5-B - Collection of fines, civil penalties, rent, rates, taxes, fees, charges and other amounts via the internet.

§ 5-b. Collection of fines, civil penalties, rent, rates, taxes, fees,  charges  and  other  amounts via the internet. 1. The governing board of  any local government, as that term is defined in  section  ten  of  this  article,  may,  by local law, ordinance or resolution, determine that it  is in the public interest and authorize such local government to provide  for the acceptance of penalties, rents,  rates,  taxes,  fees,  charges,  revenue,  financial  obligations  or other amounts, including penalties,  special assessments  or  interest  via  a  municipal  internet  website.  Submission  via  the  internet may not, however, be required as the sole  method for the collection of fines, civil penalties, rent, rates, taxes,  fees, charges and other amounts. Such payments shall be accepted via the  internet in a manner and condition defined by such local government. Any  method used to receive internet payments shall comply with article three  of the state technology law and any rules  and  regulations  promulgated  and   guidelines  developed  thereunder  and,  at  a  minimum  must  (a)  authenticate the identity of the sender; and (b) ensure the security  of  the information transmitted.    2.  Any  local  government  authorizing  the  payment of taxes via the  internet shall provide a confirmation page to the taxpayer following the  completion of the internet transaction.  Such  confirmation  page  shall  include, at least, the following:    (a)  the  date  the internet transaction was completed and sent by the  taxpayer; and    (b) a notice to the taxpayer to print out and retain the  confirmation  page as his or her receipt.    3.  Payments received via the internet shall be considered received by  the appropriate officer and  paid  by  the  taxpayer  at  the  time  the  internet transaction is completed and sent by the taxpayer.    4.  The  underlying  debt,  lien,  obligation,  bill, account or other  amount owed to the local government for which  payment  by  internet  is  accepted  by  the  local  government  shall  not be expunged, cancelled,  released, discharged or satisfied, and any receipt or other evidence  of  payment  shall  be  deemed  conditional,  until the local government has  received final and unconditional payment of the full amount due.    5. The  governing  board,  in  enacting  a  local  law,  ordinance  or  resolution  pursuant  to  this  section,  shall  designate  which of its  officers, charged with the duty of collecting  or  receiving  moneys  on  behalf  of  the  local  government,  shall  be authorized to accept such  payments via the internet.