159-J - Local share.

* § 159-j.  Local  share. Each recipient of funds shall secure a local  share equivalent to twenty-five percent of federal funds received  under  the  community  services block grant. Such local share may be in cash or  in kind, fairly evaluated including but not limited  to  donated  plant,  equipment  and  services.  The  secretary  may waive all or part of this  requirement upon an application made and upon good cause  shown  by  the  recipient.    * NB Effective until September 30, 2011    * § 159-j.  Local  share.  Each  recipient agency shall secure a local  share equivalent to twenty-five percent of federal funds received  under  the  community  services block grant. Such local share may be in cash or  in kind, fairly evaluated including but not limited  to  donated  plant,  equipment  and  services.  The  secretary  may waive all or part of this  requirement upon an application made and upon good cause  shown  by  the  recipient agency.    * NB Effective and expires September 30, 2011