970-C - Definitions.

§  970-c.  Definitions.  (a)  "Blighted  area"  means an area within a  municipality in which one or more of the following conditions exist: (i)  a predominance of buildings and structures  which  are  deteriorated  or  unfit  or  unsafe  for  use  or  occupancy;  or  (ii)  a predominance of  economically  unproductive   lands,   buildings   or   structures,   the  redevelopment  of which is needed to prevent further deterioration which  would jeopardize the economic well being of the people.    (b) "Legislative body" means the  governing  body  of  a  municipality  empowered  to  adopt  and  amend  local  laws  and ordinances; provided,  however, that in the case of the city of New York, the legislative  body  shall, for the purposes of this article be the board of estimate.    (c) "Low and moderate income families and persons" means those persons  who  would qualify as low and moderate income persons and families under  Sections 1715z and 1715z-1 of Title 12 of  the  United  States  Code  as  those  definitions  in  those  sections  now  exist  or  may be amended,  replaced, or superseded.    (d) "Master plan" means the plan for  development  of  a  municipality  adopted by the planning agency of the municipality.    (e)  "Municipality" means a city, village, town or a county other than  a county located wholly within a city.    (f) "Planning agency" means the planning board or  commission  of  the  municipality.    (g)  "Project  area"  means an area of a community which is a blighted  area, the redevelopment of which is necessary to effectuate the purposes  of this article. A project area need not  be  restricted  to  buildings,  improvements  or  lands  which are detrimental or inimical to the public  health, safety or welfare, but may consist of  an  area  in  which  such  conditions  predominate  and adversely affect the entire area. A project  area  may  include  lands,  buildings  or  improvements  which  are  not  detrimental  or  inimical  to  the public health, safety or welfare, but  whose inclusion is found necessary by the municipality for the effective  redevelopment of the area of which they are a part. All lands, buildings  or improvements included in  a  project  area  shall  be  necessary  for  effective  redevelopment  and  shall not be included for the purposes of  obtaining  the  allocation  of  tax  increment  revenue  without   clear  justification for their inclusion. A project area shall not include land  utilized for agricultural production.    (h)  "Real  property"  means: (i) land, including land under water and  waterfront  property;  (ii)   buildings,   structures,   fixtures,   and  improvements  on  the land; (iii) any property appurtenant to or used in  connection with the land; and (iv) every  estate,  interest,  privilege,  easement,  franchise,  and right in land, including rights-of-way, terms  for years, and liens, charges,  or  encumbrances  by  way  of  judgment,  mortgage, or otherwise and the indebtedness secured by such liens.