704 - Notice of hearing on petition for annexation.

§ 704. Notice of hearing on petition for annexation.  1. Within twenty  days  after  the receipt of such petition, the governing board or boards  of the local government or governments to which it is proposed to  annex  such  territory  and the governing board or boards of the affected local  government or governments in which  such  territory  is  situated  shall  respectively  cause  a  notice  to  be  published  once  in its or their  official newspapers, or,  if  there  be  no  official  newspaper,  in  a  newspaper  published in the county and having general circulation within  the area of such local government or governments, as the  case  may  be.  The  governing  board  of  each  affected local government in which such  territory is situated also shall cause a  copy  of  such  notice  to  be  mailed  to  each  person  or  corporation  owning  real property in such  territory as shown by the last preceding  assessment  roll  and  to  all  persons residing in such territory qualified to vote for officers of the  city,  town  or  village, as the case may be, in which such territory is  situated as their names appear upon the register of voters for the  last  preceding  general  election.    Where  the  territory  to be annexed is  situated wholly or partly within a village, the governing board of  such  village  and  the  governing  board  of  a  town  or towns in which such  territory is wholly or partly situated  may  provide  by  agreement  for  joint  publication  and  mailing  of  such  notice. Failure to mail such  notice or failure of any addressee to receive the same shall not in  any  manner  affect  the validity of the petition or of any proceedings taken  thereon. Such notice shall state that a petition for the  annexation  of  territory  to the local government or governments (naming it or them and  briefly describing the territory proposed to  be  annexed  thereto)  has  been  received,  that  at  a  specified  place  in  one  of  such  local  governments on a specified day not less than twenty days nor  more  than  forty days after the publication and mailing of such notice, which place  and  date  shall  be specified therein, a joint hearing will be had upon  such petition by such governing boards. Each of  such  governing  boards  shall  cause  a  copy of such notice to be mailed not less than ten days  prior to the date of such joint hearing to the school authorities of any  school district in which all or part of the  territory  proposed  to  be  annexed  is  situated  and, where it is proposed to annex territory to a  city, to the school authorities of any school district (a) adjoining the  territory proposed to be annexed and (b) located wholly or partly within  such city.    2. In a case where it is proposed to annex  territory  in  a  town  or  towns  to  another  local  government  or governments, the town board or  boards in which such territory is situated shall cause a  copy  of  such  notice  to  be  mailed  not less than ten days prior to the date of such  joint hearing to the board of commissioners or other governing  body  of  each  fire  district  or  other  district  corporation,  public  benefit  corporation, and town improvement district operated by a separate  board  of  commissioners,  situated  wholly  or  partly  in the territory to be  annexed.    3. In the event that any  affected  local  government  shall  fail  to  publish  and  mail  such  notice  as required by subdivision one of this  section or in the event that the town board of  a  town  shall  fail  to  cause copies thereof to be mailed as required by subdivision two of this  section,  the  governing  board  or  boards  of any other affected local  government or governments, if it or they deem it to be  desirable,  may,  during  an  additional  twenty  days  following the forty day period now  provided in subdivision one of this section, amend and republish its  or  their  notices  and,  on behalf of such local government, town board, or  both, publish and mail such notices.