701 - Definitions.

§ 701. Definitions. Whenever used in this article:    1. "Consumer" means a natural person.    2. "Creditor" means a person, partnership, corporation, association or  other  entity who, in the ordinary course of business, regularly extends  consumer credit.    3. "Consumer credit" means credit extended to  a  consumer,  primarily  for  personal,  family  or  household purposes, pursuant to a plan under  which the creditor may permit the consumer to make purchases  or  obtain  loans,  from  time  to time, directly from the creditor or indirectly by  use of a credit card, check or other device, as the plan may provide.    4. "Billing error"  means  the  initial  occurrence  of  an  error  by  omission  or  commission by the creditor in a billing statement given to  the consumer by the creditor in (a) posting any debit or credit  or  (b)  the  computation of any amount or (c) any similar error of an accounting  nature or (d) posting any debit for goods which were not received by the  consumer as required  by  the  provisions  of  subdivision  fourteen  of  section four hundred thirteen of the personal property law.