supervision and maintenance, for damages or injuries  to  person  or  property sustained by reason of any highway, bridge or culvert being  defective, out of repair, unsafe, dangerous, or obstructed, unless prior  written notice  of  such  defective,  unsafe,  dangerous  or  obstructed  condition  on  such highway, bridge or culvert was actually given to the  municipal agent,  officer,  or  employee  authorized  by  section  three  hundred eleven of the civil practice law and rules to receive service or  to  the  chief  municipal  officer  in charge of highway supervision and  maintenance, and there was a failure or neglect within a reasonable time  thereafter to  repair  or  remove  the  defect,  danger  or  obstruction  complained  of,  or,  in  the  absence  of  such notice, such defective,  unsafe, dangerous or obstructed condition existed for so long  a  period  of  time  that  the  same could have been discovered and remedied in the  exercise of reasonable care and diligence, conditions resulting from the  removal or non-removal of snow and/or ice shall not constitute a  defect  until  seventy-two  hours  after  written  notice  has  been served on a  municipal corporation as  provided  herein.  No  such  action  shall  be  maintained  for  damages  or  injuries  to  person or property sustained  solely due to conditions caused by  snow  and/or  ice  removal,  or  the  non-removal  thereof from highways designated pursuant to section 8-0303  of the conservation law.    2.  The  municipal  officer  in  charge  of  highway  supervision  and  maintenance   and   any  other  municipal  agent,  officer  or  employee  designated to receive service of process shall transmit  in  writing  to  the  clerk of the municipal body involved within twenty-four hours or as  soon as  practical  after  the  receipt  thereof,  all  written  notices  received by him pursuant to this section.    3.  The  clerk  of each municipal body shall keep an indexed record of  all written notices which  he  shall  receive  of  the  existence  of  a  defective, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed condition in or upon, or of a  hazardous   condition   caused  by  snow  and/or  ice  removal,  or  the  non-removal thereof from highways designated pursuant to section  8-0303  of  the  conservation  law, which notice shall state the date of receipt  thereof, and the name and address of the person from whom the notice was  received. The record of each notice shall be preserved for a  period  of  five years after the date received.