783 - Publication of proposed elector initiated dissolution plan.

§  783. Publication of proposed elector initiated dissolution plan. No  later than five business  days  after  approving  an  elector  initiated  dissolution  plan  pursuant  to section seven hundred eighty-two of this  title, the governing body of the local government entity to be dissolved  shall:    1. cause a copy of the proposed elector  initiated  dissolution  plan,  along  with  a  descriptive summary thereof, to be displayed and readily  accessible to the public for inspection in  a  public  place  or  places  within the entity;    2. cause the proposed elector initiated dissolution plan, along with a  descriptive  summary  thereof  and  a  reference  to the public place or  places within the entity where a copy thereof may  be  examined,  to  be  displayed  on  a  website  maintained  by  the  entity or otherwise on a  website maintained by the village,  town  and/or  county  in  which  the  entity is located; and    3.  arrange  to  be  published  a  descriptive summary of the proposed  elector initiated dissolution plan and a reference to the  public  place  or  places  within  the  entity where a copy thereof may be examined, at  least once each week for four successive weeks in a newspaper  having  a  general circulation within the entity; and    4.  in  the case of a proposed dissolution of a village, the governing  body  of  the  village  shall  cause  the  proposed  elector   initiated  dissolution  plan  to  be  mailed by certified or registered mail to the  supervisor of the town or towns in which the village is situated.