235 - (Enacted without section heading).

§  235.  Whenever provided for in this article, except as specifically  excepted in paragraph d of the preceding section,  the  word  "platinum"  may  be  applied  by  spelling  it  out  in  full or by the abbreviation  "plat.", the word "iriduim" may be applied by spelling it out in full or  by the abbreviation "irid.", the word  "palladium"  may  be  applied  by  spelling  it  out  in  full  or  by  the  abbreviation  "Pall", the word  "ruthenium" may be applied  by  spelling  it  out  in  full  or  by  the  abbreviation  "Ruth.",  the word "rhodium" may be applied by spelling it  out in full or by the abbreviation "Rhod.", and the word "osmium" may be  applied by spelling it out in full or by the abbreviation "Osmi.".