Article 2 - (2 - 18-D) GENERAL PROVISIONS
- 2 - Term of office of city supervisors.
- 2-A - Succession to certain city offices.
- 2-B - Definition.
- 3 - Members of common council; appointments to other city offices.
- 3-A - Liability of city officials.
- 3-B - Deposit of city funds.
- 3-C - Unlawful offers or agreements by municipal officials or omnibus lines with respect to omnibus line operations.
- 3-D - Receipts and disbursements of payrolls.
- 4 - Removal of appointive officers in cities of the third class.
- 5 - Certain parades and processions forbidden; penalty.
- 6 - Swearing witnesses.
- 7 - Summoning witnesses.
- 8 - Law applicable to conduct of elections at which ballot questions are submitted to all the voters of a city.
- 10 - Licenses to adult blind persons.
- 11 - Use of soft coal in public institutions.
- 12 - Money for celebration of legal holidays in cities.
- 12-A - Money for tercentennial celebrations.
- 13 - Moneys for Memorial and Veterans days; how expended.
- 13-A - Moneys for maintaining the conference of mayors and other city officials of the state of New York and any of its activities.
- 13-B - Publicity fund.
- 13-C - Power of cities to provide moneys to replace revenues from excise taxes.
- 13-E - Expenses of meeting rooms for veterans' and other organizations.
- 13-F - Moneys for maintaining the municipal electric utilities association of the state of New York and any of its activities.
- 13-G - Moneys for maintaining the New York State Assessors Association and any of its activities.
- 13-H - Moneys for maintaining statewide associations of local officials and any of their activities.
- 14 - Permits for erection of booths and arches.
- 15 - Firemen moving from one city to another.
- 16 - Term of service; how reckoned.
- 16-A - Volunteer members of fire companies.
- 16-B - Computation of pensions in certain retirement funds.
- 16-C - Minimum service retirement benefits for certain sanitation department employees in cities and who are members of pension or retirement systems maintai
- 17 - Operation of crematories for disposal of garbage.
- 18 - License to operate moving picture apparatus.
- 18-A - (Enacted without section heading).
- 18-B - Admission of children to theatres.
- 18-C - (Enacted without section heading).
- 18-D - Duty of street vendors to keep the sidewalk and street clean.