27-B - Approval of special use permits.

§ 27-b. Approval  of special use permits. 1. Definition of special use  permit. As used in this section the term "special use permit" shall mean  an authorization of a particular land use which is permitted in a zoning  ordinance or local law, subject to requirements imposed by  such  zoning  ordinance  or  local  law  to assure that the proposed use is in harmony  with such zoning ordinance or local law and will  not  adversely  affect  the neighborhood if such requirements are met.    2.  Approval of special use permits. The legislative body may, as part  of a zoning ordinance or local law, authorize the planning board or such  other administrative body that it shall designate to grant  special  use  permits as set forth in such zoning ordinance or local law.    3. Application for area variance. Notwithstanding any provision of law  to  the  contrary,  where  a proposed special use permit contains one or  more  features  which  do  not  comply  with  the  zoning   regulations,  application  may  be  made  to  the  zoning board of appeals for an area  variance pursuant to section eighty-one-b  of  article  five-a  of  this  chapter,  without  the  necessity  of  a decision or determination of an  administrative official charged  with  the  enforcement  of  the  zoning  regulations.    4.  Conditions  attached  to  the issuance of special use permits. The  authorized board shall have the  authority  to  impose  such  reasonable  conditions and restrictions as are directly related to and incidental to  the  proposed  special use permit. Upon its granting of said special use  permit, any such conditions must be met in connection with the  issuance  of permits by applicable enforcement agents or officers of the city.    5.  Waiver  of  requirements. The legislative body may further empower  the authorized board to, when reasonable, waive any requirements for the  approval, approval with modifications  or  disapproval  of  special  use  permits  submitted for approval. Any such waiver, which shall be subject  to appropriate conditions set  forth  in  the  ordinance  or  local  law  adopted pursuant to this section, may be exercised in the event any such  requirements are found not to be requisite in the interest of the public  health,  safety  and  general  welfare  or inappropriate to a particular  special use permit.    6. Public hearing and decision on special use permits. The  authorized  board  shall conduct a public hearing within sixty-two days from the day  an application is received on any  matter  referred  to  it  under  this  section.  Public  notice of said hearing shall be printed in a newspaper  of general circulation in the city at least five days prior to the  date  thereof.  The  authorized board shall decide upon the application within  sixty-two days after the hearing. The time within which  the  authorized  board  must render its decision may be extended by mutual consent of the  applicant and the board. The decision of the  authorized  board  on  the  application  after  the  holding of the public hearing shall be filed in  the office of the city  clerk  within  five  business  days  after  such  decision is rendered, and a copy thereof mailed to the applicant.    7.  Notice  to  applicant  and  county  planning  board  or agency and  regional planning council. At least ten days before  such  hearing,  the  authorized  board shall mail notices thereof to the applicant and to the  county planning board  or  agency  and  regional  planning  council,  as  required  by  section two hundred thirty-nine-m of the general municipal  law, which notice shall be accompanied by  a  full  statement  of,  such  proposed  action  as  defined  in subdivision two of section two hundred  thirty-nine-m of the general municipal law.    8.  Compliance  with  state  environmental  quality  review  act.  The  authorized   board  shall  comply  with  the  provisions  of  the  state  environmental  quality  review  act   under   article   eight   of   the  environmental conservation law and its implementing regulations.9.  Court  review.  Any person aggrieved by a decision of the planning  board or such other designated body or any officer, department, board or  bureau of the city may apply to  the  supreme  court  for  review  by  a  proceeding  under  article  seventy-eight  of the civil practice law and  rules. Such proceedings shall be instituted within thirty days after the  filing  of a decision by such board in the office of the city clerk. The  court may take evidence or appoint a referee to take such evidence as it  may direct, and report the same, with findings of fact  and  conclusions  of  law,  if  it shall appear that testimony is necessary for the proper  disposition of the matter. The court shall itself dispose of the  matter  on  the  merits,  determining  all  questions which may be presented for  determination.    10. Costs. Costs shall not be allowed against the  planning  board  or  other  administrative  body designated by the legislative body unless it  shall appear to the court that it acted with gross  negligence,  in  bad  faith, or with malice in making the decision appealed from.    11.  Preference.  All  issues addressed by the court in any proceeding  under this section shall have preference  over  all  civil  actions  and  proceedings.    12.  Applicability.  This section shall not apply to any city having a  population of more than one million.