204-D - Duties of the fire chief.

§  204-d.  Duties  of  the  fire  chief.  The  fire  chief of any fire  department or company shall, in addition to any other duties assigned to  him by law or contract, to the extent reasonably possible  determine  or  cause  to  be  determined  the cause of each fire or explosion which the  fire department or company has been called to suppress.  He  shall  file  with  the office of fire prevention and control a report containing such  determination and any additional information  required  by  such  office  regarding  the  fire  or  explosion.  The  report  shall  be in the form  designated by such office. He shall contact or cause to be contacted the  appropriate investigatory authority if he has reason to believe the fire  or explosion is of incendiary or suspicious origin. For all  fires  that  are  suspected to have been ignited by a cigarette, within fourteen days  after completing the investigation into such fire, the fire chief  shall  forward  to  the  office  of  fire  prevention  and  control information  detailing, to the extent possible: (a) the specific brand and  style  of  the  cigarette  suspected  of  having ignited such fire; (b) whether the  cigarette package was marked as required by subdivision six  of  section  one  hundred  fifty-six-c of the executive law; and (c) the location and  manner in which such cigarette was purchased.