160-M - Nonresident certification and licensing.

§ 160-m. Nonresident  certification  and licensing. 1. Every applicant  for certification or licensing under this article who is not a  resident  of  this  state  shall submit, with the application for certification or  license, an irrevocable consent that service of process upon him or  her  may  be made by delivery of the process to the secretary of state if, in  an action against the applicant in a court of this state arising out  of  the  applicant's  activities as a state certified real estate appraiser,  or a state licensed real estate appraiser, the plaintiff cannot, in  the  exercise of due diligence, effect personal service upon the applicant.    2.  When  a nonresident of this state, certified or licensed under the  laws of his resident state, the certification and licensing  process  of  which  has  not  been  disapproved  by the appraisal subcommittee of the  federal financial institutions examination council, does not maintain an  office for providing appraisal services to clients in  this  state,  and  has complied with subdivision one of this section, such nonresident may,  upon  recommendation  of the board, pursuant to such temporary licensing  rules or regulations as the board may promulgate, provide  certified  or  licensed  appraisals. No temporary certificate or license shall be valid  for a duration greater than one year after the date of issue. Any person  performing, or seeking to perform, federally related appraisals shall be  liable for, and pay, all fees, rated proportionately, which would  apply  to such person were he or she a resident of this state.    3.  A  nonresident of this state who has complied with subdivision one  of  this  section,  but  who  does  not  qualify  for  treatment   under  subdivision  two  of  this  section, may obtain a certificate as a state  certified real estate appraiser or a license as a  state  licensed  real  estate  appraiser  by  conformity  to all the provisions of this article  relating to state certified or licensed real estate appraisers.    4. The board shall recognize on a temporary basis the certification or  license of an appraiser issued by another state pursuant to section 1122  of  Title  XI  of  the  Financial  Institutions  Reform,  Recovery,  and  Enforcement  Act  of  1989,  Pub.  Law. No. 101-73, 103 Stat. 183 (1989)  (codified at 12 U.S.C. 331 et seq.).