159-K - Monitoring and evaluation.

* § 159-k.  Monitoring  and evaluation. 1. The secretary shall monitor  and evaluate the use  of  community  services  block  grant  funds  made  available  pursuant  to  this article by the recipients of such funds in  order to evaluate the performance of such recipients. Evaluations  shall  include, but not be limited to:    (a)   determining  the  effectiveness  of  recipients'  administrative  operations, organizational structure,  planning  and  programming,  self  evaluation, and general decision making; and    (b)  reviewing  the  recipients' compliance with federal and state law  and regulation.    2.  For  purposes  of  evaluations  conducted  under   this   section,  recipients shall make available to the secretary, or any duly authorized  officer  or  employee  of  the department, appropriate books, documents,  papers and records for examination, copying or  mechanical  reproduction  on  or  off  the  premises  of  the  recipient upon a reasonable request  therefor.    * NB Expires September 30, 2011