146 - Publication of certain public notices.

§ 146. Publication  of  certain  public  notices. 1. The department of  state shall publish, pursuant to the schedule  in  section  one  hundred  forty-seven  of  this  article,  a  publication to be known as the state  register, in which shall be published from time to time as  received  by  such department:    (a)  rules,  orders,  designations, and notices submitted by the chief  administrator of the courts;    (b) notices and advertisements required by state  statute  or  federal  law, rule or regulation to be published by an agency in a newspaper;    (c)  notices  required  by  statute  to  be published in newspapers in  actions against foreign corporations;    (d)  notices  and  job  impact  statements  required  by   the   state  administrative procedure act to be published in the state register; and    (e)  any other matter required by statute to be published in the state  register.    2. The secretary of state may, at his discretion, publish in the state  register any notice or information which is not  otherwise  required  by  statute  to  be  submitted to him by an agency or public corporation for  publication in the state register, in instances where  such  publication  will serve the public interest.    3.  With regard to rule making notices required to be published in the  state register pursuant to  article  two  of  the  state  administrative  procedure  act,  the  secretary of state may, at his discretion, publish  the complete text of a proposed or adopted rule, which is not  otherwise  required  to be published in the state register, in instances where such  publication will serve the public interest.    4. With regard to a notice of adoption published in the state register  pursuant to article two of the state administrative procedure  act,  for  which  the corresponding notice of proposed rule making published in the  state register included the complete text of the rule, the secretary  of  state  may,  at his discretion, include only the changes in such text in  the notice of adoption.    4-a. Notice of the availability of any state or federal funding  which  is to be distributed by any agency upon application by any municipality,  school  board, school district, not-for-profit organization or any other  individual or organization entitled to apply for such  funding  pursuant  to  any law, rule or regulation governing the distribution of such funds  shall be published in the state register. Such notice  shall  appear  in  the  register  no  later  than forty-five days prior to the last day for  receipt of applications for such funding.   Such  notice  shall  not  be  required:  (i)  whenever  a notice has been published in the procurement  opportunities newsletter pursuant to  article  four-C  of  the  economic  development  law;  (ii) for state or federal transportation funding; and  (iii)  in  those  instances  where  an  entity  has  been   specifically  designated  by law or legislative resolution to receive funding. Failure  to publish the notice in a timely  manner  shall  not  be  a  basis  for  setting aside an award or challenging a contract or other legal claim.    5. The publication of notices and advertisements in the state register  shall  be  additional  to  their  publication  in  newspapers,  whenever  publication in newspapers is required by statute.    6.  The  secretary  of  state  shall  promulgate  rules   establishing  procedure,  forms,  font  and  style  for  submission of material by any  person, agency or  public  corporation  for  publication  in  the  state  register.