750-O - Removal of dedication.

§  750-o.  Removal  of  dedication.  Upon  the  filing of a dedication  restricting real property for the operation  of  a  pet  cemetery,  such  dedication  may only be amended or removed by order of the supreme court  of the county where the pet  cemetery  is  located.  Such  petition  for  amendment  or removal of dedication shall include written consent by all  persons who purchased or otherwise are entitled to rights of disposal or  rights to continuing care of a pet grave in  that  portion  of  the  pet  cemetery  for  which  the dedication is sought to be amended or removed.  If the portion of the pet cemetery for which the dedication is sought to  be amended or removed includes pet remains, such  pet  remains  must  be  removed,  upon  the  written consent of all persons who purchased or are  otherwise entitled to rights of disposal or rights to continuing care of  a pet grave, their heirs or assigns, with the removal to be entirely  at  the  cost  of  the  owner  of the pet cemetery. The court, upon proof of  diligent efforts and as determined by the court, may dispense  with  the  written  consent of any person who purchased or is otherwise entitled to  rights of disposal whose whereabouts, identity or heirs or  assigns  are  unknown.  In  the  event  that the court has dispensed with any person's  written consent under this section, the court may make  a  determination  as to the consideration appropriate for such consent and order that such  monies  be  deposited  with  the court, which shall then be paid to such  person upon appropriate proof of  claim.  If  the  premises  are  a  pet  cemetery,  such petition may additionally include an environmental audit  if required by the court, which audit shall identify  any  environmental  problems   caused   by   the   pet   cemetery   activity,  including  an  identification  of  pet  disposal  sites.  If  the  environmental  audit  identifies  any  environmental  problem, it shall additionally include a  plan for the correction  or  remediation  of  such  problems,  including  financial, human and other resources estimates, projected time schedules  for  the  completion  of  the  corrective and remedial actions, with the  court to make any order on the petition conditional upon the  completion  of  such  corrective  and  remedial  action or upon the deposit with the  court with such money as determined necessary for  such  remediation  or  correction.