Article 14 - (240 - 251-C) AIRCRAFT
- 240 - Definitions.
- 241 - Qualifications of operator; federal license.
- 242 - Possession and exhibition of license certificate.
- 243 - Aircraft; construction, design and airworthiness; federal registration.
- 245 - Air traffic rules.
- 246 - Penalties for violation of the foregoing provisions.
- 247 - Examination of wrecked aircraft before destruction or removal.
- 248 - Aircraft on Lake Mahopac, Lake Moraine, Lake George, and Lake Oscawana, Owasco Lake and Greenwood Lake prohibited.
- 248-A - Operation of aircraft on certain lakes in the town of Lewisboro, county of Westchester.
- 249 - Location of privately-owned airports.
- 250 - Service of summons on nonresidents or residents who depart from state.
- 251 - Liability of an owner of aircraft.
- 251-A - Notice of insurance coverage in aircraft rental agreements.
- 251-B - Flight school background checks.
- 251-C - Disqualification of a flight instruction school applicant.