601 - Prohibited practices.

§ 601. Prohibited practices. No principal creditor, as defined by this  article, or his agent shall:    1.   Simulate   in   any  manner  a  law  enforcement  officer,  or  a  representative of any governmental agency of the state of  New  York  or  any of its political subdivisions; or    2.  Knowingly  collect,  attempt  to collect, or assert a right to any  collection fee, attorney's  fee,  court  cost  or  expense  unless  such  changes are justly due and legally chargeable against the debtor; or    3. Disclose or threaten to disclose information affecting the debtor's  reputation  for  credit worthiness with knowledge or reason to know that  the information is false; or    4. Communicate or threaten to communicate the  nature  of  a  consumer  claim to the debtor's employer prior to obtaining final judgment against  the  debtor.    The  provisions of this subdivision shall not prohibit a  principal creditor from communicating  with  the  debtor's  employer  to  execute  a wage assignment agreement if the debtor has consented to such  an agreement; or    5.  Disclose  or  threaten  to  disclose  information  concerning  the  existence  of  a  debt  known  to  be  disputed  by  the  debtor without  disclosing that fact; or    6. Communicate with  the  debtor  or  any  member  of  his  family  or  household  with  such  frequency  or  at such unusual hours or in such a  manner as can reasonably be expected to abuse or harass the debtor; or    7. Threaten any action which  the  principal  creditor  in  the  usual  course of his business does not in fact take; or    8.  Claim, or attempt or threaten to enforce a right with knowledge or  reason to know that the right does not exist; or    9. Use a communication which simulates in any manner legal or judicial  process or which gives the appearance of  being  authorized,  issued  or  approved  by  a government, governmental agency, or attorney at law when  it is not.