207-D - Additional retirement benefits for certain policemen in cities and certain villages.

§  207-d.  Additional  retirement  benefits  for  certain policemen in  cities and certain villages. 1. As used in this section:    a. "Final compensation" means the average annual salary or  wages  for  services  as  a  policeman earned from the date of his minimum period to  the date of his retirement.    b. "Policeman" means a paid officer or member of the  uniformed  force  of  the  police department of a city or of any village which has elected  to make the benefits provided under this section available to  the  paid  officers or members of its police department or force.    c.  "Minimum  period"  means  a  fixed number of years of service as a  policeman specified in a plan or option elected by him  as  a  necessary  prerequisite  for a pension or retirement allowance upon retirement from  such service.    2. Notwithstanding the provisions of any  general,  special  or  local  law,  charter  or  administrative  code and in lieu of any lesser amount  thereby prescribed, in the event a policeman has served as such for  his  minimum  period  and  thereafter  continues  in  such  service, upon his  subsequent retirement for any cause whatsoever, there shall be added  to  the amount of the annual pension or retirement allowance to which he was  entitled upon, such retirement an additional amount computed at the rate  of  one-sixtieth  of  his  final  compensation  for  each  year  of such  additional service.    3. The provisions of this section shall not apply to  members  of  the  New York state policemen's and firemen's retirement system.