439 - Licenses; display; renewal; duplicates.

§ 439. Licenses; display; renewal; duplicates.    1.  All  licenses, except temporary licenses, shall be for a period of  two years.    2. No license or  certificate  shall  be  assignable  or  transferable  except as hereinafter provided.    2-a. A license to conduct a barber shop issued to an individual may be  assigned  or  transferred  for the remainder of the licensed period to a  partnership or corporation if  such  individual  is  a  member  of  such  partnership  or  an  officer  of  such  corporation  at the time of such  assignment or transfer.  A  license  issued  to  a  partnership  may  be  assigned  or  transferred for the remainder of the license period to any  one member of such partnership, provided he obtains the consent  of  all  of  the  other  members  of such partnership, or to a new partnership of  which one or more members of the licensed partnership  were  members.  A  license  issued  to a corporation may be assigned or transferred for the  remainder of the licensed period to any one individual  officer  of  the  corporation provided he obtains the consent of all of the other officers  of  such  corporation.  The  application for such transfer or assignment  must be accompanied by proof satisfactory to  the  department  that  the  requirements  herein  provided have been complied with. No assignment or  transfer shall become effective unless and until the endorsement of  the  transfer  or  assignment has been made on the face of the license by the  department and such license, so  endorsed,  has  been  returned  to  the  assignee  or  transferee.  All  such  endorsements shall be made without  payment of any fee. A bona fide purchaser of  a  barber  shop  from  the  holder  of  a  license  thereof  may  continue to use the license of the  seller for a period of thirty days from the date of the  sale,  provided  there  is  endorsed  on  the face thereof the name of the purchaser, the  date of the sale, and the signature of the seller and the purchaser; and  provided further  within  five  days  from  the  date  of  the  sale  an  application, in accordance with the provisions of this article, shall be  presented  by  the  purchaser to the secretary of state for a license to  conduct a barber shop.    2-b. A license to conduct a barber shop issued to an individual or  to  a  partnership may be used after the death of the licensed individual or  co-partner by his  next  of  kin  or  duly  appointed  administrator  or  executor  in  the  name  of the estate for a period of not more than one  hundred twenty days from  the  date  of  death  of  such  individual  or  co-partner, provided that there is endorsed upon the face of the license  after  the  name  of the decedent the word "deceased", the date of death  and the name of the next of kin, administrator or executor  under  whose  authority  the  license  is being used; the period of one hundred twenty  days aforesaid may be extended upon  application  to  the  secretary  of  state  and  for  good cause shown for an additional period not to exceed  one hundred twenty days. Any license so  continued  which  shall  expire  during  such  period of one hundred twenty days or the extension thereof  may be renewed by the next of kin, administrator  or  executor  for  the  balance of such period or the extension thereof.    3.  Each  license or certificate issued pursuant to this article shall  be posted and kept posted in some conspicuous place in the  barber  shop  in  which  the  licensee  or  registrant  is  engaged in the practice of  barbering or as an apprentice.    4. Any license or certificate, except a temporary license,  which  has  not  been suspended or revoked, may, upon the payment of the renewal fee  prescribed by this article, be renewed for  additional  periods  of  two  years  from its expiration, without further examination, upon the filing  of any application for such renewal, on a form to be prescribed  by  the  secretary of state, accompanied by the certificate required by paragraph(c)  and  the  certificate  of completion required by paragraph (e-1) of  subdivision one of section four hundred thirty-four of this article.    5.  Any  person  failing  to file application and fee for renewal of a  license as a barber within one year immediately following the expiration  of his last license shall pay an additional fee of ten dollars,  and  if  he  fail  to  file  application and fee for renewal within five years he  shall be ineligible for such license until he shall have again passed an  examination but he shall not be required to pay such additional fee.    6. A duplicate license or certificate may  be  issued  for  one  lost,  destroyed or mutilated upon application therefor on a form prescribed by  the secretary of state and the payment of the fee prescribed therefor by  this   article.   Each  such  duplicate  license  shall  have  the  word  "duplicate" stamped across the face thereof  and  shall  bear  the  same  number as the one it replaces.