89-DD - Process serving agency records.

§  89-dd.  Process  serving  agency  records.  1. Each process serving  agency shall be required to keep  complete  and  accurate  records  with  respect  to  each  process  server  to  whom  it distributes, assigns or  delivers process to be served. Corrections in records shall be made only  by drawing a straight line through  the  inaccurate  entry  and  clearly  printing  the  accurate information directly above the inaccurate entry.  All other methods of correction, including but not limited to,  erasing,  opaquing, obliterating, or redacting, are prohibited.    2. Such records shall include, where applicable:    (a)  The  name  of  the process server to whom process is distributed,  assigned or delivered to be served;    (b) The titles or a reasonable abbreviation thereof and index  numbers  of each case if filed in court by the agency;    (c)  The date that such papers were assigned for service, and the date  that service was effected;    (d) The person from whom such papers were received for service;    (e) The date of filing of papers  with  the  court  if  filed  by  the  agency;    (f)  The  type  of  service  effected whether personal, substituted or  conspicuous.