396-V - Operation of public automated blood pressure machines.

§  396-v.  Operation  of  public automated blood pressure machines. 1.  Any person, firm, partnership, company or corporation which distributes,  installs, leases or sells automated blood pressure  machines  in  public  places  or  places of employment for the unsupervised, self-administered  testing by the general public or  employee  populations,  whether  these  services  are  offered gratuitously or sold, shall post in a conspicuous  place, permanently affixed to the machine, a sign upon which there shall  be imprinted in ten-point type or larger the following statements:    (a) These instruments serve merely as screening devices.    (b) They should not be used as a substitute for  professional  medical  consultation.    (c)  Blood pressure is subject to variation for many reasons. A single  high or low reading cannot be interpreted as an indication of  a  health  problem.    (d)  Blood  pressure  readings  can only be interpreted by a qualified  medical professional. Self diagnosis may be hazardous.    2. A violation of any of the provisions of  subdivision  one  of  this  section  shall  be  punishable  by  a civil penalty of not more than two  hundred fifty dollars.