399-QQ - Sale or promotional distribution of utility knives, box cutters, or box cart cutters.
§ 399-qq. Sale or promotional distribution of utility knives, box cutters, or box cart cutters. 1. No person, firm, or corporation shall sell or offer to sell or give away as either a retail or wholesale promotion a utility knife, box cutter, or box cart cutter to any person under eighteen years of age. 2. For purposes of this section, the term "utility knife", "box cutter", or "box cart cutter" means a knife consisting of a razor blade, retractable or non-retractable, attached to or contained within a plastic or metal housing. 3. The provisions of this section shall not preclude the temporary transfer of a utility knife, box cutter, or box cart cutter to a person under eighteen years of age by such person's employer where such device is possessed only on the employer's premises and only during the course and scope of such person's employment. 4. No provision of this section shall be deemed to restrict the authority of any county, city, town or village to enact and enforce additional local laws, ordinances or codes, or portions thereof, provided the provisions thereof are not inconsistent with the provisions of this section. 5. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates the provisions of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars.