394-E - Report on request for abortional services.

§  394-e.  Report  on  request for abortional services. 1. It shall be  unlawful for any person, firm or  corporation  doing  business  in  this  state  to  furnish  a  report of a referral for abortional services or a  report of an inquiry or request therefor, to any  person  or  government  agency unless such person, firm or corporation has reasonable grounds to  believe  that  the  person or government agency requesting the report is  (a) a law enforcement agency, or (b) the state department of  health  or  the  department  of health of the city of New York, or (c) authorized in  writing by the subject of such report, or (d) unless such  person,  firm  or  corporation shall have been ordered to furnish such report by a duly  constituted court having jurisdiction to  issue  such  an  order.  Every  request  for such a report shall be in writing and identify the name and  address of the requestor. A request by a law  enforcement  agency  shall  include  a  sworn  statement  that  the  agency is requesting the report  solely for law enforcement purposes.    2. A person may bring a civil action for  damages  or  to  restrain  a  person, firm or corporation from violating this act or both and, in such  case,  if it is found that such person, firm or corporation has wilfully  violated this act the violator shall, in addition to any  liability  for  actual  damages  as may be shown, be liable for exemplary damages of not  less than one hundred dollars and not more than ten thousand dollars for  each violation together with costs and reasonable  attorney's  fees  and  disbursements incurred by the person bringing the action.    3.  Except as provided in this section, no person, firm or corporation  shall be entitled to claim any privilege, absolute  or  qualified  as  a  defense  in  any  civil  action  brought  by  a  person aggrieved by the  publication or dissemination of information  relating  to  referral  for  abortional services or an inquiry or request therefor.    4.  Any  person  who  requests  or  obtains a report of a referral for  abortional services or an inquiry or request therefor from  any  person,  firm  or  corporation under false pretenses or furnishes a report to any  person except in accordance with this section shall be guilty of a class  A misdemeanor.