396-AA - Simulated check.

* §  396-aa.  Simulated  check. 1. As used in this section, "simulated  check" means any document which is not currency or a check, draft, note,  bond,  or  other  negotiable  instrument  but  which,  because  of   its  appearance,  has  the  tendency to mislead or deceive any person viewing  such document into believing that it, in fact, represents currency or  a  negotiable  instrument  which  can  be  deposited  in a bank or used for  third-party   payments.   "Simulated   check"   does   not   include   a  non-negotiable  check, draft, note or other instrument which is used for  soliciting orders for the purchase of checks, drafts,  notes,  bonds  or  other  instruments  and which is clearly marked as a sample, specimen or  non-negotiable.    2. No person, firm or corporation shall produce, advertise, offer  for  sale,  sell,  distribute or otherwise transfer for use in this state any  simulated check unless such document bears the phrase  "THIS  IS  NOT  A  CHECK"  diagonally printed in clear and conspicuous type on the front of  such document.    3. Whenever there shall be a violation of this section, an application  may be made by the attorney general in the name of  the  people  of  the  state of New York to a court or justice having jurisdiction by a special  proceeding  to issue an injunction, and upon notice to the respondent of  not less than five days, to enjoin and restrain the continuance of  such  violations;  and  if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the court or  justice that the respondent has, in  fact,  violated  this  section,  an  injunction  may  be  issued  by  such  court  or  justice, enjoining and  restraining any further violation,  without  requiring  proof  that  any  person has, in fact, been injured or damaged thereby. Whenever the court  shall determine that a violation of this section has occurred, the court  may impose a civil penalty of not more than one hundred dollars for each  violation. In connection with any such application, the attorney general  is  authorized  to  take  proof and make a determination of the relevant  facts and to issue subpoenas in accordance with the civil  practice  law  and rules.    * NB There are 2 § 396-aa's