74 - Welfare inspector general.

§ 74. Welfare  inspector  general. 1. Definitions. For the purposes of  this section, the following definitions shall apply:    a. "Inspector" means the welfare inspector  general  created  by  this  section.    b.  "Investigation"  means, investigations of fraud, abuse, or illegal  acts perpetrated within the  department  of  social  services  or  local  social  services  districts,  or  by contractees or recipients of public  assistance services as provided by the department of social services.    c. "Office" means the office of the welfare inspector general  created  by this section.    2.  a.  There  is  hereby  created in the department of law within the  office of the deputy attorney general  for  medicaid  fraud  control  an  office  of  welfare inspector general.   The head of the office shall be  the welfare inspector general, who shall be appointed by  the  governor,  by and with the advice and consent of the senate.    b.  The  inspector shall serve for a term of five years unless removed  by the governor for neglect or malfeasance in office, and  may  also  be  removed  for  neglect  or  malfeasance  by  the  senate  upon  a vote of  two-thirds of its members. An inspector removed from office may  not  be  reappointed to such office.    c.  The  inspector  may  not be employed with the department of social  services during his employment with the office or within two years after  terminating employment with the office.    3. Functions, duties and responsibilities. The  inspector  shall  have  the following functions, duties and responsibilities:    a.  to appoint such deputies, directors, assistants and other officers  and employees as may be needed for the performance of his duties and may  prescribe their powers and fix their  compensation  within  the  amounts  appropriated therefor;    b. to conduct and supervise investigations relating to the programs of  the  department of social services and, to the greatest extent possible,  to coordinate such activities  with  the  deputy  attorney  general  for  medicaid  fraud  control,  the  commissioner  of  social  services,  the  commissioner of health, the commissioner of education, the fiscal  agent  employed  to operate the medicaid management information system, and the  state comptroller;    c.  to  keep  the  governor,  attorney  general,  state   comptroller,  president pro tem and minority leader of the senate, the speaker and the  minority  and  majority  leaders  of the assembly, apprised of fraud and  abuse;    d. to prosecute fraud, abuse or illegal acts  perpetrated  within  the  department  of social services or local social services districts, or by  contractees or recipients of public assistance services;    e. to make information and evidence relating to criminal acts which he  may obtain in carrying out  his  duties  available  to  appropriate  law  enforcement  officials  and  to consult with the deputy attorney general  for medicaid fraud control and local district  attorneys  to  coordinate  investigations and criminal prosecutions;    f.  to  subpoena  witnesses,  administer  oaths  or affirmations, take  testimony and compel the production of such books, papers,  records  and  documents  as  he may deem to be relevant to an investigation undertaken  pursuant to this section;    g. to monitor  the  implementation  by  the  relevant  office  of  his  recommendations and those of other investigative agencies;    h.  to  recommend policies relating to the prevention and detection of  fraud and abuse or the identification and prosecution of participants in  such fraud or abuse; andi. to receive complaints  of  alleged  failures  of  state  and  local  officials to prevent, detect and prosecute fraud and abuse.    4.  Cooperation  of  agency officials and employees. a. In addition to  the authority otherwise provided by  this  section,  the  inspector,  in  carrying out the provisions of this section, is authorized:    (i)  to  have  full  and  unrestricted access to all records, reports,  audits, reviews, documents, papers, recommendations  or  other  material  available to the department of social services and local social services  districts  relating to programs and operations with respect to which the  inspector has responsibilities under this section;    (ii) to make such investigations relating to the administration of the  programs and operations of the department of social services as are,  in  the judgment of the inspector, necessary or desirable; and    (iii) to request such information, assistance and cooperation from any  federal,   state   or  local  governmental  department,  board,  bureau,  commission, or other agency or unit thereof  as  may  be  necessary  for  carrying  out  the duties and responsibilities enjoined upon him by this  section. State and local agencies or units thereof are hereby authorized  and directed to provide such information, assistance and cooperation.    b. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, rule or  regulation  to  the  contrary, no person shall prevent, seek to prevent, interfere with,  obstruct or otherwise hinder any investigation being conducted  pursuant  to  this  section. Section one hundred thirty-six of the social services  law shall in no way be construed to restrict any person or  governmental  body  from  cooperating  and assisting the inspector or his employees in  carrying out their duties under this  section.  Any  violation  of  this  paragraph  shall  constitute cause for suspension or removal from office  or employment.    5. Establishment period.  The  governor  shall  nominate  the  initial  inspector  as  soon  as  is practicable but in no event later than sixty  days after the effective date of this section.    6. Reports required of the inspector. The inspector  shall,  no  later  than  February  first  of  each  year  submit to the governor, the state  comptroller,  the  attorney  general  and  the  legislature   a   report  summarizing  the  activities of the office during the preceding calendar  year.    7. Disclosure of information. a.  The  inspector  shall  not  publicly  disclose information which is:    (i) a part of any ongoing investigation; or    (ii) specifically prohibited from disclosure by any other provision of  law.    b.  Notwithstanding  paragraph a of this subdivision, any report under  this section may be disclosed to the public in  a  form  which  includes  information  with respect to a part of an ongoing criminal investigation  if such information has been included in a public record.