209-B - Emergency rescue and first aid squads.

§ 209-b. Emergency rescue and first aid squads. 1. Emergencies. a. The  authorities  having  control  of fire departments and fire companies may  organize within such departments or companies emergency rescue and first  aid squads composed of firemen who are members of  such  departments  or  companies.  Such  squads,  so  organized, may render services in case of  accidents, calamities or other  emergencies  in  connection  with  which  their  services  may  be required, as well as in case of alarms of fire.  Whether or not such squads have been organized, any fireman  may  render  service  in  case  of  accidents,  calamities  or  other  emergencies in  connection with which the services of firemen may be required,  as  well  as in case of alarms of fire, unless he shall have been duly ordered not  to  render  such  service  by the authorities having control of the fire  department or company of  which  he  is  a  member.  If  a  request  for  emergency  service  is  made  by,  or  originates from a doctor or peace  officer, acting pursuant to his special duties, or police  officer,  and  there  is  any  doubt as to whether an emergency exists, the judgment of  the doctor or officer that there  is,  in  fact,  an  emergency  may  be  accepted  as conclusive by such squad, or the fireman responding, or who  has responded to such call. The person designated to receive  calls  for  such  emergency  services, for the purpose of dispatching such squads or  firemen, shall determine in the  first  instance  from  the  information  furnished  to  him  whether  an emergency exists and his decision, if in  good faith, as to whether or not there is an emergency shall be final in  relation to dispatching such squads or  firemen.  Any  such  preliminary  determination shall not be deemed to authorize the rendition of services  if,  upon  arriving  at  the place to which dispatched, it is found that  there is no emergency.    b. The governing board of any city, town,  village  or  fire  district  which  has  a  fire  department  but  which has not authorized such fire  department to render emergency ambulance service, may contract  for  the  furnishing to it of emergency ambulance service with another city, town,  village  or  fire district which has in its fire department an emergency  rescue and first aid squad duly authorized to render emergency ambulance  service.  Before any contract to furnish emergency ambulance service  is  entered  into, the consents of the fire department, the fire company and  the emergency rescue and first  aid  squad  to  furnish  such  emergency  ambulance  service shall be obtained. Each consent shall be evidenced by  a copy of a resolution certified respectively by the  secretary  of  the  fire  department  and fire company and by the officer then in command of  the emergency rescue and first aid squad.    2. General ambulance service. a. The governing board of any city, town  which has a fire department, village or fire district which has  in  its  fire  department an emergency rescue and first aid squad composed mainly  of volunteer firefighters, by resolution, may authorize any  such  squad  to furnish general ambulance service for the purpose of (1) transporting  any  sick, injured or disabled resident or person found within the city,  town, village or fire district to  a  hospital,  clinic,  sanatorium  or  other  place  for  treatment  and  care  and  returning  any such person  therefrom if still sick, injured or disabled and  (2)  transporting  any  sick,  injured  or  disabled resident of the city, town, village or fire  district from a hospital, clinic, sanatorium or other place  where  such  person  has received treatment and care to any other place for treatment  and care or  to  such  person's  home  whether  such  hospital,  clinic,  sanatorium  or  other place where such person has received treatment and  care is within or without the city, town, village or  fire  district  or  the territory listed on the ambulance service certificate or certificate  of  registration  as  the  usual  territory  within  which the ambulance  service operates.b. The town board of a town which does not have a fire department  but  in  which  there is a fire corporation located outside any village, fire  district,  fire  alarm  district  or  fire   protection   district,   by  resolution,  may  authorize  the emergency rescue and first aid squad of  such  fire  corporation  to  furnish  general  ambulance service for the  purpose of (1) transporting any sick, injured or  disabled  resident  or  person   found   within   the  area  described  in  the  certificate  of  incorporation of the fire corporation to a hospital, clinic,  sanatorium  or  other  place  for  treatment  and care and returning any such person  therefrom if still sick, injured or disabled and  (2)  transporting  any  sick,  injured  or  disabled  resident  of  such  described  area from a  hospital, clinic, sanatorium  or  other  place  where  such  person  has  received treatment and care to any other place for treatment and care or  to such person's home whether such hospital, clinic, sanatorium or other  place  where  such  person  has received treatment and care is within or  without the area described in the certificate of incorporation  of  such  fire  corporation  or  the  territory  listed  on  the ambulance service  certificate or certificate of registration as the usual territory within  which the ambulance service operates.    c. The governing board of a city, village or fire  district  which  by  law  is authorized to contract to have fire protection furnished for any  district or area thereof by the  fire  department  or  fire  company  of  another  city, town, village or fire district, or a town board on behalf  of a fire protection district or fire alarm district, may include in any  fire protection contract a  provision  for  the  furnishing  of  general  ambulance  service  by  the  emergency rescue and first aid squad of the  fire department or fire company which furnishes  such  fire  protection.  Such  general  ambulance  service  shall  be  for  the  purpose  of  (1)  transporting any sick, injured or  disabled  resident  or  person  found  within  the  contract district or area to a hospital, clinic, sanatorium  or other place for treatment and care  and  returning  any  such  person  therefrom  if  still  sick, injured or disabled and (2) transporting any  sick, injured or disabled resident of such  contract  district  or  area  from a hospital, clinic, sanatorium or other place where such person has  received treatment and care to any other place for treatment and care or  to such person's home whether such hospital, clinic, sanatorium or other  place  where  such  person  has received treatment and care is within or  without the contract district or area or the  territory  listed  on  the  ambulance  service  certificate  or  certificate  of registration as the  usual territory within which the ambulance service operates.  The  city,  town,  village,  fire  district  or  the fire department or fire company  thereof which is authorized to furnish such fire protection pursuant  to  contract  shall have power to contract to furnish such general ambulance  service.    d. Before any authorization is granted under paragraphs  a  and  b  of  this  subdivision,  or  before any contract to furnish general ambulance  service is entered into pursuant to paragraph c of this subdivision, and  before any public hearing is conducted as herein provided, the  consents  of  the  fire  department, the fire company and the emergency rescue and  first aid squad to  furnish  the  general  ambulance  service  shall  be  obtained.  Each  consent  shall  be  evidenced by a copy of a resolution  certified, respectively, by the secretary of  the  fire  department  and  fire  company and by the officer then in command of the emergency rescue  and first aid squad.    e. Before authorizing general ambulance service under paragraphs a and  b of this subdivision the governing board of a city,  town,  village  or  fire district shall conduct a public hearing. Before the governing board  of  a  city,  town,  village or fire district enters into a contract forfire protection which contract,  for  the  first  time  for  a  specific  district  or  area,  provides  for  the  furnishing of general ambulance  service pursuant to paragraph c of this subdivision, it shall conduct  a  public  hearing  in the manner required by law, if any, for the entering  into of a fire protection contract therefor, but if a public hearing  is  not  required in any such case, then the public hearing shall be held as  herein provided and the  procedure  for  publishing  notice  under  this  paragraph shall be applicable. Notice of such hearing shall be published  at least once in a newspaper or newspapers having general circulation in  the  city, town, village or fire district, or, in the case of contracts,  in the fire alarm district, fire protection district, or other  contract  area.  In  all  cases the notice of hearing shall, in general terms, (1)  describe  the  general  ambulance  service  which  is  proposed  to   be  furnished,  (2)  describe  the area to be served, (3) state the names of  the fire department, fire companies and emergency rescue and  first  aid  squad  affected,  (4)  state  the  time and place within the city, town,  village or fire district, or, in the case of contracts, the  fire  alarm  district,  fire  protection district, or other contract area, where such  hearing will be held and (5) state that all persons residing within  the  area  to  be  served,  all  persons,  firms and corporations owning real  property within the area to  be  served,  and  all  persons,  firms  and  corporations  whose  business  interests  or  employment would either be  benefited or adversely affected, whether or not a resident or  owner  of  real  property  within the area to be served, shall have the right to be  heard in person or by representative at the public hearing. Such  notice  shall  be  published  at  least ten days prior to the date fixed for the  hearing.    f. After the hearing and after considering the statements made at  the  hearing  the  governing  board  shall  determine whether authorizing the  furnishing of general ambulance service,  or  the  entering  into  of  a  contract  for  general  ambulance service, is in the public interest. If  the governing board determines that it is  in  the  public  interest  to  authorize  the furnishing of general ambulance service, or to enter into  a contract for general ambulance service, it shall adopt the  resolution  authorizing  the  same  and within ten days thereafter cause a certified  copy of the resolution and the determination on which it is based to  be  filed  in the office of the clerk of the county or counties in which the  city, town, village or fire district is located. The  consents  required  by  paragraph  d of this subdivision shall be filed with such resolution  and determination.    g. The determination  of  the  governing  board  in  relation  to  the  furnishing  of  general  ambulance service shall be subject to review in  the manner provided in article seventy-eight of the civil  practice  law  and rules provided that application has been made therefor within thirty  days  from  the  date  of  the  filing thereof. Such determination shall  become final and conclusive and the resolution shall become effective at  the expiration of such thirty days or,  if  application  for  review  be  made, upon the final determination thereof.    h.  When  general  ambulance  service  is  authorized pursuant to this  subdivision, the emergency rescue and first aid squad shall  answer  all  calls  and  demands for such service to be furnished to sick, injured or  disabled persons entitled thereto, subject to such rules and regulations  as shall be prescribed by authorities having control of such squad,  and  subject  at  all times to the emergency needs of the fire department and  any limitations  upon  such  service  specified  in  a  fire  protection  contract.  Such  rules  and regulations may establish limitations on the  distances which may be traveled outside the area to be served  in  orderto  reach hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums or other places where care and  treatment is to be or has been furnished.    i.  Any  action taken pursuant to this subdivision may be rescinded by  resolution of the governing board which has taken such action. The  term  "resolution",  as  used  in  this  subdivision  two,  means  resolution,  ordinance, act or local law.    j. The provisions of this subdivision two shall apply to  all  cities,  towns,  villages  and  fire  districts, except where the provisions of a  general or special law  expressly  prohibit  the  rendition  of  general  ambulance service by an emergency rescue and first aid squad of the fire  department thereof.    3.  Transportation of persons. Squads and persons authorized to render  service pursuant to  this  section  shall  transport  sick,  injured  or  disabled  persons  only  in  vehicles owned by or under the control of a  city, town, village, fire district, a fire department or a fire  company  unless  ordered or permitted to transport such persons in other vehicles  by the authorities having control of the fire department or fire company  of which he is a member.    3-a. Mutual aid. a. The governing board of any city, town which has  a  fire  department,  village  or  fire  district  which  has  in  its fire  department an emergency rescue and first aid squad  composed  mainly  of  volunteer  firefighters,  may, by resolution authorize any such squad to  enter into one or more mutual aid agreements as defined  in  subdivision  twenty of section three thousand one of the public health law, and/or to  contract  with  ambulance  services  as  defined in subdivisions two and  three of section three thousand one of the public health law to  provide  services when the emergency rescue and first aid squad is unavailable.    b.  The town board of a town which does not have a fire department but  in which there is a fire corporation located outside any  village,  fire  district,  fire  alarm  district  or  fire  protection  district may, by  resolution, authorize the emergency rescue and first aid squad  of  such  fire  corporation  to  enter  into  one or more mutual aid agreements as  defined in subdivision twenty of  section  three  thousand  one  of  the  public health law, and/or to contract with ambulance services as defined  in  subdivisions  two  and  three  of  section three thousand one of the  public health law to provide services  when  the  emergency  rescue  and  first aid squad is unavailable.    4.  Fees  and  charges  prohibited.  Emergency  and  general ambulance  service authorized pursuant to this section shall be  furnished  without  cost to the person served. The acceptance by any fireman of any personal  remuneration  or  gratuity, directly or indirectly, from a person served  shall be a ground for his expulsion or suspension as  a  member  of  the  fire department or fire company.    5.  The term "emergency", as used in this chapter, or in any other law  of  general  application,  in  relation  to  the  operations   of   fire  departments,  includes, unless a contrary intent is clearly expressed or  indicated, the search for persons and the search for,  and  attempts  to  recover  or the recovery of, bodies of persons even though it is posible  or is known that all hope of life is gone.