215 - Definitions.

§ 215. Definitions. As used in this article:    1. "Active volunteer firefighter" means a person who has been approved  by the authorities in control of a duly organized volunteer fire company  or  volunteer fire department as an active volunteer firefighter of such  fire company or department and who is faithfully and actually performing  service in the protection of  life  and  property  from  fire  or  other  emergency, accident or calamity in connection with which the services of  such fire company or fire department are required.    2.  "Defined  benefit  plan"  means  any  service  award  program that  provides  to  eligible  volunteer  firefighters,  a  benefit   that   is  definitely  determinable  under  the  program  without  reference to the  amount contributed to the program on the participant's behalf or to  any  income,  expenses,  gains or losses or forfeitures of other participants  under the program.    3. "Defined contribution plan" means any service  award  program  that  provides  to  eligible volunteer firefighters a benefit as the result of  definite and determinable contributions under the program,  and  without  reference  to  any  income,  expense,  gains or losses or forfeitures of  other participants under the program.    4. "Entitlement age" means the age designated by the sponsor at  which  a  program  participant  is  entitled  to  begin  receiving an unreduced  service award. In no event shall the entitlement age under a program  be  earlier  than  age  fifty-five  nor  later  than  the  age  at which the  participant can receive an unreduced  benefit  under  Title  II  of  the  Social  Security  Act (Public Law 74-271 U.S.C. 306 et seq.). No service  award program may provide for the payment of  benefits  (except  in  the  case of death or disability) before age fifty-five.    5.  "Fiduciary" means any person who exercises discretionary authority  or control with respect to the administration  of  the  program  or  the  management  or  disposition  of program assets or who renders investment  advice for a fee to the program.    5-a. "Fire service area" means a portion of a  village  that  receives  fire  protection  from  a special fire department pursuant to a contract  with the governing board of the village when the cost of the contract is  charged to such area of the village.    6. "Nonforfeitable" means the unconditional  and  legally  enforceable  right to receive benefits attributable to service as an active volunteer  firefighter  under  the  program  that will begin at the entitlement age  specified in the program.    7. "Participant" means an active volunteer firefighter who is eligible  for a benefit under a service award program.    7-a. "Political subdivision" means  a  county,  city,  town,  town  on  behalf of a fire protection district, village, village on behalf of fire  service area or fire district.    8.  "Service  award"  means  the benefit payable to a participant in a  service award program.    9. "Service award program" or "program" means a defined  benefit  plan  or  defined  contribution  plan  established  or  maintained  under this  article to provide service awards  for  active  volunteer  firefighters,  pursuant   to   the   benefit   options   specified  by  the  sponsoring  organization.    9-a. "Special fire company or department"  means  a  fire  company  or  department  for  which  a  service  award  program cannot be established  pursuant to subdivision one or two of section  two  hundred  sixteen  of  this  article  which  provides  fire  protection services to two or more  political  subdivisions  under  contracts  with  the  governing   boards  thereof.10.   "Sponsor"   or   "sponsoring  organization"  means  a  political  subdivision which has established or jointly established a service award  program, a volunteer fire company or department,  or  any  other  entity  responsible for fire protection.    11.  "Year of firefighting service" means a twelve month period during  which an active volunteer firefighter participates in the  fire  service  and  satisfies  the minimum requirements of participation established by  the sponsoring organization  maintaining  the  program  which  shall  be  applied  on  a  consistent  and  uniform  basis,  subject to the minimum  standards established by the sponsoring organization.    12. "Elected or appointed position" means line officers, department or  company officers and president, vice president, treasurer and  secretary  of a fire company or department.    13.   "Administrator"   or   "plan   administrator"  means  the  state  comptroller,  or  an  administrative   service   agency   or   financial  organization  selected  by  the  state  comptroller  to perform all or a  portion of the functions required to administer service award programs.    14.  "Administrative  service  agency"  means  an  organization   duly  authorized  to  do  business  in  the  state  and  which is qualified to  administer and maintain records and accounts of  plans  which  meet  the  requirements  for  qualification  under  the  internal  revenue code and  governmental plans.    15. "Financial organization" means an organization duly authorized  to  do  business  in  the state and which is (i) registered as an investment  adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940,  as  such  provisions  may  be  amended  from  time  to time; (ii) licensed or chartered by the  state insurance department; (iii) licensed or  chartered  by  the  state  banking   department;  (iv)  chartered  by  an  agency  of  the  federal  government; or (v) subject to the jurisdiction  and  regulation  of  the  securities and exchange commission of the federal government.