854 - Definitions.

§  854. Definitions. As used in this act, unless the context otherwise  requires:    (1) "Agency" - shall mean an  Industrial  Development  Agency  created  pursuant to this act.    (2)  "Bonds"  -  shall mean the bonds, notes, interim certificates and  other obligations issued by the agency pursuant to this act.    (3) "Municipality" - shall mean any county,  city,  village,  town  or  Indian reservation in the state.    (4)   "Project"   -  shall  mean  any  land,  any  building  or  other  improvement, and all real and personal  properties  located  within  the  state  of  New  York  and  within  or  outside  or  partially within and  partially outside the municipality for  whose  benefit  the  agency  was  created,  including,  but not limited to, machinery, equipment and other  facilities deemed necessary or desirable  in  connection  therewith,  or  incidental   thereto,   whether   or  not  now  in  existence  or  under  construction, which shall be suitable  for  manufacturing,  warehousing,  research,  commercial or industrial purposes or other economically sound  purposes identified and called for to implement a state designated urban  cultural park management plan as provided  in  title  G  of  the  parks,  recreation  and  historic preservation law and which may include or mean  an  industrial  pollution  control  facility,  a  recreation   facility,  educational  or cultural facility, a horse racing facility or a railroad  facility, provided, however, no agency shall use its funds in respect of  any project wholly or  partially  outside  the  municipality  for  whose  benefit  the agency was created without the prior consent thereto by the  governing body or bodies of all the other municipalities in which a part  or parts of the project is, or is to be, located.    (5) "Governing body" - shall mean the  board  or  body  in  which  the  general legislative powers of the municipality are vested.    (6) "Mortgage" - shall mean a mortgage or other security device.    (7)  "Revenues"  -  shall  mean all rents, revenues, fees, charges and  other sources of income derived by the agency from the leasing, sale  or  other disposition of a project or projects.    (8) "Industrial pollution control facility"--shall mean any equipment,  improvement,  structure  or  facility  or  any  land  and  any building,  structure, facility or other improvement  thereon,  or  any  combination  thereof,  and all real and personal property deemed necessary therewith,  which if within any city are not  of  a  character  or  nature  then  or  formerly furnished or supplied by the city, having to do with or the end  purpose of which is the control, abatement or prevention of land, sewer,  water,  air,  noise or general environmental pollution deriving from the  operation  of  industrial,   manufacturing,   warehousing,   commercial,  recreation  and  research  facilities, including, but not limited to any  air  pollution  control  facility,  noise  abatement   facility,   water  management   facility,   waste  water  collecting  system,  waste  water  treatment works, sewage treatment works system, sewage treatment  system  or solid waste disposal facility or site.    (9)  "Recreation facility"--shall mean any facility for the use of the  general public as spectators or participants in  recreation  activities,  including  but  not  limited  to  skiing, golfing, swimming, tennis, ice  skating  or  ice  hockey  facilities,  together  with   all   buildings,  structures,  machinery,  equipment, facilities and appurtenances thereto  which the agency may deem necessary, useful or desirable  in  connection  with  the  construction,  improvement or operation of any such facility,  including  overnight  accommodations  and  other  facilities  incidental  thereto  and facilities that may permit the use of recreation facilities  by the general public as  participants  in  recreation  activities,  butshall  not  include  facilities  for automobile or horse racing or other  similar activities.    (10)  "Horse  racing facility"--shall mean any facility for the use of  the general public  for  purpose  of  conducting  pari-mutuel  wagering,  licensed  by  the  state racing and wagering board, as of January first,  nineteen hundred seventy-seven, except non-profit  racing  associations,  including  buildings,  structures, machinery, equipments, facilities and  appurtenances thereto,  the  construction,  reconstruction,  acquisition  and/or improvement of which shall have been approved by the state racing  and  wagering  board, and which the agency may deem necessary, useful or  desirable in connection with the construction, improvement or  operation  of such racing facility.    (11)  "Railroad  facility"--shall  mean,  but shall not be limited to,  railroad rights-of-way, beds, bridges, viaducts,  tracks,  switches  and  rolling  stock and any other attendant structure, equipment, facility or  property  necessary  or  appropriate   to   railroading   conducted   in  conjunction  with industrial, commerical, manufacturing, recreational or  warehousing operations; provided, however,  that  (i)  no  agency  shall  itself operate a railroad facility for freight or passenger service, but  may  lease  or  otherwise  make  such facility available to an operator,  subject to an agreement  for  the  maintenance  and  operation  of  such  facility  for  freight  or  passenger  service,  provided that passenger  service  does  not  constitute  the  primary  purpose  of  the  railroad  facility;  (ii)  prior to undertaking any project involving acquisition,  construction, reconstruction,  improvement,  maintenance,  equipping  or  furnishing  of a railroad facility, an agency shall submit its plans for  the  proposed  project  to  the  commissioner  of  transportation;   the  commissioner  shall,  within  sixty days of his receipt of the proposal,  submit an analysis of the financial and operational feasibility  of  the  proposed  project,  along  with any recommendations for modification for  improving the project's viability, to  the  agency,  the  governor,  the  commissioner  of  commerce,  the  temporary president of the senate, the  speaker of the assembly and the governing body of  the  municipality  in  which  the  agency  is located; and (iii) no agency shall enter into any  contract for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement,  maintenance, equipping  or  furnishing  of  a  railroad  facility  until  fifteen days after the submission of the analysis and recommendations of  the   commissioner   of   transportation,  or  seventy-five  days  after  submission of the  agency's  plan  to  the  commissioner,  whichever  is  earlier.    (12)  "Educational  or  cultural  facility"--shall  mean  any facility  identified and called for to implement a state designated heritage  area  management  plan  as  provided  in  title G of the parks, recreation and  historic preservation law that  is  open  to  the  public  at  large  as  participants  in  educational  and cultural activities including but not  limited to theaters, museums, exhibitions and festival and  interpretive  facilities,  together  with buildings, structures, machinery, equipment,  facilities  and  appurtenances  thereto  which  the  agency   may   deem  necessary,  useful  or  desirable  in  connection with the construction,  improvement or operation  of  any  such  facility,  including  overnight  accommodations  and  other  facilities incidental thereto and facilities  that may permit the use of educational or  cultural  facilities  by  the  general public.    (14)  "Financial assistance" - shall mean the proceeds of bonds issued  by an agency, straight-leases, or exemptions from taxation claimed by  a  project  occupant  as  a result of an agency taking title, possession or  control (by lease, license or otherwise) to the property or equipment ofsuch project occupant or of such project occupant acting as an agent  of  an agency.    (15)  "Straight-lease transaction" - shall mean a transaction in which  an agency takes title, possession  or  control  (by  lease,  license  or  otherwise) to the property or equipment of a project occupant, entitling  such  property  or equipment to be exempt from taxation according to the  provisions of section eight hundred seventy-four of this article, and no  financial assistance in the form of the proceeds of bonds issued by  the  agency is provided to the project occupant.    (16)  "Affected  tax  jurisdiction"  -  shall mean any municipality or  school district, in which a project  is  located,  which  will  fail  to  receive  real  property  tax payments, or other tax payments which would  otherwise be due, except for the tax exempt status of an agency involved  in a project.    (17) "Payments in lieu of taxes" - shall mean any payment made  to  an  agency,  or  affected tax jurisdiction equal to the amount, or a portion  of, real property taxes, or other taxes, which would have been levied by  or on behalf of an affected tax jurisdiction if the project was not  tax  exempt by reason of agency involvement.    (18)  "Highly  distressed  area"  -  shall  mean (a) a census tract or  tracts or block numbering areas or areas or such census tract  or  block  numbering  area  contiguous  thereto which, according to the most recent  census data available, has:    (i) a poverty rate of at least twenty percent for the  year  to  which  the  data  relates  or  at  least twenty percent of households receiving  public assistance; and    (ii) an unemployment  rate  of  at  least  1.25  times  the  statewide  unemployment rate for the year to which the data relates; or    (b) a city, town, village or county within a city with a population of  one  million or more for which: (i) the ratio of the full value property  wealth, as determined by the comptroller for the year  nineteen  hundred  ninety, per resident to the statewide average full value property wealth  per resident; and (ii) the ratio of the income per resident; as shown in  the  nineteen  hundred ninety census to the statewide average income per  resident; are each fifty-five percent or less of the statewide  average;  or    (c)  an  area  which was designated an empire zone pursuant to article  eighteen-B of this chapter.    (19) "Continuing care retirement community" - shall mean any  facility  that  has  been  granted  a certificate of authority pursuant to article  forty-six or forty-six-A of the public health law and is established  to  provide,  pursuant  to  continuing  care  retirement  contracts approved  pursuant  to  article  forty-six  of   the   public   health   law,   or  fee-for-service  continuing  care contracts approved pursuant to article  forty-six-A of the public health law, a comprehensive,  cohesive  living  arrangement  for  the  elderly,  and  certified  by  the commissioner of  health, that (i) has  been  approved  for  the  issuance  of  industrial  development  agency  bonds  by  the continuing care retirement community  council pursuant to section  forty-six  hundred  four-a  of  the  public  health  law except that paragraphs b and g of subdivision two of section  forty-six hundred four-a of the public health law shall not apply  to  a  continuing  care retirement community granted a certificate of authority  pursuant to article forty-six-A of the public health law and (ii)  is  a  not-for-profit  corporation as defined in section one hundred two of the  not-for-profit corporation law  that  is  (a)  eligible  for  tax-exempt  financing  under  section  forty-six hundred four-a of the public health  law and this chapter and (b) is exempt from taxation pursuant to section  501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code; except that  "continuingcare  retirement  community"  shall  not  include  a  facility granted a  certificate of authority upon application of a state or local government  applicant.