359-E - Definitions.

§ 359-e. Definitions. Registration requirements.    1.  The following terms, whenever used or referred to in this article,  shall have the following meaning  unless  a  different  meaning  clearly  appears from the context:    (a) A "dealer" shall mean and include any person, firm, association or  corporation  engaged  in  the  business of buying and selling securities  from or to the public within or from this  state  for  his  or  its  own  account,  through  a broker or otherwise, except a bank unless such bank  is considered a dealer under the  federal  securities  exchange  act  of  1934,  but does not include any person, firm, association or corporation  in so far as he or it buys or sells securities for his or its bona  fide  investment  account,  either individually or in some fiduciary capacity.  The term "dealer" shall, except as otherwise provided in  this  article,  also  include  a  person,  firm,  association  or corporation selling or  offering for sale from or to  the  public  within  or  from  this  state  securities  issued by it. No person shall be deemed to be a "dealer", as  defined in this subdivision, or a broker, as defined in subdivision  (b)  of  this section, solely by reason of the fact that he is engaged in the  business of (i) selling, offering for sale, purchasing  or  offering  to  purchase any security or securities to, from or through any bank, dealer  or  broker, or to or from any syndicate, corporation or group formed for  the specific purpose of acquiring such  securities  for  resale  to  the  public  directly  or  through  other  syndicates  or groups, or (ii) any  offer,  sale  or  distribution  by  an  issuer   of   stock   dividends,  nontransferable  warrants  or  transferable  warrants exercisable within  ninety days of  their  issuance  to  existing  stockholders,  securities  issued  upon  conversion  of  convertible  securities  and  exercise  of  warrants  and  securities  issued  as  part  of  a  recapitalization  or  reclassification  to  existing stockholders of the same issuer, or (iii)  selling, offering for sale,  purchasing  or  offering  to  purchase  any  security   or  securities  on  the  floor  of  any  securities  exchange  registered as  a  national  securities  exchange  under  the  securities  exchange   act   of  nineteen  hundred  thirty-four.  No  person,  firm,  association or corporation shall be deemed to be a "dealer", as  defined  in  this  subdivision,  solely by reason of selling or offering for sale  any  security  or  securities  to   any   bank,   corporation,   savings  institution,  trust  company,  insurance company, investment company, as  defined in the federal investment company act of nineteen hundred forty,  pension or profit-sharing  trust,  or  other  financial  institution  or  institutional  buyer,  whether  the  purchaser  is acting for himself or  itself or in some fiduciary capacity, as part of a private placement  of  securities.    (b) A "broker" shall mean and include any person, firm, association or  corporation,  other  than a dealer, engaged in the business of effecting  transactions in securities for the account of others within or from this  state, but does not include a bank unless  such  bank  is  considered  a  broker under the federal securities exchange act of 1934.    (c)  A  "salesman"  shall  mean and include every person employed by a  broker or dealer as said terms are defined  in  this  section,  for  the  purpose of representing such broker or dealer in the sale or purchase of  securities to or from the public within or from this state.    (d) A "principal" shall mean and include every person or firm directly  or indirectly controlling any broker or dealer.    (e)  A  "bank"  shall mean and include a state or national bank, trust  company or savings institution incorporated under the laws  and  subject  to  the  examination,  supervision  and  control  of any state or of the  United States or of any insular possession thereof.2. No dealer or broker shall sell or offer for sale to or purchase  or  offer  to  purchase  from  the  public  within  or  from  this state, as  principal, or broker, any securities issued or to be issued  unless  and  until  a notice, to be known as the "state notice," containing the name,  business  or  post  office  address  of  such  dealer or broker and if a  corporation the state or country of  incorporation  thereof,  and  if  a  partnership  the  names  of  the  partners, shall have been filed in the  department of state. Such notice shall be in the following form:                                 STATE NOTICE   Name(s) of dealer(s), broker(s) ........................................  Business address(es) or post office address(es) (state which)  ........................................................................  If a corporation, the state or country in which incorporated.  ........................................................................  If a partnership, the names of the partners ............................    3. It shall be unlawful for any dealer, broker or salesman to sell  or  offer  for  sale  to  or  purchase  or offer to purchase from the public  within or from this state, any securities issued or to be issued, unless  and until such dealer, broker or salesman  shall  have  filed  with  the  department  of  law  a registration statement as provided herein. A real  estate broker or salesman licensed under article twelve-A  of  the  real  property  law  who  is  not  acting as a dealer shall be deemed to be in  compliance with such registration  statement  filing  requirements  with  respect  to the sale of securities constituting cooperative interests in  real estate, including shares  of  cooperative  apartment  corporations,  commercial  cooperative  corporations,  condominiums,  and  interests in  homeowners associations.    (a) The registration statement relating to dealers and brokers, to  be  known  as  the  "broker-dealer statement" shall contain such information  pertaining to the business history for the last  preceding  five  years,  criminal  record, and educational background of the applicant and his or  its partners, officers, directors or  other  principals  thereof  deemed  pertinent  by  the  attorney-general. The attorney-general may prescribe  forms for the use of such applicants.    (b) The registration statement relating to salesmen, to  be  known  as  the "salesman's statement," shall contain such information pertaining to  the  business history for the last preceding five years, criminal record  and educational background of the  applicant  deemed  pertinent  by  the  attorney-general.  The  attorney-general  may prescribe forms for use of  such applicants and, as a condition of registration, shall require  that  prior  to the filing of such a registration statement any such applicant  shall undertake and successfully complete the uniform  securities  agent  state  law  examination  ("series 63") or the uniform combined state law  examination ("series 66") as administered by or on behalf of  the  North  American  Securities  Administrators  Association,  Inc.  (NASAA) by any  national  securities  association  or  national   securities   exchange;  provided  that,  if  an  applicant  registers  with the attorney-general  solely for the purpose of selling condominiums,  shares  of  cooperative  apartment corporations or commercial cooperative corporations, interests  in  homeowners  associations  or  interests  in timeshare projects, such  applicant  shall  not  be  required  to  undertake  the   aforementioned  examination as a condition of registration.    (c)  The  registration  of  brokers, dealers and salesmen shall be for  periods of four years commencing  on  January  fifth,  nineteen  hundred  sixty.  Such  statements for brokers, dealers or salesmen shall be filed  every four years within sixty days prior to the expiration of  the  fouryear period, provided that previously filed statements shall continue to  be  effective  for a period of ninety days following the end of the four  year period. Initial statements for those having no previous filing  may  be made at any time and shall be effective from the date of filing for a  period  of four years. All statements filed pursuant to prior provisions  of law shall remain in effect  until  January  fifth,  nineteen  hundred  sixty.    4. The attorney-general may by rule or order provide for the filing of  supplemental  statements  prescribed  by  him  which  shall contain such  information  as  the  attorney-general  may  deem  necessary   to   keep  reasonably current the information on file.    5.  The department of law shall collect the following fees: (a) twelve  hundred dollars for each broker-dealer's statement; (b)  twelve  hundred  dollars  for  each  broker-dealer's  statement  filed by a person, firm,  association or corporation selling or offering for sale from or  to  the  public  within or from this state securities issued by it for any amount  in excess of five hundred thousand dollars; (c)  three  hundred  dollars  for  each broker-dealer's statement filed by a person, firm, association  or corporation selling or offering for sale from or to the public within  or from this state securities issued  by  it  for  any  amount  of  five  hundred  thousand  dollars  or  less; (d) three hundred dollars for each  broker-dealer's statement  filed  by  a  person,  firm,  association  or  corporation  solely for the purpose of selling or offering for sale from  or to the public within or from  this  state  securities  consisting  of  condominiums, shares of cooperative apartment corporations or commercial  cooperative   corporations,  interests  in  homeowners  associations  or  interests in timeshare projects, plus fifteen dollars for each  partner,  officer,  director  or  principal  of  any  such  firm,  association  or  corporation;  (e)  one  hundred  fifty  dollars  for   each   salesman's  statement; (f) thirty dollars for each supplemental statement; (g) three  hundred dollars for each application granted pursuant to subdivision two  of  section  three  hundred  fifty-nine-f  of  this article; and (h) two  hundred twenty-five dollars for the issuance of a  "no  filing  required  letter";  these fees shall obtain for both original statements and their  renewals. No fee, however, shall be collected for filing a  supplemental  statement  by  a  salesman  cancelling  his  prior  registration as such  salesman.    Any partner, officer, director or principal who is named as such in  a  broker-dealer  statement and who shall act as a salesman for such broker  or dealer, shall not be required to register as a salesman.    6. Any false statement of  a  material  fact  contained  in  any  such  broker-dealer  or  salesman's  statement or supplemental statement or in  any certificate attached thereto shall constitute a  violation  of  this  section within the meaning of section three hundred fifty-nine-g of this  article.    7. Any person, partnership, corporation, company, trust or association  representing  in any manner that the state, the department of law or any  officer thereof has recommended the purchase of any  stocks,  bonds,  or  other securities, in advertising or offering such stocks, bonds or other  securities  for  sale  shall  be  guilty  of a misdemeanor punishable as  provided in subdivision two of section  three  hundred  fifty-nine-g  of  this article.    8.  After  this  subdivision  as hereby amended takes effect no dealer  shall sell or offer  for  sale  to  the  public  within  this  state  as  principal  or agent, any securities issued or to be issued which are not  exempted from the  provisions  of  this  subdivision  by  section  three  hundred and fifty-nine-f hereof unless and until such dealer shall cause  to  be  filed a "further state notice" containing the information, otherthan the names of partners, required to be published by subdivision  two  of  this  section,  but  opposite  the  heading "name of dealer", if the  person or persons causing such notice to be filed are acting pursuant to  the  provisions  of  this  subdivision,  there shall be added either the  words "syndicate manager" or "syndicate managers" as the  case  may  be;  and  in  addition  thereto and as part of each such further state notice  the name of the security or securities, name, post  office  address  and  state  or  country  of incorporation or organization of the corporation,  association, common law trust or  similar  organization  issuing  or  to  issue  the security or securities to be sold or offered for sale, in the  following form:                             FURTHER STATE NOTICE   Name of security or securities .........................................  Name of issuer of securities ...........................................  Post Office address of issuer of securities ............................  The state or country in which organized ................................     Two or more  dealers  may  jointly  file  such  further  state  notice  required  by  this  subdivision,  and  a  dealer or exchange must file a  further state notice for each issue about to be offered  which  has  not  heretofore  been  published  by  the  issuer.  A  syndicate  manager  or  co-manager with an office in this state may file on behalf of an  entire  syndicate.    9.  A  broker-dealer  or  salesman registration statement or any other  document is filed when it is received in the New York city office of the  attorney-general.    10. The attorney-general may from time to time in the public  interest  make,  amend,  and  rescind such forms as are necessary to carry out the  provisions  of  this  act,  including   forms   governing   registration  statements   and   applications.   For   the   purpose   of  forms,  the  attorney-general may classify securities, persons and matters within his  jurisdiction, and may prescribe different  forms  and  requirements  for  different classes.    11.  It  is  unlawful  for  any  broker or dealer to employ a salesman  unless the salesman is registered. The registration  of  a  salesman  is  suspended  during any period when he is not associated with a particular  broker or dealer registered under this act or a particular issuer.  When  a salesman begins or terminates a connection with a broker or dealer, or  begins  or  terminates  those  activities which make him a salesman, the  salesman as well as the broker  or  dealer  shall  promptly  notify  the  attorney-general.    12.  All persons, including partners, officers, directors and salesmen  employed by a member or a member organization of a  national  securities  exchange, a national securities association, or any other broker-dealer,  registered with the federal securities exchange commission or any broker  or  dealer required to be registered with the department of law pursuant  to this article except those dealers required to be registered solely by  reason of the fact that they are engaged in selling or offering for sale  securities  issued  by  themselves,  and  any  employee  of  a  clearing  corporation  affiliated  with  any  such  registered national securities  exchange or with any national securities association registered with the  federal securities exchange commission, employed on or  after  September  first,  nineteen  hundred  sixty-nine, who are regularly employed within  the  state  of  New  York  shall,  as  a  condition  of  employment,  be  fingerprinted.   Every  set  of  fingerprints  taken  pursuant  to  this  subdivision shall be promptly submitted  to  the  attorney  general  forappropriate   processing,   except  that  individuals  fingerprinted  in  compliance with the rules of the securities and exchange commission need  not file  with  the  attorney  general  so  long  as  records  of  those  fingerprints,  as  well  as  information  received  in response to their  filing, are available  to  the  attorney  general  for  inspection.  The  department  of law shall collect from a member or member organization of  a national securities exchange, a national  securities  association,  or  any   registered   broker-dealer   as  described  above  or  a  clearing  corporation affiliated with  any  such  registered  national  securities  exchange  or  with  any  such registered national securities association  submitting fingerprints to the attorney general for processing a fee  in  the  amount  prescribed  therefor  by  the  division of criminal justice  services for each set of fingerprints submitted. Failure to comply  with  this  section  shall  be deemed a violation of and a fraudulent practice  within the meaning of this article.    12-a. Any employee of  a  national  securities  exchange  or  national  securities  association  registered  with  the  federal  securities  and  exchange commission, and any  employee  of  a  clearing  corporation  or  securities  information  processor  affiliated  with any such registered  national securities exchange or national securities association, and who  are regularly employed within  the  state  of  New  York,  shall,  as  a  condition  of  employment,  be  fingerprinted. Every national securities  exchange,  national  securities  association,  clearing  corporation  or  securities information processor that is required to submit fingerprints  pursuant  to  this  section  shall  also  obtain  fingerprints  from any  individual not employed by such organization who  provides  services  to  such  organization  within  the  state  of  New  York  provided that the  individual has  access  to  records  including  electronic  records,  as  defined  by  section  three  hundred two of the state technology law, or  other material or secure buildings or secure property, which  place  the  security of such organization at risk.    Every  set of fingerprints taken pursuant to this subdivision shall be  promptly submitted to  the  federal  bureau  of  investigation  for  the  purpose  of  a  nationwide criminal history check. Such reports received  from the federal bureau of investigation  shall  be  kept  confidential,  although  the  contents  of any such report may be disclosed to exchange  officials involved in personnel and security matters,  to  the  attorney  general,  to  law  enforcement  authorities  and  to  the securities and  exchange commission. Unless inconsistent with federal law,  fingerprints  supplied  by  such employee or employment applicant shall be returned to  such person upon termination or denial of such employment.  Fingerprints  supplied  by such other individuals providing services shall be returned  upon completion of such services.    12-b. Any employee of a designated contract market, as  that  term  is  defined  in  the  Commodity  Exchange  Act,  under  the authority of the  federal Commodity Futures Trading Commission,  and  any  employee  of  a  derivatives  clearing  organization,  as  that term is defined under the  Commodity Exchange Act, that is  affiliated  with  any  such  designated  contract  market, and who are regularly employed within the state of New  York, shall, as a  condition  of  employment,  be  fingerprinted.  Every  designated contract market and derivatives clearing organization that is  required  to  submit  fingerprints  pursuant  to this section shall also  obtain  fingerprints  from  any  individual   not   employed   by   such  organization who provides services to such organization within the state  of New York provided that the individual has access to records including  electronic records, as defined by section three hundred two of the state  technology  law,  or  other  material  or  secure  buildings  or  secure  property, which place the security of such organization at risk.Every set of fingerprints taken pursuant to this subdivision shall  be  promptly  submitted  to  the  federal  bureau  of  investigation for the  purpose of a nationwide criminal history check.  Such  reports  received  from  the  federal  bureau  of investigation shall be kept confidential,  although  the contents of any such report may be disclosed to designated  contract market or derivatives clearing organization officials  involved  in  personnel  and  security  matters,  to  the attorney general, to law  enforcement authorities and to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.  Unless inconsistent with federal  law,  fingerprints  supplied  by  such  employee  or  employment applicant shall be returned to such person upon  termination or denial of such employment. Fingerprints supplied by  such  other  individuals  providing services shall be returned upon completion  of such services.    13. (a) The attorney general may by regulation, rule or order  provide  an  alternative  method  of  registration by which any dealer, broker or  salesman acting as such or as principal in more than one  state  or  who  engages  in  multi-state securities offerings may supply the information  otherwise required to be furnished in  the  state  notice,  registration  statement,  supplemental statements and further state notice mandated by  subdivisions  two,  three,  four  and  eight  of  this   section.   Such  alternative  method,  when complied with, shall be deemed to fulfill the  filing requirements of subdivisions two, eight and nine of this section,  and shall be in lieu thereof. The  regulation,  rule  or  order  of  the  attorney  general  may  also  provide for alternative filing periods and  expiration dates and an alternate method for the payment of fees, to  be  known  as  "in  lieu  filing fees", which shall be collected pursuant to  such regulation, rule or order of  the  attorney  general  in  the  same  amounts  as,  and  for  the  same  information  otherwise required to be  collected for statements filed as specified by subdivision five of  this  section.    (b)  No  alternative  method  may  be provided by the attorney general  which does not have, as its  purpose,  the  facilitation  of  a  central  registration   depository  whereby  brokers,  dealers  or  salesmen  can  centrally or simultaneously register and pay  fees  for  all  states  in  which  they  plan  to transact business which requires registration. The  attorney general is hereby authorized to  enter  into  an  agreement  or  otherwise   facilitate   such   alternative  method  with  any  national  securities   association,   national   securities   exchange,   national  association of state securities administrators or similar association or  agents thereof to effectuate the provisions of this subdivision.    (c) Any false statement of a material fact contained in any substitute  for  a  broker-dealer  statement or salesman's statement or supplemental  statement  which  is  provided  pursuant  to  the   attorney   general's  regulation,   rule   or   order  specified  in  paragraph  (a)  of  this  subdivision, shall constitute a violation of  this  section  within  the  meaning of section three hundred fifty-nine-g of this article.    (d) It shall be unlawful for any dealer, broker or salesman to sell or  offer  for  sale  to  or  purchase  or offer to purchase from the public  within or from this state, any securities issued or to be issued, unless  and until such dealer, broker or salesman shall have complied  with  the  requirements  of  either:  (i)  the  regulation,  rule  or  order of the  attorney general specified in paragraph (a) of this subdivision; or (ii)  the filing of a state notice and registration statement and supplemental  statements and further state notice as applicable to said dealer, broker  or salesman, in accordance with subdivisions two, three, four and  eight  of this section.(e)  To  the  extent  inconsistent  therewith,  the provisions of this  subdivision shall supersede the provisions of any other  subdivision  of  this section.    14.  (a)  Definitions.  For purposes of this subdivision the following  definitions shall apply:    (i) "Commodity" means, except as otherwise specified by  the  attorney  general  by  rule, regulation or order, any agricultural, grain, animal,  chemical, metal or mineral product or byproduct,  any  gem  or  gemstone  (whether  characterized  as  precious,  semi-precious or otherwise), any  fuel (whether liquid, gaseous or otherwise), any foreign  currency,  and  any other good, article, or material.    (ii) "Commodity contract" means any account, agreement or contract for  the  purchase  or  sale  of, or any option or right to purchase or sell,  primarily for speculation or investment purposes  and  not  for  use  or  consumption  by  the  offeree  or  purchaser,  one  or more commodities,  whether for immediate or subsequent delivery or for storage and  whether  or not delivery is intended by the parties, and whether characterized as  a  cash  contract,  deferred  shipment  or  deferred  delivery contract,  forward contract, futures  contract,  installment  or  margin  contract,  leverage  contract, option, privilege, indemnity, bid, offer, put, call,  advance guaranty, decline guaranty or otherwise. Any commodity  contract  offered  for  sale or sold to a person other than a producer, processor,  merchant, handler, commercial user or ultimate consumer of the commodity  shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary,  be  presumed  to  be  offered for sale or sold for speculation or investment purposes.    (iii)  "Commodity  broker-dealer"  means  any  person  engaged  in the  business of selling or offering to sell  commodities  through  commodity  contracts to the public within or from the state of New York.    (iv)   "Commodity   salesperson"  means  any  person  employed  by  or  representing a commodity broker-dealer in selling or offering  for  sale  commodities through commodity contracts to the public within or from the  state of New York.    (v)   "Commodity   investment  advisor"  means  any  person  who,  for  compensation, within or from the state  of  New  York,  engages  in  the  business  of  advising members of the public, either directly or through  publications or writings,  as  to  the  advisability  of  investing  in,  purchasing, selling or holding commodity contracts.    (b)   Any  person  acting  as  a  commodity  broker-dealer,  commodity  salesperson or commodity investment advisor and any person  who  manages  or  supervises any such broker-dealer, salesperson or investment advisor  shall file a registration statement  with  the  attorney  general  as  a  commodity  broker-dealer, commodity salesperson, or commodity investment  advisor relating to the activity actually engaged in.    (c) The attorney general may adopt rules and regulations governing the  form and content of such registration statements for each such  activity  which may include information pertaining to the business history for the  last  preceding  five  years, record of criminal convictions, litigation  history,  and  educational  background  of  the   registrant   and   the  registrant's  partners,  officers,  directors or other principals deemed  pertinent by the attorney general and the names of persons  employed  as  commodity   salespersons   or   commodity  investment  advisors  by  the  registrant.    (d) The registration statement shall be effective for a period of  one  year from the date of filing.    (e)  The  attorney general shall by rule or regulation provide for the  method of renewing such registration  statements  and  may  require  the  filing  of  supplemental statements which shall contain such informationas the attorney general may deem necessary to  keep  reasonably  current  the information on file.    (f)  The attorney general shall collect the following annual fees: one  hundred dollars for each commodity broker-dealer registration  statement  or  commodity  investment  advisor  registration  statement; twenty-five  dollars for each commodity salesperson registration statement;  and  ten  dollars for each supplemental statement.    (g)  The  provisions  of  this  subdivision shall not apply to (i) any  person who is a member or member firm of a national securities exchange,  board of trade designated as a contract market by the Commodity  Futures  Trading  Commission  pursuant to the commodity exchange act, as amended,  the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.,  or  the  National  Futures Association, Inc., or is an affiliate of such a member or member  firm,  or employed by such a member or member firm or by an affiliate of  such a member or member firm; (ii) any board of trade  designated  as  a  contract  market  as  aforesaid;  (iii)  any  other  person  registered,  temporarily licensed, or exempt from registration  under  the  commodity  exchange  act,  as  amended,  or  the  rules and regulations promulgated  thereunder  where  such  registration,  license  or  exemption   relates  directly  to the activity engaged in; and (iv) any bank or trust company  as defined in this article or any person acting as an  employee  of  any  bank  or  trust  company  or  any licensed money transmitter or employee  thereof.    (h) In addition to those persons exempt under paragraph  (g)  of  this  subdivision,  no  person  shall  be  required to register as a commodity  investment advisor pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision who  is  (i)  a  lawyer,  accountant, engineer, or teacher who renders investment  advice solely incidental to the practice of his or her profession;  (ii)  a  broker  or  dealer  in  securities  or a commodity broker-dealer or a  commodity salesperson who renders investment advice solely incidental to  the conduct of his or her business as a broker or dealer  in  securities  or  a  commodity  broker-dealer or a commodity salesperson respectively,  and who receives no  special  compensation  for  such  advice;  (iii)  a  publisher  of,  editor  of,  or writer for a bona fide newspaper or news  magazine, whether published in print or by electronic means; or  (iv)  a  person  who  during  the  course  of the preceding twelve months has not  advised more than fifteen persons as to the  advisability  of  investing  in,  purchasing, selling or holding commodity contracts and who does not  hold himself out generally to the public  as  engaging  in  any  of  the  activities set forth in subparagraph (iii), (iv) or (v) of paragraph (a)  of this subdivision.    (i) The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to any contract  or  transaction involving the sale of commodities by the owner or lessee  of real property upon which such commodities are grown  or  raised,  the  sale  of  items by art dealers or licensed auctioneers at public auction  or the sale or resale by  a  distributor  or  wholesaler  of  goods  for  consumption by the public.    (j)  Any  person  required to be registered by this subdivision who is  not registered shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable  as  provided  in the penal law.    (k)  Any person who engages in a business requiring registration under  this article and who knowingly employs  two  or  more  persons  for  the  purpose  of  engaging  in  conduct requiring registration as a commodity  broker-dealer, commodity salesperson  or  commodity  investment  advisor  under  this  article  with the knowledge that they are not so registered  shall be guilty of a class E felony.    (l) A violation of this  subdivision  shall  constitute  a  fraudulent  practice as that term is used in this article.(m) If any provision of this subdivision or the application thereof to  any  persons  or  circumstances  is  held  invalid,  the validity of the  remainder of this subdivision or of the application of such provision to  other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby.