160-H - Licenses and certifications.

§ 160-h.  Licenses  and certifications. 1. There shall be one class of  license for state licensed real estate appraiser assistants,  one  class  of  license for state licensed real estate appraisers and two classes of  certification for state certified real estate appraisers. The classes of  certification shall be state certified residential real estate appraiser  and state certified general  real  estate  appraiser.  The  board  shall  prescribe  the  scope  of  practice for each license and both classes of  certification, provided, however, that in no event shall  the  scope  of  practice  prescribed  by  the  board  be  less than the minimum criteria  established by the  Appraisal  Subcommittee  of  the  Federal  Financial  Institutions Examination Council or by the Appraiser Qualification Board  of  the Appraisal Foundation as referred to in title XI of the Financial  Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989.    2. The application for original certification and  recertification  or  original  license  and renewal of license, and examination shall specify  whether it is for a license  or  certification  being  applied  for  and  previously  granted.  If the application is for a license or renewal, it  shall specify for what class of license the application is  being  made.  If  the  application is for a certification or recertification, it shall  specify for what class of certification the application is being made.