399-F - Laundromat refund procedures.

§  399-f.  Laundromat refund procedures. 1. "Self service laundromats"  or "coin operated laundries" shall mean and include all laundromats  and  any  apartment  building  with  two  or more washing machines or clothes  dryers.    2. All self service laundromats, except those staffed by  a  full-time  attendant,  shall  be required to post two signs with dimensions no less  than twelve inches by eighteen inches. One sign shall list  the  owner's  name  and  address, and the second sign shall give the price for the use  of the washer and dryer, the cycle time per unit  of  payment,  and  the  method  of  refund  if  the  coins are lost in the machines, including a  telephone number or address to contact for refund. Information  for  the  method  of refund shall read as follows: " If coins are lost in the coin  receptacle of the washer or dryer, contact (insert the name and  address  or  telephone  number  of  a  person designated by the owner of the self  service laundromat to contact for refund)."    3. All signs shall be prominently displayed in a clearly visible  area  of the self service laundromat.    4.   Any  individual,  firm,  partnership,  corporation,  association,  company or organization which owns and/or  operates  such  business  and  knowingly fails to comply with the requirements of this section shall be  assessed  a  civil  penalty  not  to  exceed fifty dollars for the first  violation, one hundred dollars for a second violation  and  two  hundred  fifty  dollars for any subsequent violation. Each day such offense shall  continue shall constitute a separate additional violation. It shall be a  defense to the imposition of any such civil  penalty  if  the  owner  or  operator  posted  a  sign  as required by this section and such sign was  removed  or  defaced  by  vandals,  provided  the  owner   or   operator  subsequently complies with the requirements of this section.    5.  This  section shall not annul, alter, affect or exempt any person,  firm, partnership, corporation,  association,  company  or  organization  subject  to the provisions of this section from complying with the laws,  ordinances, rules or  regulations  of  any  locality,  relating  to  the  posting of laundromat refund procedures, except to the extent that these  laws,  ordinances,  rules  or  regulations  are  inconsistent  with  any  provision of this section, but no such local  law,  ordinance,  rule  or  regulation  shall  be  considered  inconsistent,  if  it affords greater  protection to the consumer.