160-DDD - Use of the fund.
§ 160-ddd. Use of the fund. Moneys deposited into the fund shall be used to provide benefits under the workers' compensation law, by purchase of a policy from the state insurance fund, or from a carrier licensed to write workers' compensation insurance to the extent permitted by section three thousand four hundred fifty-one of the insurance law, for livery drivers dispatched by independent livery bases, to provide benefits under the workers' compensation law for deaths of livery drivers arising out of and in the course of providing covered services, and all injuries arising out of and in the course of providing covered services either: (1) resulting from a crime against such livery driver as evidenced by a police report or (2) for the following conditions: (a) the amputation or loss of an arm, leg, hand, foot, multiple fingers, index finger, multiple toes, ear, or nose, (b) paraplegia or quadriplegia, or (c) total and permanent blindness or deafness. The provisions of the workers' compensation law shall govern any application for and the receipt of such benefits.